Ice Cream Social, 8/25

All ages are invited to join us for a cold treat on the Fellowship lawn on August 25th at 7 PM.

Find out what’s coming up in RE for adults, families, children, and youth in the year ahead. Meet members of the RE Council and special teams. Catch up with old friends and maybe even meet your new Fellowship bestie over a cold treat!

We’ll have gluten-free and vegan options available, as well as board games to share.

While registration at this link is not mandatory, it would be super helpful as we made purchasing decisions for this gathering!

See you there!

August Youth Event, 8/25

All Fellowship 7th-12th graders and their friends are invited to the annual youth river reunion, to collaborate as a team and connect deeply over some wild water fun. This event is the perfect time for our new youth to get to know their group and advisors for the year ahead, so we hope to see you there!

More details can be found on the event registration page. Please register by August 11th.

Lemonade & Playground, 7/21

Join Skyla on the RE playground deck on July 21st at 11:45!

Your kids have been missing the playground and I am looking for feedback about your family’s RE experience as we plan for the upcoming year, so let’s meet up on the playground for lemonade! The kids can play while parents share how the RE programs have been supporting their families and ways we could improve the experience when we are able to return to regular Sunday morning offerings for children and youth. 

No need to register. Just come and play, sip, and share!

Support Groups for Parents and Parents of Adult Children

Parenting is hard, no matter your stage in life. It can be made needlessly harder if you’re doing it without a village. In an effort to create a scaffolding of support for families of every age, we would like to gauge interest in two distinct support spaces:

  1. A peer support group for parents of children and youth (with the possibility of breaking into sub groups by age) and
  2. a peer support group for parents of adult children.

If there is sufficient interest in either of these groups, we will start with a 3 month initial commitment. At the end of that time, we can assess whether the group would like to continue through the church year or consider making this a regular summer support group. These groups are intended to help parents in all phases of life strengthen their web of mutual support, not as a substitute for qualified mental health care. 

If you are interested in a parent support group, or a group for parents with adult children, please fill out one of the following surveys.

Fill out a Parent Support Group Interest Survey

Fill out a Parents With Adult Children Group Interest Survey

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to Skyla King-Christison if you have any questions!

Family Night at the Ballpark! 7/28

5:00 PM at Goss Stadium (on OSU Campus)

Bring the whole family to the ballpark on July 28th and sit with your UU friends! This is a fun, laid-back place to get to know the other families in our community while your kids scream-sing along with Journey at the top of their lungs. If you’re not a family, but you want to get to know our families, come sit with us! All are welcome! 

The game starts at 5 at Goss Stadium (on OSU campus). Purchase your General Admission tickets in advance or at the ticket booth, and we will meet inside in section 2. PLEASE REGISTER to let us know how much space we should save and to receive a text if our seating location necessarily changes at the last minute. If fewer than 3 families register, we will cancel this event via text.

If you have children or youth who would like to attend, but the cost is an obstacle, please contact Skyla ( and we’ll get you taken care of. 

UUA Common Read Book Group 7/15-8/5

Mondays July 15-August 5th, 11-12:30 on the social hall deck.

The 2023-34 UU Common Read is On Repentance and Repair: Making Amends in an Unapologetic World (Beacon Press, 2022).

This Common Read offers a glimpse into one of our faith’s foundational sources, Judaism. Readers follow the author, Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg, into a framework for making amends offered by the 12th century Jewish physician and scholar, Maimonides.

Written for people of any or no faith tradition, On Repentance and Repair introduces practices for accountability that can bring us into wholeness and make a difference in our personal, community, and national relationships.

This 4-part book discussion is offered as a brown bag lunch series, so bring your lunch and join us on the back deck for discussion.

Session 1: Meet Maimonides

Session 2: Repentance and Repair in Our Lives and Relationships 

Workshop 3: Repentance and Repair in Our Covenanted Communities 

Workshop 4: Repentance and Repair to Transform Our World 

Contact Skyla King-Christison with questions or if you need assistance with the purchase of the book.

Downsizing and Simplifying for Seniors 6/5

Presentation by: Jesse G. of Queen B Organizing

Wednesday, June 5, 3-5 pm in the UUFC Sanctuary

Gather insight and information on how to move through the life-transitions of downsizing or trying to live more simply. Jesse will cover several aspects of these major steps:

  • Planning the setup of your future space
  • Exercises to simplify the sorting process, ex. “Plan of Attack”
  • Touch on emotional dynamics of decision making with belongings
  • Establishing support systems for moving and downsizing needs
  • And much more!

Feeling social? We’ll provide the form that makes it easy to be a host for a group social activity! Picnics? Games? Walking? Puzzles? Movies? You name it! Be sure to sign up at the June 5 meeting.

Come join us to create positive experiences for this time of life!

Hosted by the Aging Successfully in Community team, a part of the RE council.

Senior citizens with moving boxes

Children in Worship Discussion 6/2 & 6/19

The RE Council will be hosting 2 post-sermon discussions for you to ask questions, voice concerns and ideas, and hear about the approach to multigenerational worship that we will be experimenting with this summer.

These will take place on June 2nd and 19th after the service in the sanctuary. Grab a cup of tea and come catch the vision for a summer of beautiful multigenerational worship!

You can read more about the specific changes coming to RE to help you prepare for our conversation!

RE Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon 6/9

We couldn’t offer the awesome programming and community-building opportunities for our children and youth that we do if not for our tireless team of volunteers. Did you know that it takes approximately 34 volunteers to keep our Religious Exploration programs up and running? That’s a lot of people contributing their time and energy to the care and development of our tiniest beloveds!

All RE Volunteers from the Grandfolks Squad, Nursery Care Team, Spirit Play Guides, Youth Advisors, and RE Council members are invited to attend a luncheon in Rooms 6 B&C at 11:45 on June 9th. Register HERE to help us prepare.

Parents, it would be lovely if you would sign up to contribute an item to the luncheon for those who care for our littles throughout the church year. Signups for food contributions can be accessed HERE!

If you have any questions about attending or contributing, contact Skyla (

Family Picnic 5/26

Whole Family Hike and Picnic

Nursery, Spirit Play, and YRUU families are invited to a hike and picnic with Rev. Jill and Skyla after the service on May 26th. Please REGISTER HERE!

We’ll depart from UUFC at 11:45 and meet at the Fitton Green trailhead (parking is limited, so carpooling is encouraged) and make the short hike out to the viewpoint to eat together. This is a great chance for parents and siblings to get to know one another. 

Bring your own picnic lunch, sunscreen, and water bottle. The hike is short, the view is great, and the company will be greater!

If we have fewer than 3 families register, we will cancel the event and notify registered participants via email.

Direct questions to Skyla at