Leadership Supper. 9/20

Our first Leadership Supper of the year, this coming Friday, is for all leaders of teams, councils, projects, events and the Board. We’ll focus on Council structure and communication, facilitation, and coordination of work and events. All leaders are needed and welcome. Please plan to attend. Supper provided by the Committee on Ministry and friends.

Buildings and Grounds Planning – Session 2, 9/14

Many thanks to all who participated in the first session of this planning process, which aims to create a 3-5 year plan for our Fellowship Buildings and Grounds. The second session will take place on Saturday Sept. 14, from 9-11AM. Attend again, attend for the first time, or send an email to Jill McAllister with your ideas and hopes for our campus, to be incorporated into a strategic plan.

If you have ideas or opinions, now is the time to share them!

All are welcome.

Emma’s Revolution UUFC Concert, 9/21

UU Singer/ Songwriters Sandy O and Pat Humphries are returning to the Fellowship for an evening of both new and beloved songs about justice, compassion and right relations. Sandy and Pat are favorites of many UU congregations and General Assemblies.

Tickets are $18 in advance and $22 at the door. Please join us, and invite your friends!


Register Now – UUFC Men’s Retreat, 10/25-27

Registration is now open for the 20th Annual UUFC Men’s Retreat, from Friday, October 25 (5 PM) through Sunday, October 27 (1 PM).

This is an opportunity for those who identify as men to get to know other men at UUFC, give yourself a respite from the daily routines, and enjoy time for personal reflection. We’ll be at the Menucha Retreat Center overlooking the Columbia Gorge in Corbett. Through large and small groups, singing, time in nature, and play time in the evening, we’ll connect with one another and get to know each other better.

Our theme this year is: “Building Authentic Connections”

For questions, the contact planning committee members:

Alan Kirk, Nick Houtman, Jeff Martin, or JF Benoist

Contact Us

2024 Women’s Retreat: Registration is Open!

The 2024 Women’s Retreat will be October 18 & 19 at the Fellowship. This year’s theme is “Resilience: Build Your Own Toolkit”. The Retreat will run from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm on Friday night and 9:00 am to 8:00 pm on Saturday. Please register by October 6.

The cost of our retreat – including a Forks & Corks catered lunch and dinner, snacks, and materials – is $50.

To contact the Retreat Planning Team, please email: womensretreat@uucorvallis.org