Sunday Services
This Week:
“Deep Energies Of Life: Wisdom of Imbolc” 1/26/2025
Here at the mid-point between Solstice and Equinox, here at the frontier of new assaults on freedom and democracy, here in the stirring of the season of new life, we can find wisdom and inspiration for how to live now by considering the ancient traditions of Imbolc. The life force is moving and growing as always, in many unseen ways. It is the creative force in everything that is getting ready to be born, sprout, bud and grow. What practices and perspectives can help us as we aim and strive to help life, justice, and freedom emerge?
With the Wheel of the Year team and Rev. Jill McAllister
Services This Month
Jan. 5 “Why Religion Matters, Now” Rev. Jill McAllister
Jan. 12 “Janus: Looking Back and Ahead” Rev. Jill McAllister
Jan. 19 “The Most Dangerous Man in America” Rev. Jill McAllister
Jan. 26 Wheel of the Year: Imbolc
From the Minister
Between Us
The expected shift has happened this week in our country, and it feels like a tidal wave is moving. Already the lives and safety of so many people are at stake and in danger. It is a time to let go of many of our wants and needs, and build more courage and more skills for showing up for the values freedom, justice, peace, compassion, inclusion, sustainability and so much more. It is a time to remove obstacles to our flexibility and equanimity. It is time to let go of many expectations and entitlements, and consider anew what is important and what is not.
There will be many opportunities to raise our voices and be present with and for others, to sign on and join in and show up. We are need of a Rapid Response team, folks who are able and willing to help prioritize the many opportunities, according to our mission and goals. If you are interested in serving as part of such a team, please let me know as soon as you can.
Meanwhile, we are navigating the many changes in Fellowship life due to the renovation work. Details and questions arise every day! Who to ask? For room use reservations, please contact Priscilla Galasso, secretary@uufc.org. For renovation project questions, contact Brian Egan at uurep@uucorvallis.org. For questions on sharing space (especially use of the Social Hall and/or Kitchen on evenings or weekends) please contact Ginny Gibson.
As always, for any and all other questions, I am happy to respond as best I can. (minister@uucorvallis.org)
This Week at UUFC
Person to person sharing about Monday’s Festival, 1/26
Wow! If you attended the Festival of Resistance last Monday, you know it was “A Happening”. So much…
RE Volunteer Cafe
All Volunteers who serve in RE in any capacity — whether you lead a Sunday morning class, facilitate…
Connect Up Hike, 1/25
We will meet at the Finley Wildlife Refuge office/Nature Store parking lot @ 9:45 AM and start hiking…
Leadership Supper, 1/30
Thursday Jan. 30, 6 PMAll leaders of teams, councils, committees, events, task forces, plus Board members and all…
Justice Theatre Auditions, 1/27-1/28
It’s time to audition for the yearly Justice Theatre @ the UUFC production! This year, we’re doing George…
Rapid Response – Beginning Now
(This is the first of what will likely be many opportunities for Fellowship members and friends to raise…
Building Renovation Project Update – Week of 1/26
Asbestos testing procedures were carried out and results showed asbestos in several rooms, so work will be done…
Cluster Overnight for Youth! RSVP by 2/5 for Event on 2/15
WHO? All registered 6-12th graders WHAT and WHERE? Youth overnight event at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Eugene…
Benefit the Fellowship by Linking Your Fred Meyer Card!
Here’s an easy way to benefit the Fellowship. Link your Fred Meyers Rewards Card to the Fellowship and…
Cold Weather Shelter in Corvallis on Nights Below 32 degrees!
Local non-profit “Faith, Hope and Charity” will find evening sleeping rooms for unhoused singles, couples, and families in…
Outreach Offering for January
We Care is a local coalition of faith communities, businesses, foundations and other non-profit organizations which provides emergency…
Help Create a Household Lending Library
When we lived on Bainbridge Island we were part of a HOUSEHOLD LENDING LIBRARY. For example, I currently…
Plan Ahead
Just Hire Some Help! How? 2/5
Join us for the this program presented by the Aging Successfully Together in Community team, on Feb. 5.…
The “Events Calendar” has all of the events except for outside rentals and private meetings. If you want to see ALL the events including events not open to the public, try the ROOM USE CALENDAR.
Connect Up Hike
* 9:45 AM - 12:00 PM
*Off Site
Connect Up Hike
Jan 25, 2025
start time: 9:45 AM
end time: 12:00 PM
location: Off Site
description: We will meet at the Finley Wildlife Refuge office/Nature Store parking lot @ 9:45 AM and start hiking @10:00 AM. (26208 Finley Refuge Road, Corvallis.) This hike features two loops: the Woodpecker Loop Trail AND the Mill Hill Loop Trail at Finley Wildlife Refuge, with the Tie Trail connecting them. As always, you can choose your own adventure and do what works for you. The Woodpecker Loop Trail is ADA accessible. Total hiking distance is approx. 5 miles. Total elevation gain is approx. 500 feet. Directions: From Corvallis, drive south on 99W and turn right onto Finley Road. Go 3.8 miles to the Office/Nature Store parking lot. Or go south on Bellfountain Road to the west entrance of Finley Road, turn left and follow the signs to the Office/Nature Store. NO DOGS allowed at the Refuge. CARPOOLING IS ENCOURAGED. (Priscilla Galasso will be at the UUFC parking lot at 9:00) BRING WATER.
Volunteer Cafe
* 8:45 AM - 9:45 AM
Volunteer Cafe
Jan 26, 2025
start time: 8:45 AM
end time: 9:45 AM
location: Library
description: A monthly space for RE volunteers to enjoy a warm drink, connect with fellow volunteers, and share RE-related ideas with Skyla. Cappuccinos, lattes, hot chocolate, and tea will be available while we chat.
4th Sunday of each month in the library from 8:45 to 9:45.
Sunday Service
* 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
*Kitchen, Sanctuary, Social Hall, UUFC Zoom
Sunday Service
Jan 26, 2025
start time: 10:00 AM
end time: 11:00 AM
location: Kitchen, Sanctuary, Social Hall, UUFC Zoom
Sunday Worship Service in the sanctuary.
The service is also available on Zoom.
Go to uucorvallis.org for the Zoom link and more information about worship.
Rise, Resist Festival Follow Up Share Enthusiasm
* 11:45 AM - 12:45 PM
Rise, Resist Festival Follow Up Share Enthusiasm
Jan 26, 2025
start time: 11:45 AM
end time: 12:45 PM
location: Sanctuary
description: Share stories and enthusiasm from the Rise, Resist, Love, Create Festival on MLK Day. If you couldn't attend, please join us anyway
Men's Gathering
* 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Men's Gathering
Jan 26, 2025
start time: 12:00 PM
end time: 1:30 PM
location: Sanctuary
description: Men's Gathering. Meet in the Gallery area of the Sanctuary.
Vegan Potluck, WFPB
* 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
*Kitchen, Social Hall, Kitchen, Social Hall
Vegan Potluck, WFPB
Jan 26, 2025
start time: 5:30 PM
end time: 7:30 PM
location: Kitchen, Social Hall, Kitchen, Social Hall
Monthly Vegan Potluck - Everyone Welcome! Bring a dish to share with others who are learning to eat in a healthy, climate friendly way. Include grains, beans, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, herbs & spices. Leave out the animal flesh, fluids, and unborn young.
Try it! You'll like it!
Need more info? call Ann Marchant
Buddhist meditation
* 3:30 PM - 4:15 PM
*Off Site
Buddhist meditation
Jan 27, 2025
start time: 3:30 PM
end time: 4:15 PM
location: Off Site
Meditation, dharma teaching, and discussion. Beginners welcome.
Takes place at the Sangha Jewel Zen Center (next door) and on zoom
For more information and weekly zoom link, contact Mary Leigh Burke.
Justice Theatre
* 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Justice Theatre
Jan 27, 2025
start time: 7:00 PM
end time: 9:00 PM
location: Sanctuary
Open auditions for this year
Mid-Valley Health Care Advocates
* 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
*Social Hall
Mid-Valley Health Care Advocates
Jan 27, 2025
start time: 7:00 PM
end time: 8:30 PM
location: Social Hall
Mid-Valley Health Care Advocates is working to create Universal Health Care for all residents of Oregon... We are a 501C3 non-profit. These meetings are educational as well as informational. We always have a special guest speaker.
Virtual Coffee Hour
* 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM
*UUFC Zoom
Virtual Coffee Hour
Jan 28, 2025
start time: 1:30 PM
end time: 2:30 PM
location: UUFC Zoom
Join us on Zoom for a weekly checking-in which includes sharing of joys and sorrows, plus the Compassion Prayer.
Contact: Mary Craven
Justice Theatre
* 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
*Social Hall
Justice Theatre
Jan 28, 2025
start time: 7:00 PM
end time: 9:00 PM
location: Social Hall
Open auditions for this year
Choir Rehearsal
* 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Choir Rehearsal
Jan 29, 2025
start time: 7:00 PM
end time: 8:00 PM
location: Sanctuary
Mindful Awareness
* 7:00 PM - 7:45 PM
*UUFC Zoom
Mindful Awareness
Jan 29, 2025
start time: 7:00 PM
end time: 7:45 PM
location: UUFC Zoom
description: We gather together to build our attentional skills and to develop resources for resilience. There will be guided and independent practice portions, both suitable for beginner and experienced meditators.
more information
Leadership Supper
* 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM
*Social Hall, Kitchen
Leadership Supper
Jan 30, 2025
start time: 6:00 PM
end time: 8:30 PM
location: Social Hall, Kitchen
description: All leaders of teams, councils, committees, and events, and all interested in Fellowship leadership, are invited to come share supper and conversation about current activities and needs.
Staffing Meeting
* 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Staffing Meeting
Jan 31, 2025
start time: 12:00 PM
end time: 3:00 PM
location: 6A
description: None
CommUnity Blessings with Kjersten Hallin (Kirtan)
* 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
CommUnity Blessings with Kjersten Hallin (Kirtan)
Jan 31, 2025
start time: 7:00 PM
end time: 8:30 PM
location: Sanctuary
description: Kjersten Hallin with CommUnity Blessings, Community Singing and Beauty Activism. Songs taught by ear, no experience necessary, all voices welcome.
Current Events
Cluster Overnight for Youth! RSVP by 2/5 for Event on 2/15
WHO? All registered 6-12th graders WHAT and WHERE? Youth overnight event at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Eugene WHEN? REGISTER…
RE Volunteer Cafe
All Volunteers who serve in RE in any capacity — whether you lead a Sunday morning class, facilitate one of…
January in RE!
It’s finally happening! The classroom wing is really, truly, actually closing this time. The doors are off most of the…
Parent Peer Support Group
Come find support and understanding in the context of a discussion topic and a light dinner with other parents. WHEN:6:30…
Family Breakfast is BACK!
Connect with other families while enjoying a chat and a warm breakfast together. Bring your friends and a breakfast item…
Neurodivergence & Mental Health Support Group, 3rd Sundays @ 11:45
3rd Sunday of each month @11:45 This group for mutual support in the realm of living with neurodivergence or mental…
Mark your calendars for fun! Bring a friend! All registered youth in grades 6-12 are invited to join us for…
Faith Formation Toolkit
Maybe you’ve got an awesome minister (If you’re at UUFC, you do! ☑️), and a caring Religious Exploration team (Lucky you! You’ve got that too!☑️), and excellent friends and family support (I sure hope you do! ?). Did you know that even with all that, parents and grandparents are still a child’s first and most influential spiritual guides? Yes, YOU! You’re the biggest factor in your child’s spiritual growth and development. How cool (and maybe scary) is that?
In an effort to support families as they raise faithful and spiritually grounded children, we offer you the Family Faith Formation Toolkit with you! On the 4th Sunday of each month, I’ll be adding a new tool to our toolkit below. Each tool will come with resources and practical ideas for how to explore matters of the spirit with your family, and grow in confidence as a spiritual leader. As always, if you have immediate needs relating to your family’s faith formation, I’m available to chat. Just reach out to dre@uucorvallis.org to set up a time.
From the DRE
Free Book for Families
With the return of the Our Whole Lives program (OWL) for middle school, conversations are bubbling up all around the Fellowship about how we were taught (or not taught) about relationships and our bodies. Most often they center on how we want to do better for the next generation than was done for us. While we do not have the volunteer power, at this time, to offer OWL for younger ages, parents of elementary aged children are not without resources.
I am pleased to share that beginning in January, we will have several offerings for parents as they navigate questions about changing bodies, relationships, and identities.
- Free copies of It’s Perfectly Normal are available to any Fellowship family that requests one.
- A limited supply of smaller resources like the Askable Parent pamphlet will be available in the library.
- Beyond reading materials, now you are able to check out a set of anatomically correct dolls that are complete with pubic hair, working wombs, and other surprising details.
We want our parents to feel well supported, not just with peer groups and pastoral care, but with concrete resources that you can access as the need arises. To receive a copy of It’s Perfectly Normal, ask questions about the check out process, or share ideas about other supportive resources we should add to our library, email me at dre@uucorvallis.org or find me on a Sunday morning so we can chat.
Pride Party 2024, 6/29
5-7 PM, Social Hall Pride is a joyful celebration of all of the beautiful identities of our LGBTQ+ community. The UUFC Sexuality and Gender Diversity Justice Team invites all UUFC friends to join us for… full post
Queerly Beloved 5/19/24
Sunday, May 19th in the UUFC Social Hall 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm This month, we’ll have a casual potluck and some icebreaker games, hosted by Ginny and Linda! Come and get to know your… full post
Film: Where Can We Live in Peace?, 5/18
Saturday, May 18, 3:00 – 4:30 pm in the UUFC Social Hall Award-winning Canadian film maker Judy Jackson brings the moving story of the ABBA House migrant shelter in Celaya, Mexico. Founded by Pastor Ignacio… full post
Faith-based climate action this week, 3/3/2024
Good News Climate-action Opportunities Of Note Save the Date Democracy Action Team: > First week of March: Letters will be ready. VoteFwd.org. > Letter Writing: Sun 10 Mar, 1:45 PM, (after the Action Lunch), UUFC… full post
Spring Luncheon 3/30 – Cancelled
This event has been cancelled. The Secure Housing and Food For All team and Ernest Cardona invite you to join us for a Spring Celebration Luncheon on Saturday, March 30th , 2024 at 1:00 p.m.… full post
Justice Outreach for February
Our outreach offerings in February will support Unity Shelter, a local non-profit organization which provides emergency shelter and transitional housing, plus wrap around services for people who are without safe housing or shelter. Unity Shelter’s… full post
Secure Housing and Food for All
The Secure Housing and Food for All team appreciates and thanks everyone who contributed money to We Care last month. If you are interested in working with We Care, please take a look at their… full post
Justice Theatre Auditions
Justice Theatre auditions are this Monday and Tuesday, January 29th and 30th, at 7pm in the social hall. No acting experience necessary! LGBTQ+ performers are particularly invited to audition. full post
EDI Book Discussion 1-29
Monday, January 29th, 7:00 pm on Zoom. With the current controversy around the need for reparations, the UUA common read, On Repentance and Repair, Making Amends in an Unapologetic World, by Danya Ruttenberg offers us… full post
Secure Housing and Food For All Meeting, 1/21
The Secure Housing and Food for All Justice Team is meeting this Sunday 1/21 at 11:30 in the Gallery of the sanctuary. (okay to bring in coffee). Information about the Warming Centers open the past… full post
Difficult Conversations: The University’s Role in Restoring Civic Dialogue with Drs. Robert George and Cornel West
Jan 22nd, 7-8:30 PM, at LaSells EDI would like to invite you to an opportunity to attend a special event at LaSells, focusing on civil discourse and “difficult conversations” —an area of deep concern for… full post
Action Lunch is Back! 3/10
An Action Lunch is a light lunch provided by volunteers, after a Sunday service, usually to support some aspect of our justice and outreach work. We haven’t had one in a long time, until now!… full post
Secure Housing and Food For All Meeting, 1/21
The Secure Housing and Food for All Justice Team is meeting this Sunday 1/21 at 11:30 in the Gallery of the sanctuary. (okay to bring in coffee). Information about the Warming Centers open the past… full post
EDI Book Discussion 1-29
Monday, January 29th, 7:00 pm on Zoom. With the current controversy around the need for reparations, the UUA common read, On Repentance and Repair, Making Amends in an Unapologetic World, by Danya Ruttenberg offers us… full post
Faith-based climate action this week, 1/7/2024
Good News Climate-action Opportunities Of Note Save the Date Climate Action Opportunities: We track (row 25) the number of clicks on the respond link for each suggested climate-action opportunity. The climate-action opportunity tracking results (an… full post
From the “Secure Housing and Food for All” Team
We hope you all had a joyful holiday season. Thank you very much for sharing your time and effort to help the people of Corvallis who are struggling each day to survive by donating warm… full post
Justice Outreach Offering in January – NAACP
For the month of January our Justice Outreach offering will benefit the Linn Benton NAACP. The NAACP works to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate… full post
Queerly Beloved 1/21
Sunday, January 21st at 4:00 pm in Room 7 We meet monthly on the 3rd Sunday in the afternoon. Join LGBTQ+ folx and allies for social gatherings centered on queer issues and themes. We understand… full post
From the “Secure Housing and Food for All” Team
We hope you all had a joyful holiday season. Thank you very much for sharing your time and effort to help the people of Corvallis who are struggling each day to survive by donating warm… full post
Justice Outreach Offering in January – NAACP
For the month of January our Justice Outreach offering will benefit the Linn Benton NAACP. The NAACP works to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate… full post
Justice Outreach Offering
We Care is a local coalition of faith communities, businesses, foundations and other non-profit organizations which provides emergency assistance for Benton County residents. Each week, We Care helps people pay for rent, utilities, and other expenses to prevent evictions and homelessness or the shut-off of water or electricity. The Fellowship has long been a supporting partner.
Donations can be made in person on Sundays, or through the online collection basket.
“Deep Energies Of Life: Wisdom of Imbolc” 1/26/2025
Here at the mid-point between Solstice and Equinox, here at the frontier of new assaults on freedom and democracy, here in the stirring of the season of new life, we can find wisdom and inspiration… full post
“The Most Dangerous Man In America” 1/19/25
The list of current choices for this label is long – where do we begin? Sadly, it was used for a person who was dedicated to freedom, equity, and love, who helped shine more light… full post
“Janus: Looking Back and Ahead ” 1/12/25
One the Roman calendar, the foundation for the Gregorian calendar we now use, every January was a crossroads between past and future – the end of the old year and the beginning of the new.… full post
Sunday Services This Month
Jan. 5 “Why Religion Matters, Now” Rev. Jill McAllisterJan. 12 “Janus: Looking Back and Ahead” Rev. Jill McAllisterJan. 19 “The Most Dangerous Man in America” Rev. Jill McAllisterJan. 26 Wheel of the Year: Imbolc full post
“Why Religion Matters, Now” 1/5/25
Though arbitrary in many ways – calendars are human creations- the beginning of this new year feels momentous. Certainly we are called to continue to be present to the world in ever more careful and… full post
Holiday Brunch and Sharing 12/29/24
We are between and amidst winter holidays – Christmas and Yule, Hannukah, Kwanzaa, New Year’s. There is quiet observing, celebrating, gathering, resting and contemplation. We’ll gather on this last December Sunday for short worship service… full post
“Stories of Christmas” 12/22/24
From the first story – the birth story – have come millennia of stories about the origins of Christmas, the meanings of Christmas, the challenges and questions and problems with Christmas. Of Christmases past and… full post
“This Winter Season” 12/15/24
Each season brings its gifts, and challenges. Here is the unique beauty of the Pacific Northwest in winter – green and fog and cold. Here are the holidays of light and joy. Here is the… full post
“And Also, Joy” 12/8/2024
“We were made for joy and woe, and when this we rightly know, through the world we safely go” wrote William Blake. Join with the Fellowship Committee on Ministry this Sunday to consider this truth… full post
Blue Holidays Vesper Service, 12/16
Are you feeling the tender ache of absence as the winter holidays approach? Or perhaps feeling lonely, anxious or depressed? Join us for an online Blue Holidays Vesper Service, followed by an optional time of… full post
Services in December
Dec. 1 “Be Not Afraid” Rev. Jill McAllisterDec. 8 “Yes, Joy” Committee on MinistryDec. 15 “Wintering” UUFC Choir and ReadersDec. 16 Blue Holiday Vespers Susan Sanford and Rev. Leslie ChartierDec. 20 Winter Solstice Service Rev.… full post
“Be Not Afraid” 12/1/24
We enter into the traditional “Christmas Season” in the Christian tradition, with the first Sunday in Advent, Dec. 1. Part of that story, of Mary the mother of Jesus, is a common teaching that is… full post
“Connection, Gratitude, and Responsibility” 11/24/2024
The coming season is always a challenge, more and more each year. We find ourselves in-between in so many ways – between proclamations of peace and ongoing war, between holy days and (often mindless) accumulation,… full post
“Who Is My Neighbor?” 11/17/24
One of the great teachings, of Jesus and others, is to try to love your neighbor as yourself. And as soon as it was taught, the questions began. Does that mean all my neighbors? Even… full post
“The Great Mystery” 11/10/24
Let’s just say it has been an historic week. And we are still living. And we are wondering. And so much more. Many of us are devastated, are trying to make sense, are trying to… full post
Election Week Gatherings
These are hard days for most of us, and yet we are still here, we are still connected. It is a time to center ourselves, to remember our sources of courage and strength, to remember our… full post
“Shine Your Light” 11/3/24
The future is a mystery, no matter how much we try to imagine it. How the week ahead will unfold is a mystery! It’s always good to help ourselves manage our fears and anxieties, to… full post
Sunday Services This Month
Nov. 3 “Shine Your Light” Rev. Jill McAllisterNov. 10 “The Great Mystery” Rev. Jill McAllisterNov. 17 “Who Is My Neighbor” Rev. Jill McAllisterNov. 24 “Thanksgiving or Gratitude” Rev. Jill McAllister full post
Wheel of the Year: Samhain – From Generation to Generation 10/27/24
The Wheel of the Year arrives at Samhain, which is closely related to Halloween. It is a time for honoring connections between the living and the dead, for telling stories which have lasted for generations.… full post
“When We Say ‘Community’” 9/20/24
As Unitarian Universalists we are each free to believe what makes sense to us, and to keep learning and changing our minds as needed. Since folks aren’t attracted to this religious way for specific beliefs… full post
Our Mission
Explore. Love. Act.
We gather as an inclusive religious community to search for meaning, build deep connections, and inspire action toward a better world for all.
Quick Links
This Week
Rapid Response – Beginning Now
Building Renovation Project Update – Week of 1/26
Cluster Overnight for Youth! RSVP by 2/5 for Event on 2/15
Benefit the Fellowship by Linking Your Fred Meyer Card!
Cold Weather Shelter in Corvallis on Nights Below 32 degrees!
Outreach Offering for January
Help Create a Household Lending Library