

Sunday Services

  • This Week:

    “When We Say ‘Community’” 9/20/24

    As Unitarian Universalists we are each free to believe what makes sense to us, and to keep learning and changing our minds as needed. Since folks aren’t attracted to this religious way for specific beliefs or creeds (though some come specifically for the lack of such), it follows that most folks, when asked, say that they come for “community.” But what do we mean when we say that? Does it come anywhere close to the poet Joy Harjo’s definition: “the songs, stories and poems which illuminate our experience and make possible healing, wholeness, goodness, and justice, over time and generations.” Could we grow into that kind of community? Given the state of the world, can we settle for anything less?


Services This Month

  • October 6 – “Rosh Hashanah, Entitlement, and Floods” Rev. Jill McAllister
    October 13 – “Small Acts of Democracy” Rev. Jill McAllister
    October 20 – “When We Say ‘Community” Rev. Jill McAllister
    October 27 – “Wheel of the Year: Samhain”


From the Minister

  • Just a few weeks left before the election, and the possibilities are mind-boggling. This is just a note to thank all of you who are working so hard to write letters, canvas voters, make phone calls, and everything else you can do to help aim for a good outcome. All are necessary, and we will see.

    We are making plans for election week gatherings beginning with Tuesday night Nov. 5 and continuing with day-time and evening gatherings through Friday night Nov. 8. If you are able and willing to host a shift of a few hours Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, please let me know. Members of the Fellowship Care and Support Team, Committee on Ministry and Board of Directors will be helping out as well.

    Thanks! Rev. Jill McA


This Week at UUFC


Plan Ahead

Connect Up/Affinity Groups

Text-Only Version

See past weekly announcements.


The “Events Calendar” has all of the events except for outside rentals and private meetings. If you want to see ALL the events including events not open to the public, try the ROOM USE CALENDAR.



Virtual Coffee Hour

* 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM

*UUFC Zoom

Virtual Coffee Hour

Oct 22, 2024

start time: 1:30 PM

end time: 2:30 PM

location: UUFC Zoom


Join us on Zoom for a weekly checking-in which includes sharing of joys and sorrows, plus the Compassion Prayer.


Contact: Mary Craven




Fellowship Care and Support Team Potluck and Meetingm

* 6:00 PM - 8:15 PM

*Social Hall

Fellowship Care and Support Team Potluck and Meetingm

Oct 22, 2024

start time: 6:00 PM

end time: 8:15 PM

location: Social Hall


FCST Meeting




Less is More Workshop

* 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM

*Social Hall

Less is More Workshop

Oct 22, 2024

start time: 6:30 PM

end time: 7:30 PM

location: Social Hall


four 1-hour series workshop on reducing waste by Master Recycler and UUFC Climate Action Team member Betty Shelley




Book Group

* 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

*Off Site

Book Group

Oct 23, 2024

start time: 7:00 PM

end time: 8:30 PM

location: Off Site

description: The UUFC Connect Up Book Group meets monthly on Zoom, January through October.

February's book is: The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store by James McBride
More information




Choir Rehearsal

* 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM


Choir Rehearsal

Oct 23, 2024

start time: 7:00 PM

end time: 8:00 PM

location: Sanctuary





Mindful Awareness

* 7:00 PM - 7:45 PM


Mindful Awareness

Oct 23, 2024

start time: 7:00 PM

end time: 7:45 PM

location: 6A

description: We gather together to build our attentional skills and to develop resources for resilience. There will be guided and independent practice portions, both suitable for beginner and experienced meditators.

more information




Community Kirtan

* 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

*Room 7

Community Kirtan

Oct 25, 2024

start time: 7:00 PM

end time: 8:30 PM

location: Room 7


Setup at 6:30pm; teardown by 9pm.

Kirtan is a very simple & powerful way to meditate. It’s effortless & joyful; the music does the work for you as you flow with the melody & rhythm.

The chants are sung in Sanskrit, and these ancient chants contain powerful renewing & transformative energy that helps us reconnect with the Divinity that resides within all of us.




UU Connect Up Hike

* 9:45 AM - 12:00 PM

*Off Site

UU Connect Up Hike

Oct 26, 2024

start time: 9:45 AM

end time: 12:00 PM

location: Off Site

description: This month's Connect Up Hike will be at William Finley Wildlife Refuge. The marsh trails will be closing Nov. 1 - April 1, so now is a good time to see flocks arrive for the winter. WE WILL MEET @ 9:45 AM at the Homer Campbell Boardwalk Trailhead, and we will start hiking at 10:00 AM. Carpool will leave the UUFC parking lot at 9:15 AM. MAP: DRIVING DIRECTIONS: From Corvallis, follow Hwy 99 south for about 8.5 miles from Crystal Lake Ave until you see the Finley Road on the right (mile marker 93). Take that road several miles until you see a gravel road with a Trail sign on the left, just before the red barn. OUR ROUTE will include the Boardwalk, the Cabell Marsh Trail AND an option to continue up Pigeon Butte. Choose your own level of challenge. The boardwalk is ADA accessible, the Marsh trail is a gravel road, the summit of Pigeon Butte is on a deer trail with blackberry canes. Total mileage: approx. 6 miles. Bring binoculars to see who's at the marsh and the views from the top of the Butte. Bring water. No dogs allowed at the Refuge.




Sunday Service

* 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

*Kitchen, Sanctuary, Social Hall, UUFC Zoom

Sunday Service

Oct 27, 2024

start time: 10:00 AM

end time: 11:00 AM

location: Kitchen, Sanctuary, Social Hall, UUFC Zoom


Sunday Worship Service in the sanctuary.

The service is also available on Zoom.  

Go to for the Zoom link and more information about worship.




Men's Gathering

* 11:45 AM - 1:15 PM

*Room 9

Men's Gathering

Oct 27, 2024

start time: 11:45 AM

end time: 1:15 PM

location: Room 9


Men's Gathering




Vegan Potluck, WFPB

* 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM

*Kitchen, Social Hall, Kitchen, Social Hall

Vegan Potluck, WFPB

Oct 27, 2024

start time: 5:30 PM

end time: 7:30 PM

location: Kitchen, Social Hall, Kitchen, Social Hall


Monthly Vegan Potluck - Everyone Welcome! Bring a dish to share with others who are learning to eat in a healthy, climate friendly way. Include grains, beans, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, herbs & spices. Leave out the animal flesh, fluids, and unborn young.
Try it! You'll like it!
Need more info? call Ann Marchant




Buddhist meditation

* 3:30 PM - 4:15 PM

*Off Site

Buddhist meditation

Oct 28, 2024

start time: 3:30 PM

end time: 4:15 PM

location: Off Site


Meditation, dharma teaching, and discussion.  Beginners welcome. 

Takes place at the Sangha Jewel Zen Center (next door) and on zoom

For more information and weekly zoom link, contact
Mary Leigh Burke.




Mid-Valley Health Care Advocates

* 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM

*Social Hall

Mid-Valley Health Care Advocates

Oct 28, 2024

start time: 6:30 PM

end time: 9:00 PM

location: Social Hall

description: Meeting starts at 7:00 and ends at 8:30, but set up time is 6:30.




Mid-Valley Health Care Advocates

* 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

*Social Hall

Mid-Valley Health Care Advocates

Oct 28, 2024

start time: 7:00 PM

end time: 8:30 PM

location: Social Hall


Mid-Valley Health Care Advocates is working to create Universal Health Care for all residents of Oregon... We are a 501C3 non-profit. These meetings are educational as well as informational. We always have a special guest speaker.




Virtual Coffee Hour

* 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM

*UUFC Zoom

Virtual Coffee Hour

Oct 29, 2024

start time: 1:30 PM

end time: 2:30 PM

location: UUFC Zoom


Join us on Zoom for a weekly checking-in which includes sharing of joys and sorrows, plus the Compassion Prayer.


Contact: Mary Craven



Current Events

See All RE Events

Faith Formation Toolkit

Maybe you’ve got an awesome minister (If you’re at UUFC, you do! ☑️), and a caring Religious Exploration team (Lucky you! You’ve got that too!☑️), and excellent friends and family support (I sure hope you do! ?). Did you know that even with all that, parents and grandparents are still a child’s first and most influential spiritual guides? Yes, YOU! You’re the biggest factor in your child’s spiritual growth and development. How cool ? (and maybe scary ?) is that?

In an effort to support families as they raise faithful and spiritually grounded children, we offer you the Family Faith Formation Toolkit with you! On the 4th Sunday of each month, I’ll be adding a new tool to our toolkit below. Each tool will come with resources and practical ideas for how to explore matters of the spirit with your family, and grow in confidence as a spiritual leader. As always, if you have immediate needs relating to your family’s faith formation, I’m available to chat. Just reach out to to set up a time.

  1. Discussing the G-word (answering questions about God when you’re not sure yourself)
  2. Prayer as a Family Practice
  3. Meditation with the Kiddos
  4. Service with the Family
  5. Gratitude with the Kiddos
  6. Building a Family Lectionary
  7. UP NEXT: A Family Sabbath Plan


From the DRE

  • Donations Requested Before 11/10

    The children in RE will be making winter care kits for unhoused neighbors on November 17th.

    We need gloves, hats, and HotHands for our kits before November 10th. Please consider donating new or gently used physical items or cash to help us purchase these items for our kits. Donations can be placed in the marked box outside of the RE office in Room 1.

    Our goal is for every one of our 40 registered children and youth in RE to have a kit in their car ready to be handed to someone in need. Your generous donations will help us learn about and engage in community care.

    Thank you in advance for supporting our RE programs!


More from the DRE


  • Pride Party 2024, 6/29

    5-7 PM, Social Hall Pride is a joyful celebration of all of the beautiful identities of our LGBTQ+ community. The UUFC Sexuality and Gender Diversity Justice Team invites all UUFC friends to join us for… full post

    Pride Party 2024, 6/29
  • Queerly Beloved 5/19/24

    Sunday, May 19th in the UUFC Social Hall 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm This month, we’ll have a casual potluck and some icebreaker games, hosted by Ginny and Linda! Come and get to know your… full post

    Queerly Beloved 5/19/24
  • Film: Where Can We Live in Peace?, 5/18

    Saturday, May 18, 3:00 – 4:30 pm in the UUFC Social Hall Award-winning Canadian film maker Judy Jackson brings the moving story of the ABBA House migrant shelter in Celaya, Mexico. Founded by Pastor Ignacio… full post

    Film: Where Can We Live in Peace?, 5/18
  • Faith-based climate action this week, 3/3/2024

    Good News Climate-action Opportunities Of Note Save the Date Democracy Action Team:  > First week of March: Letters will be ready. > Letter Writing: Sun 10 Mar, 1:45 PM, (after the Action Lunch), UUFC… full post

    Faith-based climate action this week, 3/3/2024
  • Spring Luncheon 3/30 – Cancelled

    This event has been cancelled. The Secure Housing and Food For All team and Ernest Cardona invite you to join us for a Spring Celebration Luncheon on Saturday, March 30th , 2024 at 1:00 p.m.… full post

    Spring Luncheon 3/30 – Cancelled
  • Justice Outreach for February

    Our outreach offerings in February will support Unity Shelter, a local non-profit organization which provides emergency shelter and transitional housing, plus wrap around services for people who are without safe housing or shelter. Unity Shelter’s… full post

    Justice Outreach for February
  • Secure Housing and Food for All

    The Secure Housing and Food for All team appreciates and thanks everyone who contributed money to We Care last month. If you are interested in working with We Care, please take a look at their… full post

    Secure Housing and Food for All
  • Justice Theatre Auditions

    Justice Theatre auditions are this Monday and Tuesday, January 29th and 30th, at 7pm in the social hall. No acting experience necessary! LGBTQ+ performers are particularly invited to audition. Author david View all posts full post

  • EDI Book Discussion 1-29

    Monday, January 29th, 7:00 pm on Zoom. With the current controversy around the need for reparations, the UUA common read, On Repentance and Repair, Making Amends in an Unapologetic World, by Danya Ruttenberg offers us… full post

    EDI Book Discussion 1-29
  • Secure Housing and Food For All Meeting, 1/21

    The Secure Housing and Food for All Justice Team is meeting this Sunday 1/21 at 11:30 in the Gallery of the sanctuary. (okay to bring in coffee). Information about the Warming Centers open the past… full post

  • Difficult Conversations: The University’s Role in Restoring Civic Dialogue with Drs. Robert George and Cornel West

    Jan 22nd, 7-8:30 PM, at LaSells EDI would like to invite you to an opportunity to attend a special event at LaSells, focusing on civil discourse and “difficult conversations” —an area of deep concern for… full post

  • Action Lunch is Back! 3/10

    An Action Lunch is a light lunch provided by volunteers, after a Sunday service, usually to support some aspect of our justice and outreach work.  We haven’t had one in a long time, until now!… full post

    Action Lunch is Back! 3/10
  • Secure Housing and Food For All Meeting, 1/21

    The Secure Housing and Food for All Justice Team is meeting this Sunday 1/21 at 11:30 in the Gallery of the sanctuary. (okay to bring in coffee).  Information about the Warming Centers open the past… full post

    Secure Housing and Food For All Meeting, 1/21
  • EDI Book Discussion 1-29

    Monday, January 29th, 7:00 pm on Zoom. With the current controversy around the need for reparations, the UUA common read, On Repentance and Repair, Making Amends in an Unapologetic World, by Danya Ruttenberg offers us… full post

  • Faith-based climate action this week, 1/7/2024

    Good News Climate-action Opportunities Of Note Save the Date Climate Action Opportunities: We track (row 25) the number of clicks on the respond link for each suggested climate-action opportunity. The climate-action opportunity tracking results (an… full post

    Faith-based climate action this week, 1/7/2024
  • From the “Secure Housing and Food for All” Team

    We hope you all had a joyful holiday season. Thank you very much for sharing your time and effort to help the people of Corvallis who are struggling each day to survive by donating warm… full post

    From the “Secure Housing and Food for All” Team
  • Justice Outreach Offering in January – NAACP

    For the month of January our Justice Outreach offering will benefit the Linn Benton NAACP. The NAACP works to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate… full post

    Justice Outreach Offering in January – NAACP
  • Queerly Beloved 1/21

    Sunday, January 21st at 4:00 pm in Room 7 We meet monthly on the 3rd Sunday in the afternoon. Join LGBTQ+ folx and allies for social gatherings centered on queer issues and themes. We understand… full post

    Queerly Beloved 1/21
  • From the “Secure Housing and Food for All” Team

    We hope you all had a joyful holiday season. Thank you very much for sharing your time and effort to help the people of Corvallis who are struggling each day to survive by donating warm… full post

    From the “Secure Housing and Food for All” Team
  • Justice Outreach Offering in January – NAACP

    For the month of January our Justice Outreach offering will benefit the Linn Benton NAACP. The NAACP works to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate… full post

Justice Outreach Offering

  • Our Justice Outreach Offerings in October will primarily support our Partner Congregation in Bozod Korispatak, Transylvania. For several decades we have given financial support to these partners for scholarships for students, a grant for the minister, and support of care of elderly members of the congregation. We are continuing these forms of support.

    On the first Sunday, Oct. 6, our offerings will be sent to the UUA Disaster Fund, for direct aid to congregations in North Carolina and other areas hard-hit by recent flooding.


Donations can be made in person on Sundays, or through the online collection basket.


  • “When We Say ‘Community’” 9/20/24

    As Unitarian Universalists we are each free to believe what makes sense to us, and to keep learning and changing our minds as needed. Since folks aren’t attracted to this religious way for specific beliefs… full post

  • “Small Acts of Democracy” 9/13/24

    Our religious tradition set out on a unique path several hundred years ago by beginning to incorporate democratic principles. If, as according to a description of UUism from several generations ago, “our method is our… full post

  • “Rosh Hashanah, Entitlement, and Floods” 10/6/24

    Each Sunday during the pandemic lock-down, when we worshipped together online, I began each service with a short reflection on “where are we this week?” more or less. Here at the beginning of October, a… full post

  • Sunday Services This Month

    October 6 – “Rosh Hashanah, Entitlement, and Floods” Rev. Jill McAllisterOctober 13 – “Small Acts of Democracy” Rev. Jill McAllisterOctober 20 – “When We Say ‘Community” Rev. Jill McAllisterOctober 27 – “Wheel of the Year:… full post

  • “My Unitarianism” 9/29/25

    Our visiting Partner Church minister, Rev. Katalin Szasz-Cserey has served two village congregations in Transylvania – Bozod Korispatak and Firtosmartonos – for 23 years. She also teaches religion in a Unitarian High School in a… full post

  • “Our Transylvanian Roots” 9/22/24

    ‘Transylvania’ generally conjures images of werewolves and campy movies, but it’s a real and beautiful place with an incredible history, especially for Unitarians around the world. For it was in Transylvania (now part of Romania)… full post

  • “Ancestors, Descendants, and Us” 9/15/24

    “Where do we come from? What are we? Where are we going?” These words from the 19th century French artist Paul Gaugin provide the basis for our theme for this year – “Ancestors, Descendants and… full post

  • Services This Month

    September 1 – No Sunday ServiceSeptember 8 – Joining of the Waters, with Susan SanfordSeptember 15 – “Ancestors, Descendants and Us” Rev. Jill McAllisterSeptember 22 – “Our Transylvanian Roots” Rev. Jill McAllisterSeptember 29 – “My… full post

  • “Joining of the Waters” 9/8/24

    As the summer moves toward autumn we begin a new church year with the ‘Joining of the Waters’ ceremony.We look to the West, the direction of autumn and water, and remember these gifts of the… full post

  • No Sunday Service, 9/1

    There will be no Sunday morning service this week, September 1, 2024. We take this small pause between summer and autumn, a chance to rest before starting a new church year. There are two other… full post

    No Sunday Service,  9/1
  • “Can We Be Prepared?” 8/25/24

    The unexpected is completely common, and we try to prepared for a variety of possible events – earthquakes, fires, ice storms, tsunamis, power outages, births and deaths, new love and break-ups, aging and related losses,… full post

  • “A Larger View” 8/18/24

    Among the many things we know (and think we know) is that we are part of a Life which is much more than our individual selves. Understanding what this means is one of the fundamental… full post

  • “Making the Invisible Visible” – 8/11/24

    Our UUFC mission statement begins with “We gather as an inclusive religious community…” And we do our best to be welcoming to all who come. And, we still have lots to learn about what broad… full post

  • Services This Month

    August 4 – Wheel of the Year – Lughnasadh / First Harvest August 11 – “Making the Invisible Visible” EDI team with ARC of Benton County August 18 – “A Larger View” Rev. Jill McAllister… full post

  • Lughnasadh – First Harvest 8/4/2024

    Lughnasadh, or Lammas, is the point on the Wheel of the Year which celebrates the beginning of harvest season — a time of ripening fruits and fields, a time of abundance, a time to give… full post

  • “Living In End Times” 7/28/24

    Rev. Jen Youngsun Ryu Minister, UU Church in Eugene From Christian fundamentalist to climate scientists, people around the world believe that we are living in the end times. But isn’t the world always ending? Don’t… full post

  • “Housing, Shelter, and Deservedness” 7/21/24

    The world’s problems are local as much as global. Members of our Secure Housing and Food For All team work locally on issues of food, shelter and housing, right here and right now. They’ll help… full post

  • “Imagine Peace” 7/14/24

    What does PEACE mean to you? no war? Good relations with your neighbors? a life with enough for everyone? Join us as several Fellowship members, including Bill Glassmire, Molly Curry and Joyce Federiuk, share their… full post

  • Service Cancelled Due to High Temperatures, 7/7

    Stay cool, Everyone! Author david View all posts full post

  • July Sunday Services

    July 7 – Service Canceled due to high temperatures July 14 – “Imagine Peace” UUFC members / friends and Rev. Monica Jacobson-Tennessen July 21 – “Housing, Shelter, and Deservedness” Guest Speaker Andrea Myhre July 28… full post

Our Mission

Explore. Love. Act.

We gather as an inclusive religious community to search for meaning, build deep connections, and inspire action toward a better world for all.
