Climate Action Opportunities: We track (row 25) the number of clicks on the respond link for each suggested climate-action opportunity. The climate-action opportunity tracking results (an average of 3.4 clicks/opportunity) suggest this has not been an effective way to engage members/friends in climate action. Please consider committing the approx. 2 minutes per week needed and/or suggest ways to encourage and boost participation in this, our influence project.
Corvallis Sustainability Coalition: UUFC is a proud listed as one of the engaged partners of the Corvallis Sustainability Coalition, with Laura Craig as our representative. There are multiple ways to get involved in the Corvallis Sustainability Coalition to help promote an ecologically, socially, and economically healthy city and county. The Coalition’s annual meeting is this Wed, Jan 10, 4:30 – 6:00 PM, at the Corvallis Community Center, 2601 NW Tyler Ave.
Tree Planting: We still need volunteers to help plant ten (up from our originally planned eight) trees in the islands in the Crystal Lake Playing Fields/Willamette Park parking lot, 10:00 AM to Noon, Sat 20 Jan. This is our third year of collaborative tree planting with the City’s Urban Forestry Program. Questions and/or to volunteer, email Michael Hughes with Subject Tree Planting.
Carpooling to Sunday Service: You’re invited to join the UUFC carpool group at Gomates. Questions: email Scott Bruslind
Cheers, Michael
The one thing we need more than hope is action. Once we start to act, hope is everywhere.
Greta Thunberg