Spring Cleaning UUFC Community Work Day, 5/25

Saturday May 25, 2024
anytime from 9 AM – 1 PM


  • clean out the rain gutters and install gutter guard
  • string-trim the parking lot and sidewalks
  • weed and cleanup patio area
  • pressure wash playground equipment
  • washing windows


  • clean sanctuary red chairs
  • clean social hall green folding chairs
  • clean upholstery in Classroom Wing Rooms 7,9,10
  • clean sanctuary fluorescent lights and mobiles

Please bring your own gloves, kneeling pads, and eye protection. Work side by side with new friends!

We would like to borrow 1 to 3 ten-foot ladders. Contact Wolfgang if you can help. Snacks and drinks provided. Please RSVP that you plan to come, so we can organize the day’s work. Thanks!

Questions? Wolfgang Dengler wolfdengler1 at gmail.com

Family Picnic 5/26

Whole Family Hike and Picnic

Nursery, Spirit Play, and YRUU families are invited to a hike and picnic with Rev. Jill and Skyla after the service on May 26th. Please REGISTER HERE!

We’ll depart from UUFC at 11:45 and meet at the Fitton Green trailhead (parking is limited, so carpooling is encouraged) and make the short hike out to the viewpoint to eat together. This is a great chance for parents and siblings to get to know one another. 

Bring your own picnic lunch, sunscreen, and water bottle. The hike is short, the view is great, and the company will be greater!

If we have fewer than 3 families register, we will cancel the event and notify registered participants via email.

Direct questions to Skyla at dre@uucorvallis.org

Guest Speaker Jen Shattuck 5/12

Have you ever thought about what selves do you bring into spiritual community with you? Well, you’re about to! Join us for a special sermon and post-sermon discussion with author and religious educator, Jen Shattuck.

J.L. (Jen) Shattuck is a lifelong Unitarian Universalist and longtime early childhood professional turned religious educator. She’s passionate about helping UU churches welcome and support their very youngest congregants and currently serves on staff at both the Unitarian Church of Barnstable on Cape Cod and at Sanctuary Boston. She is the author of The Tending Years, a book for those caring for preschool-age children, and is also the creator of Ellery Churchmouse, a video series for UU kids and their families.

Rev. Jill has copies of Jen’s book, the Tending Years, available for purchase!

Between Us, 4/21/2024

Some decades ago, a well-known and seasoned UU minister wrote a sermon about joining a UU congregation. His summary was this: There is only one reason to join a UU congregation; you join in order to support it! That perspective has fostered lots of conversation over many years, and the longer I consider it, the more I agree with it. Since our approach to religion is both liberal and free, since there is no prescribed creed or test of belief, our highest goals are about creating true community. Learning to not only live together and be together, but to be good with and for each other and for all living things (for all the Earth!).

This is a very high aim, and often we lose sight of it. Support includes many things. For example our presence, our participation, our time and money. Our care and concern for specific people and programs and for the congregation as a whole (which is what shared ministry means). Our willingness to seek more than personal satisfaction, more than mere comfort, more than confirmation of our biases. All of these are why we engage in religious learning and growth, spiritual practices, shared ceremonies and rituals – we do these things to help us support the constant creation and care of a community. (And not just “community” as an abstract idea; this very real and very specific community, with all its unique and particular characters and characteristics.)

The annual stewardship pledge drive is one specific way we support the Fellowship – by making a pledge of annual financial support. This week the stewardship team is still waiting to hear from most members of the Fellowship – are you one of them? Our annual meeting is another important way we support the Fellowship, by taking part in the annual discussion of Fellowship business, by being an active part of this specific democratic process which belongs wholly to us.

The Fellowship has been a vibrant, welcoming and consequential religious congregation for nearly 70 years because of the support of so many people who have shared a commitment to its wellbeing. All of us who are here now a recipients of that long and beautiful tradition. Though our support, may we do our best to keep it healthy, moving and growing, for ourselves, for each other and for all those who will come after us.

“To Live With Integrity” 4/21/2024

In this year of building new ways, our Earth Day Sunday will focus on needed and possible changes in habits and assumptions about our relationships with ourselves, others and the Earth. Members of our Climate Action Team will share insights and facilitate conversations among us beginning with this perspective: that our actions affect our own health, the health of those we love, and the health of Earth.

Following the service, all are encouraged to attend the preparation Town Hall for our May 19 Annual Meeting.

UUFC Library Has a New Coordinator

Christine Robins is our new Coordinator for the UUFC Library. Please contact her with any questions, suggestions, requests, or complaints about the Library. 

Contact Christine Robbins

Checking out children’s’ books can be done electronically, using a scanned QR code, or physically, using the yellow check-out book in the southeast corner. Adult books can only be checked out via the physical check-out book.

We welcome donations. We’re focusing on books which may not be in the public library, and which support the congregation’s missions.

Queerly Beloved, 4/21/24

Queerly Beloved meets Sunday April 21st, from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm. Join LGBTQ+ folx and allies for social gatherings centered on queer issues and themes. We understand the importance of queer community, and our goal is to provide a safe space where people can find that sense of belonging right here in Corvallis.

Sip & Snack Wine Tasting, Apr-Nov

A way to get to know each other in a smaller group.

Twice per month – April through November – join UUFC friends for an afternoon of sharing food, building relationships, and tasting wines*.

A calendar of outings will be emailed to those who are interested. Leave UUFC Parking lot at 11:45 on Sundays; leave from your home on Fridays.** Visits are ~ 12 to about 2 p.m. depending on drive time.

Please contact Heather E for more information.

*Note – Many people purchased the Heart of Willamette Valley Wine Passport. For $45 you get either a free wine flight, a “buy 1 get 1” (BOGO) flight, or some % off wines. Not all Sip & Snack destinations are passport eligible.

**Carpooling is arranged by individuals, not by UUFC nor this organizer.

Celebrating Inquires Series Milestones!

Inquirer's Series

It’s been beautiful to witness the unfolding of the Inquirers Series this year, as we’ve envisioned new ways to invite folks to explore “how we do church” together here in Corvallis, as well as what it means to be a Unitarian Universalist in a broader context. The feedback from visitors as well as long-time members has been great!

Thanks to our dedicated Inquirers Series team, over 70 people have engaged with this program in just 9 months! Thank you to Rev. Jill McAllister, John Bailey, Bobbi Bailey, Karen Josephson, Dawn Dirks, and Sandy Piper for their tireless commitment to welcoming and tending our growing community.

In the service on Sunday, you had a chance to meet some of the folks who have completed the entire series! A few of them were happy to share a little something about what they enjoyed about the series in hopes of inspiring more of us to gather and learn together. Have a read, catch the vision, and then come join us in Room 8 at 11:45 any Sunday that works for you! We’d love to see you there!

Callum Barnum

I think my favorite part of the inquirers series was how much more I was able to understand about the background and purpose of the UU, and what it means to be a Unitarian Universalist.

Kristi Komar

I really enjoyed the Inquirers Series.  I learned a lot about UU history in general and the UUFC’s.  I especially liked the walk around the grounds.

Christina Marquardt

I liked the idea of a basic intro to the fellowship.  When we were here 12 years ago, there was nothing like it. Small groups typically work better for me, and the Inquirer’s Series allowed me to get to know other members more quickly than I would have in the much larger group. We need more small groups to unite our much larger fellowship. 

Brandi Tucker

I really enjoyed the grounds tour with John, where he crystallized the UUFC vision for all of us. In fact, you couldn’t ask for better ambassadors of a welcoming congregation than he and his wife Bobbi. Please enjoy these photos of us on tour. I am proud to say Rev. Jill referred to us as a good flock 😉

Aging Successfully in Community, 5/1

Wednesday, May 1, 3-5 pm in the UUFC Sanctuary

“Moving along in life and aiming to thrive!”

At our May meeting, we are pursuing two interests: the ups and downs of deciding whether to stay put in our current home or to move on to a smaller place… or one that may offer services to help us adapt as we age or, at least, simplifies life. Four UUers who have been through this quandary will share their decision processes in a moderated panel to begin the program.

One major consideration for being able to age in place is making adaptations to our current homes. The panel discussion will be followed by a presentation by Brian Egan on “Aging in Place Safely”. During his years as a general contractor, Brian trained as a Certified Aging in Place Specialist. Thanks to his expertise, we will learn how to make our homes safer and what products can be used for that purpose.

Feeling social? We’ll provide the forms that make it easy to be a host for a group social activity! Coffee? Games? Walking? Puzzles? You name it! And sign up!
Come join us to create positive experiences for this time of life!