Worship Review Workshop – 5/3 at 6:30 PM and 5/4 at 9:00 AM.

As the world around us changes, as we have changed and are changing, our understandings of and needs for worship change as well.

More than 10 years ago interested folks gathered for discussion of worship – in general and at the Fellowship. It’s time to touch base again on these important aspects of our congregational life.

All are invited to join in a series of conversations beginning with a two-session workshop on Friday evening May 3 from 6:30 – 8 PM and Saturday morning May 4 from 9 – 11:30 AM, in the Social Hall.

Not merely a survey or collecting of opinions, this project will begin with
conversations, and then include practice and training in the arts of worship. No registration needed. You can attend either or both sessions (they’ll be different).
Join us.

Stewardship Update: We’re Getting Close!

Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you to the more than 155 UUFC members and friends who have made 130 pledges of annual financial support to the Fellowship for 2024-25.

We are graduate students and retirees, families and individuals, all giving what we can to create the shared resources for our congregational life and outreach.
The total pledge, as of Friday April 26, is not quite three-fourths of our goal of $465,000.

The Board of Directors needs to finalize the proposed budget for 2024-25 next week.

If you are still waiting to make your pledge, or if you need help doing so, this Sunday April 28 is your target date!

Please contact Russ Karow, russell.s.karow@oregonstate.edu, if you have questions.

Again – thank-you!

Final Town Hall for Annual Meeting Preparation, 5/5 at 11:45 am

At the annual meeting on May 19, we’ll elect new board members and committee chairs, affirm an annual budget, discuss changes to the UUFC bylaws, and more.
At the Fellowship, we think it makes sense to have discussions of all of these things BEFORE the meeting, as a form of participatory democracy where we speak and listen and improve our understanding of all the business.

Nearly 30 UUFC members participated on April 21 – thank-you!
If you were not able to attend that day, you are invited to stay on May 5, 11:45 AM in the Sanctuary.

This gathering also gives us more time for discussion about the proposed changes to the UUA Bylaws – Article II – which our delegates to the General Assembly will vote on there in June.
Please join us!

“Wheel of the Year: Beltane”, 4/28/24

Beltane is a season of creative energy on the earth. Come share in a creative process of committing your energies to a new dream, and in the spirit of May Day, carry a flame of community home to warm and support your ongoing efforts.

With Priscilla Galasso, Patricia Parcells, Diana Titus, Gaylee Goodrich, Wolfgang Dengler, Brandi Tucker, and the UUFC Sunday Band.

Common Ground Video, 4/28

In the Sanctuary at Noon:

Our Climate Action Team and Interfaith Power & LIght sponsor a free Earth Week screening of ‘Common Ground‘ a sequel to ‘Kiss the Ground’.

Common Ground unveils a dark web of money, power, and politics in our food system. Unjust practices are revealed that shaped our current ag system in which farmers are literally dying to feed us. The film profiles a hopeful and uplifting movement of white, black, and indigenous farmers engaging in ‘regenerative agriculture’ that could balance the climate, save our health, and stabilize the economy.

2023 winner of the Tribeca Film Festival.
Light discussion to follow.

Bread Bags

Bread bags make excellent dog-poop bags.

As an experiment, on Sundays, there is a white bucket, labelled “bread bags”, discreetly to the right of the entrance to the Fellowship.

Those with bread bags but no dog, are invited to deposit bags.

Those with dogs are invited to help themselves to bags.

As noted, this is an experiment, and we’ll give it several Sundays to see if it catches on.

Contact Michael Hughes

Plant Based Potluck, 4/28

Social Hall, 5:30 pm. 

Join us for a potluck exploring how to eat more Whole Foods Plant Based meals. It’s new! It’s confusing! It’s good for our health and our planet. No experience needed, and No Food Shaming! Whether you are a long-time plant-based eater, or have never heard of this before, you are welcome here. Let’s eat, laugh, and learn together. Children welcome.  

Bring a dish to share, in which all ingredients are plants:  

Plants: Grains, Beans, Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts & Seeds, Herbs & Spices. 

Not Plants: Animal flesh, fluids, and unborn young.  

Ideas for recipes

Hosted by Ann Marchant.  

Sacred Green Space

Help care for and nurture the wonderful sacred green space that is our UUFC campus.

We need folks to take responsibility for particular areas, big or small.
For more info, talk to me after service or via Michael Hughes.

Tending our Grief Circle June 1

Saturday, June 1, 10-12:30 p.m. Sanctuary

Joy is the transformation of our suffering, not the escape of all we have to face.” – Mark Nepo

We gather once more before the summer break to tend to our grief. The grief you hold may be for personal losses, transitions, or the sorrows of the world – all are equally welcome and worthy of attention.

Our time together will include gentle movement, poetry, writing, sharing and a simple ritual. Please join us.

Facilitators Anna Coffman and Susan Sanford

For information, contact Anna, email: anna.cupoftea@gmail.com, phone/text: 979-760-0910

Sign up here

5/5 CINCO DE MAYO Dinner & Train, 5-8pm

5/5/24 CINCO DE MAYO Dinner & Train , 5-8 pm, UUFC Social Hall Join this adult POP-UP PARTY just for fun.

Bring a Mexican-themed potluck item to share and your own beverage, plate and utensils (the UU kitchen will not be accessed for this event).

This is a no-frills event.

Please bring $5 as a donation to UUFC Minister’s Discretionary Fund – it’s somebody’s birthday week, after all.

We will gather, eat, drink and enjoy each others’ company while we play this fun and easy to learn tile game.

And please be mindful that everyone cannot bring chips and dip.
Need alternative ideas, see Mexican party food ideas.

If you have a Mexican Train dominos set, please let me know when you RSVP to hvephd@gmail.com by Saturday 5/4/24.

Seating may be limited. Hope to see you!

Hosted by Heather Emberson This is a Connect Up event! Members can offer to host a Connect Up event with the purpose of gathering together and building relationships.