Final Town Hall for Annual Meeting Preparation, 5/5 at 11:45 am

At the annual meeting on May 19, we’ll elect new board members and committee chairs, affirm an annual budget, discuss changes to the UUFC bylaws, and more.
At the Fellowship, we think it makes sense to have discussions of all of these things BEFORE the meeting, as a form of participatory democracy where we speak and listen and improve our understanding of all the business.

Nearly 30 UUFC members participated on April 21 – thank-you!
If you were not able to attend that day, you are invited to stay on May 5, 11:45 AM in the Sanctuary.

This gathering also gives us more time for discussion about the proposed changes to the UUA Bylaws – Article II – which our delegates to the General Assembly will vote on there in June.
Please join us!