Saturday May 25, 2024
anytime from 9 AM – 1 PM
- clean out the rain gutters and install gutter guard
- string-trim the parking lot and sidewalks
- weed and cleanup patio area
- pressure wash playground equipment
- washing windows
- clean sanctuary red chairs
- clean social hall green folding chairs
- clean upholstery in Classroom Wing Rooms 7,9,10
- clean sanctuary fluorescent lights and mobiles
Please bring your own gloves, kneeling pads, and eye protection. Work side by side with new friends!
We would like to borrow 1 to 3 ten-foot ladders. Contact Wolfgang if you can help. Snacks and drinks provided. Please RSVP that you plan to come, so we can organize the day’s work. Thanks!
Questions? Wolfgang Dengler wolfdengler1 at