

Sunday Service

  • This Week:

    “From the Pandemic to Here, and Beyond…”   3/23/25

    We have only begun to articulate what changed for us during the pandemic.  To begin to tell those stories is important, even as or perhaps especially because we are in the midst of more and more every day.  It has been like this before, and yet for us the world this way, right now, is new and hard.  Join us to consider: what did we lose, what did we gain, what did we learn, how are we different and what might that all mean for us now? 

    A note: the UUFC parking lot is under reconstruction now, as part of bringing new water lines into the building to support fire sprinklers.  Parking is a challenge!  Most of us will need to park on the streets this week.  Let’s leave the available spaces for those with the highest needs to be close. 

    And, for all who might still plan to join us – a Stewardship event will happen after the service, in the Sanctuary.  We’ll connect around our shared covenant, and what the Fellowship is called to be, now.  The Fellowship is all of us. You are needed, and you are invited.  

Services This Month

  • Mar. 2  “The Long Legacy of Liberal Religion: What’s It Worth Now?” Rev. Jill McAllister

    Mar. 9  “Keeping the Flame Alive”  Rev. Jill McAllister

    Mar. 16  “You are Invited”  Rev. Jill McAllister

    Mar. 23  “What Was Lost?”  Rev. Jill McAllister

    Mar. 30  “Can We Still Laugh?”  Rev. Jill McAllister

From the Minister

  • Here and Now

    I am more and more at a loss for what to say about where things are in our country.  The age-old needs for power and control, for creating enemies, the greed – these have been standard human activities forever.  A colleague related a story this week: in their congregation at joys and sorrows someone shared that it was “a good thing in the long run that the British Empire declined, but it is extremely hard to be living through the decline of THIS empire.”  We live among people for whom these are glory days – and that is extremely difficult. 

    I try to stay focused on the Fellowship, on our togetherness, our mission and goals, what we mean to each other and need from each other.  At the very least, we can, maybe for the first time, take our ideals and values very seriously, instead of as topics for casual conversation.  These ideals are worth keeping alive – that’s our work now.  Love and respect, inclusion and generosity, compassion and peace – there is more than enough to be dedicated to.  Do we know how to be dedicated?  

    Here’s a way.  Last week I noted this about our Stewardship events, which are happening now.  I’m sharing it again, because I’m afraid some folks missed it. “ I imagine a big, beautiful, wide and deep conversation – with several hundred people taking part!  (There are more than several hundred of us, you know.)  Will you enter in?  Will you be part of the wealth of resources we share?  Will you offer you time and perspectives, and your presence?  Here is the only thing you need to know in order to take part:  You are needed and you are invited.”

This Week at UUFC


Plan Ahead

Text-Only Version

See past weekly announcements.


The “Events Calendar” has all of the events except for outside rentals and private meetings. If you want to see ALL the events including events not open to the public, try the ROOM USE CALENDAR.



Connect Up Hike

* 9:45 AM - 12:30 PM

*Off Site

Connect Up Hike

Mar 29, 2025

start time: 9:45 AM

end time: 12:30 PM

location: Off Site

description: We will meet @9:45 AM in the Beazell parking lot and start hiking @10:00 AM. If you would like to carpool from the UUFC parking lot, meet there at 9:15 AM. We will hike the Plunkett Creek Trail up to the South Meadow and back down. We'll be on the lookout for trillium and other early spring wildflowers. There is a flat loop option as well. Please choose your own adventure to suit your ability. The distance of this up-and-back hike is approximately 2.5 miles. Elevation gain is approx. 650 feet. Dress for the weather and bring poles if you like. To reach Beazell Memorial Forest, head west from Philomath on Hwy 20. In 4 miles, at Wren, turn right on Hwy 223N to Kings Valley. Beazell is 5 miles north on the right.




Sunday Service

* 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

*Kitchen, Sanctuary, Social Hall, UUFC Zoom

Sunday Service

Mar 30, 2025

start time: 10:00 AM

end time: 11:00 AM

location: Kitchen, Sanctuary, Social Hall, UUFC Zoom


Sunday Worship Service in the sanctuary.

The service is also available on Zoom.  

Go to for the Zoom link and more information about worship.




Stewardship Gathering

* 11:45 AM - 1:15 PM


Stewardship Gathering

Mar 30, 2025

start time: 11:45 AM

end time: 1:15 PM

location: Sanctuary

description: None




Buddhist meditation

* 3:30 PM - 4:15 PM

*Off Site

Buddhist meditation

Mar 31, 2025

start time: 3:30 PM

end time: 4:15 PM

location: Off Site


Meditation, dharma teaching, and discussion.  Beginners welcome. 

Takes place at the Sangha Jewel Zen Center (next door) and on zoom

For more information and weekly zoom link, contact
Mary Leigh Burke.




Mid-Valley Health Care Advocates

* 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

*Social Hall

Mid-Valley Health Care Advocates

Mar 31, 2025

start time: 7:00 PM

end time: 8:30 PM

location: Social Hall


Mid-Valley Health Care Advocates is working to create Universal Health Care for all residents of Oregon... We are a 501C3 non-profit. These meetings are educational as well as informational. We always have a special guest speaker.




Virtual Coffee Hour

* 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM

*UUFC Zoom

Virtual Coffee Hour

Apr 1, 2025

start time: 1:30 PM

end time: 2:30 PM

location: UUFC Zoom


Join us on Zoom for a weekly checking-in which includes sharing of joys and sorrows, plus the Compassion Prayer.


Contact: Mary Craven




Local Resources for Elders

* 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM


Local Resources for Elders

Apr 2, 2025

start time: 3:00 PM

end time: 4:30 PM

location: Sanctuary

description: Presentation and discussion of community resources available to us as we get older.




Choir Rehearsal

* 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM


Choir Rehearsal

Apr 2, 2025

start time: 7:00 PM

end time: 8:00 PM

location: Sanctuary





Mindful Awareness

* 7:00 PM - 7:45 PM

*UUFC Zoom

Mindful Awareness

Apr 2, 2025

start time: 7:00 PM

end time: 7:45 PM

location: UUFC Zoom

description: We gather together to build our attentional skills and to develop resources for resilience. There will be guided and independent practice portions, both suitable for beginner and experienced meditators.

more information



Current Events

See All RE Events

Faith Formation Toolkit

Maybe you’ve got an awesome minister (If you’re at UUFC, you do! ☑️), and a caring Religious Exploration team (Lucky you! You’ve got that too!☑️), and excellent friends and family support (I sure hope you do! ?). Did you know that even with all that, parents and grandparents are still a child’s first and most influential spiritual guides? Yes, YOU! You’re the biggest factor in your child’s spiritual growth and development. How cool (and maybe scary) is that?

In an effort to support families as they raise faithful and spiritually grounded children, we offer you the Family Faith Formation Toolkit with you! On the 4th Sunday of each month, I’ll be adding a new tool to our toolkit below. Each tool will come with resources and practical ideas for how to explore matters of the spirit with your family, and grow in confidence as a spiritual leader. As always, if you have immediate needs relating to your family’s faith formation, I’m available to chat. Just reach out to to set up a time.

  1. Discussing the G-word (answering questions about God when you’re not sure yourself)
  2. Prayer as a Family Practice
  3. Meditation with the Kiddos
  4. Service with the Family
  5. Gratitude with the Kiddos
  6. Building a Family Lectionary
  7. A Family Sabbath Plan
  8. UP NEXT: Retreat

From the DRE

  • RE Newsletter for March

    Greetings, Families!

    It feels like spring has sprung and lots of fresh energy is popping up in Religious Exploration. Get your calendars ready, so you don’t miss any of the fun!


    3/9   Family Breakfast, 8:45-9:45, pre-register HERE by 3/5

    3/20  Parent Peer Support Group, 6:30-8PM 

    4/6 Seeds of Generosity Pitch Party, noon in the Foyer, pre-register HERE by 3/12


    3/2, 3/16   OWL workshops

    3/14-16 Youth Coast Retreat, pre-register HERE by 3/2

    4/6 Youth Service at Heartland Humane 9:45 to noon, pre-register HERE by 3/28 

    More information about our events can be found below, and info for all events  can be found at by clicking “News” in the menu bar and then selecting “RE Council” from the drop down menu.


    I genuinely hope that all of our families will choose to participate in this very cool program made possible by an endowment from the Bob Ozretich Memorial Fund. Children, youth, and families in any combination (teams, pairs, solo, whole family) will make a Shark-Tank style pitch for how they would spend $100 to generously benefit our local community, and then all partiers will vote on a winner, who will receive $100 cash to give in alignment with their pitch. Everyone who pitches will be entered into a drawing to win $50 in cash to give in a manner of their choosing, and everyone who attends will get a pizza and cake lunch in the social hall after the winners are announced. Please consider helping your child work on a pitch to make either as individuals or as a family, and then register each pitch they plan to make HERE so we know how much food to buy. You do not have to make pitch to participate.  Still use the registration link but indicate you will not be “pitching.”

    In preparation for this event, Russ Karrow will be sharing with the children and youth during RE on March 2nd about his experience with the local Power of 100 program that does a larger scale version of our Seeds of Generosity program. 

    We have the funds to offer three rounds of this pitch-party style giving program, so those who don’t win have two more chances, which we hope will foster the qualities of resilience and persistence in all who participate. Winners will be asked to share an account of their giving to inspire others to participate. 

    On February 28th, the youth worked collaboratively to design this year’s Earth Month t-shirt. I will be putting in orders for shirt for all youth on March 5th, so please email me your youth’s t-shirt size preference. I will make an effort to order for everyone, and if I don’t hear back from you, I will make a guess at sizing for your youth and err on the larger side. 

    On April 6th, youth should be dropped off at the Heartland Humane Society at 9:45 for a brief chalice lighting and service project. We will likely be doing some combination of cleaning, feeding, sorting donations of food, folding laundry, etc., and will end with socializing time, AKA playing with the pets! Youth will be delivered back to the Fellowship around 12:15. Please pre-register for this service project HERE by March 23rd.

    It’s that time of year again! The youth will be heading to the beautiful Wavecatcher Beach House right on the beach in Waldport for 2 nights of community building and worship. Youth will cook together, play together, and write their own worship service collaboratively before being delivered back to the Fellowship as the service lets out (or as close to it as can be managed) on Sunday morning. 

    Pre-registration is requested HERE no later than 3/2. If cost is an obstacle, please register anyway and we’ll cover the fee. This is the most anticipated and highly bonding gathering of the year, so we want everyone to be able to participate!

    We’ve had a lot of fun opportunities in RE over the past month! Weather allowed the younger children to go outside most Sundays, and a lot of our Bluey lessons included activities with balloons as we explored friendship, caretaking, and patience. Balloons are ALWAYS a hit! 

    Some of our youth traveled to Eugene for an overnight and participated in games, service and worship while we got to explore ways that other groups “do church.” And thanks to a generous gift from Joyce Marvel-Benoist, a small group of youth had a Splatter Party at SplatterBox in Albany and got super messy while making a piece of collaborative art for our new youth room when the classroom wing reopens. Thanks, Joyce!

    I was so impressed by our very own Raya and Mirielle during the overnight trip to Eugene! These two spent a substantial amount of time in the kitchen cooking for the burrito bar dinner and washing breakfast dishes in a commercial kitchen. They also helped decorate the social hall for Valentines Day and participated in some technological troubleshooting when the movie set-up wasn’t cooperating. At every turn, they were exercising their skills in community building and service! It was a proud day for Corvallis to be represented so beautifully while visiting a neighboring congregations.

    If you have any questions about what’s happening in RE, send them my way. And if, for some strange reason, you ever want to be removed from the monthly RE Newsletter list, let me know. Wishing you a joyful March!

More from the DRE


  • Hands Off Rally, 4/5

    Hands Off RallySaturday, April 5, at noonBenton County Courthouse120 NW 4th St., Corvallis We want our government to govern democratically so let’s make our voices heard again and again. Our message: Defy Autocracy! Defend the… full post

    Hands Off Rally, 4/5
  • Sign-Making Party, 3/30

    Sign-Making Party!Sunday, March 30, 1:30-3:00 PMWestminster House, McLean Room, 101 NW 23rd St, Corvallis. To make signs for the Hands Off Rally on April 5. We’ll make signs for the rally and for your yards… full post

    Sign-Making Party, 3/30
  • Health Care Delays, Denials, & Costs – Action Not Anger, 2/26

    Come listen to a panel hosted by Mid-Valley Health Care Advocates on Wednesday, February 26, 7-8:30 PM at the Corvallis-Benton public library or online by Zoom at Find out how we can ensure high… full post

    Health Care Delays, Denials, & Costs – Action Not Anger, 2/26
  • Queerly Beloved 5/19/24

    Sunday, May 19th in the UUFC Social Hall 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm This month, we’ll have a casual potluck and some icebreaker games, hosted by Ginny and Linda! Come and get to know your… full post

    Queerly Beloved 5/19/24
  • Film: Where Can We Live in Peace?, 5/18

    Saturday, May 18, 3:00 – 4:30 pm in the UUFC Social Hall Award-winning Canadian film maker Judy Jackson brings the moving story of the ABBA House migrant shelter in Celaya, Mexico. Founded by Pastor Ignacio… full post

    Film: Where Can We Live in Peace?, 5/18
  • Faith-based climate action this week, 3/3/2024

    Good News Climate-action Opportunities Of Note Save the Date Democracy Action Team:  > First week of March: Letters will be ready. > Letter Writing: Sun 10 Mar, 1:45 PM, (after the Action Lunch), UUFC… full post

    Faith-based climate action this week, 3/3/2024
  • Spring Luncheon 3/30 – Cancelled

    This event has been cancelled. The Secure Housing and Food For All team and Ernest Cardona invite you to join us for a Spring Celebration Luncheon on Saturday, March 30th , 2024 at 1:00 p.m.… full post

    Spring Luncheon 3/30 – Cancelled
  • Justice Outreach for February

    Our outreach offerings in February will support Unity Shelter, a local non-profit organization which provides emergency shelter and transitional housing, plus wrap around services for people who are without safe housing or shelter. Unity Shelter’s… full post

    Justice Outreach for February
  • Secure Housing and Food for All

    The Secure Housing and Food for All team appreciates and thanks everyone who contributed money to We Care last month. If you are interested in working with We Care, please take a look at their… full post

    Secure Housing and Food for All
  • Justice Theatre Auditions

    Justice Theatre auditions are this Monday and Tuesday, January 29th and 30th, at 7pm in the social hall. No acting experience necessary! LGBTQ+ performers are particularly invited to audition. full post

  • EDI Book Discussion 1-29

    Monday, January 29th, 7:00 pm on Zoom. With the current controversy around the need for reparations, the UUA common read, On Repentance and Repair, Making Amends in an Unapologetic World, by Danya Ruttenberg offers us… full post

    EDI Book Discussion 1-29
  • Secure Housing and Food For All Meeting, 1/21

    The Secure Housing and Food for All Justice Team is meeting this Sunday 1/21 at 11:30 in the Gallery of the sanctuary. (okay to bring in coffee). Information about the Warming Centers open the past… full post

  • Difficult Conversations: The University’s Role in Restoring Civic Dialogue with Drs. Robert George and Cornel West

    Jan 22nd, 7-8:30 PM, at LaSells EDI would like to invite you to an opportunity to attend a special event at LaSells, focusing on civil discourse and “difficult conversations” —an area of deep concern for… full post

  • Action Lunch is Back! 3/10

    An Action Lunch is a light lunch provided by volunteers, after a Sunday service, usually to support some aspect of our justice and outreach work.  We haven’t had one in a long time, until now!… full post

    Action Lunch is Back! 3/10
  • Secure Housing and Food For All Meeting, 1/21

    The Secure Housing and Food for All Justice Team is meeting this Sunday 1/21 at 11:30 in the Gallery of the sanctuary. (okay to bring in coffee).  Information about the Warming Centers open the past… full post

    Secure Housing and Food For All Meeting, 1/21
  • EDI Book Discussion 1-29

    Monday, January 29th, 7:00 pm on Zoom. With the current controversy around the need for reparations, the UUA common read, On Repentance and Repair, Making Amends in an Unapologetic World, by Danya Ruttenberg offers us… full post

  • Faith-based climate action this week, 1/7/2024

    Good News Climate-action Opportunities Of Note Save the Date Climate Action Opportunities: We track (row 25) the number of clicks on the respond link for each suggested climate-action opportunity. The climate-action opportunity tracking results (an… full post

    Faith-based climate action this week, 1/7/2024
  • From the “Secure Housing and Food for All” Team

    We hope you all had a joyful holiday season. Thank you very much for sharing your time and effort to help the people of Corvallis who are struggling each day to survive by donating warm… full post

    From the “Secure Housing and Food for All” Team
  • Justice Outreach Offering in January – NAACP

    For the month of January our Justice Outreach offering will benefit the Linn Benton NAACP. The NAACP works to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate… full post

    Justice Outreach Offering in January – NAACP
  • Queerly Beloved 1/21

    Sunday, January 21st at 4:00 pm in Room 7 We meet monthly on the 3rd Sunday in the afternoon. Join LGBTQ+ folx and allies for social gatherings centered on queer issues and themes. We understand… full post

    Queerly Beloved 1/21

Justice Outreach Offering

  • Our monthly outreach offerings in March will support the work of the Interfaith Movement for Immigrant Justice, a state-wide collaboration of faith groups, which the Fellowship has partnered with for several years. IMIrJ’s mission is to accompany and equip communities and people of faith in Oregon to advance immigrant justice through the direct accompaniment of immigrants facing detention and deportation, policy advocacy at local, state, and national levels, and purposeful organizing. Through networks of relationships, we create a more just world for immigrants, migrants, and asylum seekers by taking immediate humanitarian action and long-term collective, intentional action. 

Donations can be made in person on Sundays, or through the online collection basket.


  • “From the Pandemic to Here, and Beyond…”   3/23/25

    We have only begun to articulate what changed for us during the pandemic.  To begin to tell those stories is important, even as or perhaps especially because we are in the midst of more and… full post

  • “You Are Invited” 3/16/25

    Where do we come from?  Among other things, from a long line of people who constituted, nurtured, and maintained a liberal religious community, from generation to generation.  “Community” is what so many people mention first when talking… full post

  • “Keeping the Flame Alive” 3/9/25

    Every week we light a chalice as a symbol of our liberal religious heritage and a reminder of our values and ideals – freedom, justice, peace and love. People before us have nurtured and maintained… full post

  • Sunday Services This Month

    Mar. 2  “The Long Legacy of Liberal Religion: What’s It Worth Now?” Rev. Jill McAllister Mar. 9  “Keeping the Flame Alive”  Rev. Jill McAllister Mar. 16  “You are Invited”  Rev. Jill McAllister Mar. 23  “What Was Lost?”  Rev. Jill McAllister Mar. 30  “Can… full post

  • The Long Legacy of Liberal Religion: What’s It Worth Now? 3/2/25

    Where do we come from? From a long line of reformers and innovators, courageous dissenters and broad-minded humanitarians, among others. The liberal religious tradition includes people in all times and places. It has never been… full post

  • Keep Singing! With Peter Mayer 2/23/25

    Unitarian Universalist Peter Mayer has been singing and songwriting full-time for 30 years, performing across the U.S. and beyond, including in many UU congregations and gatherings.  His songs are part of our hymnals and services, including… full post

  • “When Comfort Zone Principles Don’t Apply” 2/16/25

    Fellowship member Blaise Ntakarutimana (now Kevin Shimineza) joins Jill McAllister to tell about his journey as a UU refugee from Burundi, where he was active in a humanist organization and in the newly-established Unitarian congregation… full post

  • “What Do You Know?” 2/9/25

    And how do you know you know it? But even more important is “what difference does it make? Martin Luther King Jr said “shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute… full post

  • Sunday Services This Month

    Feb. 2 “Where I’m From: Reflections on Black History” Rev. Jill McAllisterFeb. 9 “What Do You Know?” Rev. Jill McAllisterFeb. 16 “When Comfort Zone Principles Don’t Apply” Blaise Ntakarutimana (Kevin Shimineza)Feb. 23 Special Guest Peter… full post

  • “Where I’m From: Reflections on Black History” 2/2/25

    For me, Black History Month is a time for intentionality, for reflection, for learning. I consider it to be a responsibility – not an option. I am dedicated to the creation and sustaining of an… full post

  • “Deep Energies Of Life: Wisdom of Imbolc” 1/26/2025

    Here at the mid-point between Solstice and Equinox, here at the frontier of new assaults on freedom and democracy, here in the stirring of the season of new life, we can find wisdom and inspiration… full post

  • “The Most Dangerous Man In America” 1/19/25

    The list of current choices for this label is long – where do we begin? Sadly, it was used for a person who was dedicated to freedom, equity, and love, who helped shine more light… full post

  • “Janus: Looking Back and Ahead ” 1/12/25

    One the Roman calendar, the foundation for the Gregorian calendar we now use, every January was a crossroads between past and future – the end of the old year and the beginning of the new.… full post

  • Sunday Services This Month

    Jan. 5 “Why Religion Matters, Now” Rev. Jill McAllisterJan. 12 “Janus: Looking Back and Ahead” Rev. Jill McAllisterJan. 19 “The Most Dangerous Man in America” Rev. Jill McAllisterJan. 26 Wheel of the Year: Imbolc full post

    Sunday Services This Month
  • “Why Religion Matters, Now” 1/5/25

    Though arbitrary in many ways – calendars are human creations- the beginning of this new year feels momentous. Certainly we are called to continue to be present to the world in ever more careful and… full post

  • Holiday Brunch and Sharing 12/29/24

    We are between and amidst winter holidays – Christmas and Yule, Hannukah, Kwanzaa, New Year’s. There is quiet observing, celebrating, gathering, resting and contemplation. We’ll gather on this last December Sunday for short worship service… full post

  • “Stories of Christmas” 12/22/24

    From the first story – the birth story – have come millennia of stories about the origins of Christmas, the meanings of Christmas, the challenges and questions and problems with Christmas. Of Christmases past and… full post

  • “This Winter Season” 12/15/24

    Each season brings its gifts, and challenges. Here is the unique beauty of the Pacific Northwest in winter – green and fog and cold. Here are the holidays of light and joy. Here is the… full post

  • “And Also, Joy” 12/8/2024

    “We were made for joy and woe, and when this we rightly know, through the world we safely go” wrote William Blake. Join with the Fellowship Committee on Ministry this Sunday to consider this truth… full post

  • Blue Holidays Vesper Service, 12/16

    Are you feeling the tender ache of absence as the winter holidays approach? Or perhaps feeling lonely, anxious or depressed? Join us for an online Blue Holidays Vesper Service, followed by an optional time of… full post

    Blue Holidays Vesper Service, 12/16

Our Mission

Explore. Love. Act.

We gather as an inclusive religious community to search for meaning, build deep connections, and inspire action toward a better world for all.