Join the “Secure Housing and Food for All” Team

Our October Justice Outreach offerings will support the South Corvallis Food Bank. Their mission is to increase sustainable food security in Corvallis by providing emergency food boxes, information and opportunities with compassion and respect. Donations can be made in person on Sundays, or at

Information about the Monthly Outreach Offering, as well as about UUFC Justice Teams, is posted on the bulletin board at the northeast corner of the Social Hall. This month the South Corvallis Food Bank open hours and lists of needed food are on the Bulletin board in the Social hall for October.

Did you know that in addition to providing food the South Corvallis Food Bank has cooking demonstrations and recipes, collects cold weather items, diapers, personal care, and household items? Volunteer opportunities include helping shoppers, restocking, gleaning, assisting with incoming deliveries, driving for monthly home delivery. Youth ages 12 and up are welcome with their guardian’s permission.

Questions? Contact them at (541) 760-9382 or email

Join the Secure Housing and Food for All team meeting at 11:30 am in the library after the Sunday Service Oct. 8 and have your questions answered (or researched) by the team working to provide food, clothing, housing, shelter, and volunteers to the unhoused in Corvallis/Benton County.

Not So Like-Minded After All

It’s not uncommon for UU’s to note that they like being part of a congregation because they’re among “like-minded” people. It turns out, the more we learn about how brains function, and the more we listen to people instead of making assumptions about them, we’re not very like minded at all! What, then, do we offer one another for our religious lives?

Star Trek and UU

1st and 3rd Fridays from 6:30 – 8 PM, Room 7

October 2023 – mid April 2024

View and discuss how the TV Series Star Trek has portrayed social justice issues. Each evening we will watch an episode together and then discuss the relevant social justice themes from a Unitarian Universalist perspective.

Hosted by Amy Ayers

Star Trek and uu 1st and 3rd Fridays

October Services

October 1 – “Love As Spaciousness” with Rev. Jill McAllister. A new generation of UUs suggests articulating our values in new ways, beginning with Love at the Center  

October 8  – “Not So Like-Minded After All” with Rev. Jill McAllister. We’re learning a lot about the real differences in how brains work – neurodiversity. Turns out we’re more different than we imagine.

October 15  – “What is Transformation?” with Rev. Jill McAllister. Have you ever experienced transformation? How is it part of religious and spiritual growth?

October 22  – “God Is Not One, Neither are We” with Rev. Jill McAllister. One of the unique characteristics of our religious movement is pluralism – the willingness to be different and be  together at the same time.

October 29  – Wheel of the Year – All Ages – Samhain / Halloween

October 1, Braver and Wiser

~Worship is our shared Unitarian Universalist practice of exploring, connecting to, and creating the ways
that our individual lives fit into a larger whole. Not all UUs share the same beliefs or opinions–our religious tradition doesn’t expect or require consensus—but our shared worship forms a vessel for us to find meaning together. By devoting ourselves to a regular time of encountering and engaging that which is greater, wiser, and more compassionate than our individual selves, we create opportunities for transformation and meaning-making. The UUA offers many resources for worship – for congregations, small groups, and for home practice. Find out more at

~Braver / Wiser — Courage and Compassion for Life as It Is : A weekly reflection from the UUA
Life is full of hard edges and complicated choices. Braver/Wiser gives you weekly message of courage and compassion for life as it is. Every Wednesday we deliver an original written reflection and brief prayer, grounded in Unitarian Universalism. Join the Braver/Wiser community and sign up today!

Faith Based Climate Action 9/30/23

Interior announces $40M in funding for orphaned oil wells on tribal lands

LA’s Largest-Ever Land Back an ‘Important Step’ in the Movement

Oregon awarded more than $58M to reduce extreme heat risks with trees

Biden uses executive power to create a New Deal-style American Climate Corps

As Africa Loses Forest, Its Small Farmers Are Bringing Back Trees

80% More U.S. Wind Energy Potential This Decade From Tech Innovation 

EASA To Require 70% SAF Usage By 2050

Can EVs and solar save the world? The IEA thinks so 

Renewable energy boom may help us limit warming this century to 1.5 ̊C

Airlines Ready To Embrace Higher Sustainable Aviation Fuel Costs

Danone Institute North America Awards $250,000 to Five Teams to Advance Stronger and More Sustainable Food Systems

USGC corn program attains sustainability mark

Global use of oil could peak this decade: IEA

Indonesia’s largest floating solar plant to expand to 500 MW

Climate change and the shift to cleaner energy push Southeast Asia to finally start sharing power

Making Air Conditioning More Sustainable

Citizens’ Climate Lobby

Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act: The Act will (a) push us toward our goal of net zero emissions by 2050, (b) drive energy innovation, giving every American community access to affordable clean energy, (c) help low and middle income Americans afford this transition with a carbon cashback, and (d) keep Americans healthier and living longer by reducing air pollution. We need as many co-sponsors as possible to show support for a carbon fee and dividend. Email your House Representative 

Nature Conservancy

Conservation funding: Tell Congress and the White House how much you care about our natural world. Tell them how critical it is to rely on science to guide conservation efforts. Tell them you’re counting on them to address urgent challenges like energy use, sustaining endangered landscapes, and protecting critically imperiled species. Protect our nation’s natural heritage and the health of people and our planet.  Speak out now

Stop the Money Pipeline

Fund clean energy, not fossil fuels. Banks, insurers and asset managers are driving the climate crisis by financing and insuring new fossil fuel projects. Send Wall Street CEOs a message 

Tue 10 Oct, 6:30 – 8:15 PM, Corvallis Community Center, 2601 NW Tyler Ave

How Landfills Pollute Our Future and What We Can do About It:  Landfills are silent sources of greenhouse gasses, groundwater pollution, and microplastics pollution. Beyond Toxics is hosting a community education event on the long term risks of landfill pollution and ways to make Oregon a leader in holistic waste management.  Katherine Blauvelt, the circular economy director of Industrious Labs, will speak about the climate change impacts from landfills, and Anja Brandon, director of US plastics policy at the Ocean Conservancy, will discuss microplastic pollution impacts on rivers and oceans.

Wed 18 Oct, 7:00 – 8:30 AM, online

Eco-municipality Webinar 2:  Virtually visit the eco-municipality of Karlskrona in the south of Sweden. Learn about the science-based framework of the Swedish network of ecomunicpalities, SEKOM, and the Karlskrona eco-municipality.  Register

Sat 28 Oct, Doors open 6:30 PM, UUFC

Live Music, Fundraiser for Maui fire relief. $20 donation at door suggested. Suz Doyle & Julie Williams with friends in concert, featuring Absolute Harmony.


The Sum of Us Book Discussion 10/9, 10/23

October 9th, 7-8:30 pm on Zoom

and October 23, 7- 8:30 pm on Zoom

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Justice Team

Join us for a lively conversation as we explore The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together, by Heather McGhee, a book that invites us to engage in constructive, shared solutions to some of the greatest challenges we face. Contact Elona Meyer to receive additional materials.  We are happy to address any questions you may have, as well. If 289 pages seem daunting, and you missed the Random Review of The Sum of Us, offered by the Benton County Library, featuring Dr. Dwaine Plaza, OSU Sociology professor, here is the link to that review:  This review summarizes many of the key concepts presented by the author.

The second meeting on October 23rd will concentrate on “The Solidarity Dividend,” the book’s inspirational final chapter. 

Contact Elona Meyer to obtain the Zoom link for these events.

Holiday Fair 12/2

Saturday December 2, 2023

9:00 am to 2:00 pm

2945 NW Circle Blvd, Corvallis, Oregon 97330

Arts and crafts, home decor, jewelry, greenery, baked goods, and so much more! With over 20 local artisans, you’ll find beautiful hand made items for everyone on your list.

An interactive children’s craft table will be available for little ones to enjoy and take home a project!

Lunch is available for purchase from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Do you have a couple of hours to help make the Holiday Fair a success? See below for sign up links for greenery makers, furniture movers, greeters and cashiers.


All vendor spots are full! Check back next year.

Featuring over 20 local artisans, including fiber artists, ceramicists, painters and more!

Volunteers on Dec 1st and 2nd

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! If you are a member of UUFC, we need you! Volunteer to help with set up, clean up, cashiering, or many other roles. We have a job for everyone. Contact Bonnie Morihara with questions.

Kitchen Work Parties!

Thursday, Nov. 30th, & Friday Dec. 1, 9:30 am to 1:00 pm

Love to cook? We’re going to have a fun time in the UU kitchen on Thursday and Friday leading up to the Holiday Fair! Volunteers are needed to help with preparing food and baking items for the “Cafe”. The food will be sold during the Holiday Fair on Dec 2. Please contact Reverend Jill with questions. Sign up below.

At-home Bakers

Do you have some wonderful breads, cookies, brownies, candies, etc. you’d like to donate for the Baked Goods table? Sign up here with your name, contact info, and what you will make. Contact Elaine Kahn about our requirements for selling to the public (list of ingredients, nothing that requires refrigeration, more). Your donations need to be delivered to the Social Hall by 1:00 p.m. on Friday, December 1.

Greenery Work Parties

Weds, Nov. 29th, Thurs, Nov. 30th

11/29, 9:00-10:30 am, Bow Making, no experience necessary. Indoors. 3-5 people needed.

11/29, 10:00 – 12:00, 12:00 – 3:00 Greenery making swag and centerpieces in Laura’s unheated garage. 3-6 people needed

11/30, 12:00 – 3:00 Greenery making swag centerpieces in Laura’s unheated garage. 3-6 people needed.

Making greenery will be held at the home of Laura Uhler. The projects will be created in Laura’s unheated garage, so wear a coat! Please sign up below to be notified of the address.

Roy Zimmerman Returns to the Fellowship – Sept 30

Advance tickets $23 – on sale at UUFC Sept. 17 and 24 (cash or checks only), $25 at the door ($26 for credit cards.) Roy Zimmerman’s signature blend of heart and hilarity has never been more necessary. In a career spanning more than thirty years, Roy’s songs have been heard on HBO and Showtime, and his videos have garnered hundreds of millions of views.

Joni Mitchell says, “Roy’s lyrics move beyond poetry and achieve perfection.”

No Depression Magazine says, “Without a doubt, Roy Zimmerman is among the most important political commentators of the last few decades, and in the end, it’s the music that unites and disarms.  With music this good and humor this insightful, there is good reason to be optimistic.”

The L.A. Times says, “Zimmerman displays a lacerating wit and keen awareness of society’s foibles that bring to mind a latter-day Tom Lehrer.”

Tom Lehrer himself says, “I congratulate Roy Zimmerman on reintroducing literacy to comedy songs.”

Check out his YouTube videos — Roy has garnered hundreds of millions of views.
Here are a couple of our favorites (co-written by Roy and his wife Melanie Harber):

For more about Roy Zimmerman:

Concert sponsored by the UUFC.

Side With Love, September 24

~What is love calling you to do? The world needs Unitarian Universalists to show up for justice with spiritual grounding, generosity, humility, courage, and concrete skills. It is a spiritual practice to choose love over fear, to be brave, to show up when we’re called, to occupy space with loving resistance rather than fearful retreat. We are most powerful when we understand that all the issues we care most deeply about are fundamentally interlinked, and that each of us has a role to play in building a world in which all people can be free and thrive. When we bring our best selves to our justice work, whichever specific issue or campaign it might be, we are choosing to Side with Love.

The work that we do together to build a world in which all of us are free and thriving is interrelated. When we ground our spirits, grow our skills, and act strategically for justice in deep relationship with each other and our Movements, we choose to Side With Love.

Action Center is a place where we unite in work towards a world where we all thrive. Together we take action, Side With Love, and make deep impacts in this critical moment. Side with Love Action Center