Saturday December 2, 2023
9:00 am to 2:00 pm
2945 NW Circle Blvd, Corvallis, Oregon 97330
Arts and crafts, home decor, jewelry, greenery, baked goods, and so much more! With over 20 local artisans, you’ll find beautiful hand made items for everyone on your list.
An interactive children’s craft table will be available for little ones to enjoy and take home a project!
Lunch is available for purchase from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Do you have a couple of hours to help make the Holiday Fair a success? See below for sign up links for greenery makers, furniture movers, greeters and cashiers.

All vendor spots are full! Check back next year.
Featuring over 20 local artisans, including fiber artists, ceramicists, painters and more!
Volunteers on Dec 1st and 2nd
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! If you are a member of UUFC, we need you! Volunteer to help with set up, clean up, cashiering, or many other roles. We have a job for everyone. Contact Bonnie Morihara with questions.
Kitchen Work Parties!
Thursday, Nov. 30th, & Friday Dec. 1, 9:30 am to 1:00 pm
Love to cook? We’re going to have a fun time in the UU kitchen on Thursday and Friday leading up to the Holiday Fair! Volunteers are needed to help with preparing food and baking items for the “Cafe”. The food will be sold during the Holiday Fair on Dec 2. Please contact Reverend Jill with questions. Sign up below.
At-home Bakers
Do you have some wonderful breads, cookies, brownies, candies, etc. you’d like to donate for the Baked Goods table? Sign up here with your name, contact info, and what you will make. Contact Elaine Kahn about our requirements for selling to the public (list of ingredients, nothing that requires refrigeration, more). Your donations need to be delivered to the Social Hall by 1:00 p.m. on Friday, December 1.
Greenery Work Parties
Weds, Nov. 29th, Thurs, Nov. 30th
11/29, 9:00-10:30 am, Bow Making, no experience necessary. Indoors. 3-5 people needed.
11/29, 10:00 – 12:00, 12:00 – 3:00 Greenery making swag and centerpieces in Laura’s unheated garage. 3-6 people needed
11/30, 12:00 – 3:00 Greenery making swag centerpieces in Laura’s unheated garage. 3-6 people needed.
Making greenery will be held at the home of Laura Uhler. The projects will be created in Laura’s unheated garage, so wear a coat! Please sign up below to be notified of the address.