Roy Zimmerman Returns to the Fellowship – Sept 30

Advance tickets $23 – on sale at UUFC Sept. 17 and 24 (cash or checks only), $25 at the door ($26 for credit cards.) Roy Zimmerman’s signature blend of heart and hilarity has never been more necessary. In a career spanning more than thirty years, Roy’s songs have been heard on HBO and Showtime, and his videos have garnered hundreds of millions of views.

Joni Mitchell says, “Roy’s lyrics move beyond poetry and achieve perfection.”

No Depression Magazine says, “Without a doubt, Roy Zimmerman is among the most important political commentators of the last few decades, and in the end, it’s the music that unites and disarms.  With music this good and humor this insightful, there is good reason to be optimistic.”

The L.A. Times says, “Zimmerman displays a lacerating wit and keen awareness of society’s foibles that bring to mind a latter-day Tom Lehrer.”

Tom Lehrer himself says, “I congratulate Roy Zimmerman on reintroducing literacy to comedy songs.”

Check out his YouTube videos — Roy has garnered hundreds of millions of views.
Here are a couple of our favorites (co-written by Roy and his wife Melanie Harber):

For more about Roy Zimmerman:

Concert sponsored by the UUFC.