Reminder to Register for R.E.

Thank you to all who have already registered for the new Fellowship year in RE! If you have not yet registered your child, please do so either at the iPad on the tree stump in the classroom wing OR by using the registration links on our website. Thanks!

Announcement Screens

Have you noticed the screens in the foyer and in the Social Hall? Newly installed, with thanks to Ginny Gibson and Anya Ballinger, they will offer the weekly announcements for each Sunday morning. This is one more way to help as folks as possible to know what’s happening at the Fellowship. Stop and have a look!

Choir Goes to Portland First Church

The UUFC choir will be heading to First Unitarian Church in Portland on Sunday October 8th to fill in while their music program is on retreat. We are hoping this is the beginning to a long and harmonious relationship with their ensembles. We will share in some of the music that unites our congregations around the world.

Inquirers Series 11/5

Question Mark

Designed especially for newcomers seeking more information about UUism and the Fellowship AND open to all comers. 11:45 AM Room 6C. This week: Religious Exploration, with Dawn Dirks. 

Join the “Secure Housing and Food for All” Team

Our October Justice Outreach offerings will support the South Corvallis Food Bank. Their mission is to increase sustainable food security in Corvallis by providing emergency food boxes, information and opportunities with compassion and respect. Donations can be made in person on Sundays, or at

Information about the Monthly Outreach Offering, as well as about UUFC Justice Teams, is posted on the bulletin board at the northeast corner of the Social Hall. This month the South Corvallis Food Bank open hours and lists of needed food are on the Bulletin board in the Social hall for October.

Did you know that in addition to providing food the South Corvallis Food Bank has cooking demonstrations and recipes, collects cold weather items, diapers, personal care, and household items? Volunteer opportunities include helping shoppers, restocking, gleaning, assisting with incoming deliveries, driving for monthly home delivery. Youth ages 12 and up are welcome with their guardian’s permission.

Questions? Contact them at (541) 760-9382 or email

Join the Secure Housing and Food for All team meeting at 11:30 am in the library after the Sunday Service Oct. 8 and have your questions answered (or researched) by the team working to provide food, clothing, housing, shelter, and volunteers to the unhoused in Corvallis/Benton County.

Not So Like-Minded After All

It’s not uncommon for UU’s to note that they like being part of a congregation because they’re among “like-minded” people. It turns out, the more we learn about how brains function, and the more we listen to people instead of making assumptions about them, we’re not very like minded at all! What, then, do we offer one another for our religious lives?

Star Trek and UU

1st and 3rd Fridays from 6:30 – 8 PM, Room 7

October 2023 – mid April 2024

View and discuss how the TV Series Star Trek has portrayed social justice issues. Each evening we will watch an episode together and then discuss the relevant social justice themes from a Unitarian Universalist perspective.

Hosted by Amy Ayers

Star Trek and uu 1st and 3rd Fridays

October Services

October 1 – “Love As Spaciousness” with Rev. Jill McAllister. A new generation of UUs suggests articulating our values in new ways, beginning with Love at the Center  

October 8  – “Not So Like-Minded After All” with Rev. Jill McAllister. We’re learning a lot about the real differences in how brains work – neurodiversity. Turns out we’re more different than we imagine.

October 15  – “What is Transformation?” with Rev. Jill McAllister. Have you ever experienced transformation? How is it part of religious and spiritual growth?

October 22  – “God Is Not One, Neither are We” with Rev. Jill McAllister. One of the unique characteristics of our religious movement is pluralism – the willingness to be different and be  together at the same time.

October 29  – Wheel of the Year – All Ages – Samhain / Halloween

October 1, Braver and Wiser

~Worship is our shared Unitarian Universalist practice of exploring, connecting to, and creating the ways
that our individual lives fit into a larger whole. Not all UUs share the same beliefs or opinions–our religious tradition doesn’t expect or require consensus—but our shared worship forms a vessel for us to find meaning together. By devoting ourselves to a regular time of encountering and engaging that which is greater, wiser, and more compassionate than our individual selves, we create opportunities for transformation and meaning-making. The UUA offers many resources for worship – for congregations, small groups, and for home practice. Find out more at

~Braver / Wiser — Courage and Compassion for Life as It Is : A weekly reflection from the UUA
Life is full of hard edges and complicated choices. Braver/Wiser gives you weekly message of courage and compassion for life as it is. Every Wednesday we deliver an original written reflection and brief prayer, grounded in Unitarian Universalism. Join the Braver/Wiser community and sign up today!