Adopt A Highway, 3/30

UUFC has been participating in the Adopt-A-Highway litter pick up program for over 30 years! The Adopt-A-Highway program provides an opportunity for volunteers to clean up litter and remove noxious weeds along state highways. Activities may also include graffiti removal and maintenance of existing landscaped areas.

Questions: contact Scott Bruslind

Bob Oz’s Brigade- UUFC Litter Pickup

Join other enthusiastic volunteers on Saturday, March 30th 2024, from 9:00 – 12:00. Meet in the parking lot of Bimart on 53rd st.

Please RSVP at the link below.

Invitation from EDI, 2/29

Have you seen Origin, the new Ava DuVernay film, now showing in theaters near us? This outstanding movie centers on Pulitzer Prize winning author, Isabel Wilkerson. EDI, your Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion team invites you to join us, 7-8:30 PM, Thursday, February 29th, when we’ll explore our responses to Origin and the work of Isabel Wilkerson. Contact Elona Meyer for more information and the Zoom link.

An Opportunity to view a Documentary, 2/20

Don’t miss out! The First Unitarian Church of Portland is offering a Zoom link for viewing the Academy Award nominated documentary, “A Stranger at the Gate,” to be shown 7-8:30 PM, Tuesday, February 20th. RSVP to First Unitarian Church and let them know you are a UUFC congregant requesting the link to register for “A Stranger at the Gate:” If you would like to be included in a view and discuss activity, contact Elona Meyer and we will fill you in on dates, times, and the Zoom link.

A Friend Seeking Housing

I am a friend of Steve Strauss and am looking for a one- or two-bedroom rental property in or near Corvallis (space to garden is a plus!). I work from home as an editor for an educational publisher. I have one sweet kitty and am hoping to move in March. I can pay up to $1,800/month. Thanks so much for any tips you might have! Contact DeeDee Hughes

Art Wall : Beautiful Animal Photographs

With thanks to Art Wall team coordinator Isabel Prusinski, the Sanctuary is currently hosting a collection of pictures from local amateur (!) photographers Larry and Sharon Rosenkoetter. Both are retired from OSU; photographing wildlife is one of their loves. About their photos they say: ” The US and Canada are richly blessed with public spaces where wildlife can thrive, thanks to our ancestors who had the foresight to save lands for wildlife as well a for nature-loving people. We emphatically believe that in this time of climate change our generation must continue to combat forces that would destroy the essential habitats for vunerable creatures.” The photographs are for sale for $150 each. From more information about purchasing, see the information posted in the Sanctuary just inside the door from the foyer.

How to Add a Weekly Announcement

If your group, team, or council would like to add something to the Weekly Announcements, there is a new form! Look for it at

The Weekly Announcements are updated on Friday each week. The Weekly Announcements are meant keep everyone informed about what is happening at the Fellowship. If you would like to include something, please fill out the form by Wednesday of the week before the announcement should be published. Announcements may be edited for length and clarity.

How to Request a Weekly Announcement

If your group, team, or council would like to add something to the Weekly Announcements, there is a new form!

The Weekly Announcements are updated on Friday each week. The Weekly Announcements are meant keep everyone informed about what is happening at the Fellowship. If you would like to include something, please fill out the form by Wednesday of the week before the announcement should be published. Announcements may be edited for length and clarity.

Justice Outreach for February

Our outreach offerings in February will support Unity Shelter, a local non-profit organization which provides emergency shelter and transitional housing, plus wrap around services for people who are without safe housing or shelter. Unity Shelter’s mission is to provide safe shelter through collaborative care.