Save the Date for the Men’s Retreat

2023 UUFC Men’s Retreat

Save the Date:

November 3-5, 2023

All whose primary identification is male are welcome to the beautiful Menucha Conference Center on the Columbia Gorge in early November.   Car pools will be available to aid in transport and reduce carbon impacts, and scholarships will help to defray the cost of attendance.  Our theme is still under development, but is likely to involve reflection on when and why we choose to tune-in vs. to tune-out in our personal and public lives.  Your ideas are welcome. As usual, we will hold an open-mic session for sharing poems, songs, jokes, and more Saturday evening.   

For more information, contact planning committee members:

Steve Strauss – 541-760-7357,

Jed Irvine – 541-740-5633,

Gary Barnes – 541-752-9826,

Nick Houtman – 541-829-3442,

Lloyd Wagenschutz – 541-753-9071, 

Building Expansion Project: One More Step and Moving Forward

Save the Date: March 6th

The Building Expansion Team and the Board are in agreement: we can move forward to expand the social hall and make the whole building more energy efficient and safe. We have already invested in this process and we’ll still be able to accomplish a lot. First, the Corvallis City Council needs to vote to let us rescind our request for a new conditional use permit. That meeting will be on March 6. Once we have that assurance, we’ll schedule an open meeting for all who are interested to talk about the next steps and what the project can include now.

Covid Update

Covid protocols follow the CDC guidelines depending on our community level, show at the top of this page. Here is a guide to what the community levels mean:

Men’s Retreat 2022

The theme will be “Belonging.” It will focus on our feelings of belonging, especially in this pandemic and politically fractious time. Where and to whom do we belong? What does that mean as we age, change employers, or move our home from one community to another? How have our increasingly diverse gender, sexual, ethnic, racial, and political identities affected our sense of belonging? When have we felt excluded from groups or organizations, and when have we excluded others? How do we build a community together where we feel like we belong? We will of course adhere to all COVID protocols in place at the time to provide a very low-risk experience. Please mark your calendars, and pass this notice along to friends and especially any newer members whose primary identity is as a male.