But First, Thanksgiving

The Thanksgiving Day Festevent was long a regular feature of the Fellowship year – before the pandemic. Shall we do it again? What became a Thanksgiving dinner for 100+ people needed lots of hands to plan and prepare. Lots of hands will be needed again, if we decide to do it. If you are interested in helping the Festevent return this year (maybe in new ways), please contact Rev. Jill McAllister.

Holiday Fair In Person, December 2nd

Our annual Holiday Fair is returning on December 2, 2023. Calling all UUFC crafters and artisans. Sign up to let your creations become someone’s special gift. Contact Isabel or Tom Prusinski.

Thank You!

Thank You.

A special thank you to master carpenter Russ Anderson who upgraded our shed with new siding and a new mower ramp. Russ and Nick Houtman painted the shed with our new Fellowship siding color. Russ then assisted Jim Good with the precision repair of the water-damaged exterior Gallery door. Many thanks to all of. you for volunteering your time and expertise If you would like to help occasionally with short projects to maintain our building, contact Building Stewards Steve Ferrell, Nick Houtman, or Wolfgang Dengler.

“Future Design” — Conversation: Building New Ways at the Fellowship 11/5

Sunday, 11/5 after the service

So much is in flux, in the world and at the Fellowship. Former systems, groups and events are changing, new ways are emerging and being created. Have you had questions about some aspect of Fellowship operation or participation? Wondering how to find out about things? We want to hear from you! Let’s have a conversation to inform this process of change. Join us after the Sunday service on November 5th in the Sanctuary. If you have questions, talk to Rev. Jill McA or Skyla King-Christison.

Doorbells – New System Installed:

Thanks to Steve Ferrell for persevering to find a system that will work for us. The doors are usually locked – ring the bell if you arrive during office hours. If you or your group need to get into the building outside of open hours, please contact office@uucorvallis.org to get the code for the key box.

Fall Building Hours

The Fellowship office and building are open on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 10 AM – 12 PM (noon), with volunteers and sometimes staff present. New doorbells are now working.


We send condolences and prayers to the family of Kim Johansen, who died on September 21.

Reminder to Register for R.E.

Thank you to all who have already registered for the new Fellowship year in RE! If you have not yet registered your child, please do so either at the iPad on the tree stump in the classroom wing OR by using the registration links on our website. Thanks!

Announcement Screens

Have you noticed the screens in the foyer and in the Social Hall? Newly installed, with thanks to Ginny Gibson and Anya Ballinger, they will offer the weekly announcements for each Sunday morning. This is one more way to help as folks as possible to know what’s happening at the Fellowship. Stop and have a look!

Choir Goes to Portland First Church

The UUFC choir will be heading to First Unitarian Church in Portland on Sunday October 8th to fill in while their music program is on retreat. We are hoping this is the beginning to a long and harmonious relationship with their ensembles. We will share in some of the music that unites our congregations around the world.