Get Involved

Get Involved

Connect Up

“Connect Up” events provide a way to get to know each other in smaller group settings. Events can range from book clubs and game nights to bird watching, shared meals, wine tasting and local hikes — just to name a few. Everyone is encouraged to participate. 

In addition to simply helping people meet, Connect Up events are aimed at discovering shared interests. They are usually events that happen once or twice, as a way to see if enough folks are interested in a continuing connection. Hosts are generally folks who have been at the Fellowship long enough to be familiar with some of the people and the protocols for hosting Fellowship events. 

To host a new Connect Up, or for more information, email

More About Connect Up

Affinity Groups

Affinity groups often start as a Connect Up, but there is enough interest that it becomes a regular, recurring event. Examples of affinity groups have been hiking groups, book clubs, and even Star Trek discussion groups. Generally a Connect Up becomes an affinity group when there are at least 5 people participating, and there have been at least 3 meetings on a regularly scheduled basis.

More about Affinity Groups

Justice Teams

The Social Justice community at the UUFC is comprised of a broad range of groups that are engaged in concrete efforts to address the profound issues facing our local community, state, nation and world. The groups listed below are always open to new members and welcome your involvement.

More about Justice Teams

Chalice Circles

A chalice circle is a small group (6-10 participants) that gathers regularly to engage in deepening our connections to each other and ourselves via heartfelt conversation guided with meaningful topics. 

More about Chalice Circles

UUFC Choir/UUFC Band

Music is an important part of the life of the Fellowship, and of every Sunday service. If you love to sing or play instruments and want to get involved, please visit the music page.

More about Music at UUFC


The Fellowship could not run without the support of many volunteers. We need volunteers to help with Sunday services, building and grounds, technology, religious exploration, and many other areas. If you are interested finding ways to volunteer, please get in touch with the minister.

Become a Member

We highly encourage all newcomers who are interested in membership to attend all sessions of the Inquirer’s series, which are offered every Sunday in a 9-week rotation. The sessions are not just for newcomers and do not need to be completed in a specific order. Sessions begin at 11:45 AM on Sundays in Room 8 (in the classroom wing.).

More about becoming a member