1st Quarter Birthday Celebration, 1/12

We’re celebrating all who have birthdays in January, February, and March birthdays after the service on January 12. Join us in the Social Hall for cake or gluten-free desserts. All are welcome! And, all are invited to celebrate your birthday by joining the UUFC Birthday Club with a donation of one dollar for each of your years.

When you donate, be sure to click on the arrow to choose the fund “Birthday Club.”

Outreach Offering for January

We Care is a local coalition of faith communities, businesses, foundations and other non-profit organizations which provides emergency assistance for Benton County residents. Each week, We Care helps people pay for rent, utilities, and other expenses to prevent evictions and homelessness or the shut-off of water or electricity. The Fellowship has long been a supporting partner.

LEGATO potluck, 1/8

Join the choir and band for a meal of laughter, goodwill and perhaps song! Love is the power that holds us together. Let’s share that feeling over a meal. Our debut LEGATO potluck is Wednesday January 8 at 5:00. Come a little early if you can help set up tables. Bring a dish to share (please identify all ingredients). We will navigate sharing the social hall with Magic Flute daycare. Clean up is at 6:30. Choir practice is at 7:00.

This is a Connect Up Event with the purpose of building community within the UUFC congregation.

Singing Together on the Eve of Change, 1/19

Come join Audrey Perkins, Mark Weiss and Cliff and Chere Pereira for an hour of singing together starting at 7 PM on Sunday, January 19th, the eve of inauguration day.

We will share familiar and not-so-familiar songs of resilience, justice and peace. Come feel the energy and comfort that comes from joining together in song. Some lyrics will be provided. Knowing that there lots of winter germs around, masks are welcome, although they are not required.

Masks will be available for those that need one.

Magic Flute Pre-School Moves Into Social Hall January 6

With the classroom wing renovation about to begin in a couple of weeks, the Magic Flute Pre-School will move into their temporary home in our Social Hall and Kitchen, on weekdays from 7:30 AM to 5 PM, beginning Monday January 6. During these hours, the pre-school has priority use of these spaces. Fellowship individuals, groups and meetings will not have access to the Social Hall or to the kitchen during these times. If you are part of a group that likes to use the coffee/tea supplies, please now plan to bring your own drinks / containers to meetings.
If you are part of a group that plans to use the Sanctuary or Foyer during these hours, please be aware that we will do all we can to not disturb the pre-school. All of this sharing is temporary, for the duration of the work in the classroom wing. Please do your part to help make the sharing time successful!

Classroom Wing Move-out Continues

The first moving day was Jan. 4; much of the classroom wing furniture and packed boxes were moved to storage at a commercial facility and in the homes /sheds of Fellowship members and friends. Help is still welcomed – the second and final moving day is Saturday Jan. 11. Some demolition projects are still also underway. Sign up on the volunteer sheets in the Foyer if you haven’ t already done so, or find Wolfgang Dengler or Brian Egan.

Lost and Found – Check It Out!

Things accumulate at the Fellowship – jackets and water bottles, dishes and containers, books, shoes (?), jewelry and more. Every other month or so, we pull out the Lost and Found for all to see, with hope that some of the lost items are reclaimed. What isn’t claimed is usually donated. Please check the tables this Sunday in the foyer.

Leadership Supper, 1/30

Thursday Jan. 30, 6:30 PM
All leaders of teams, councils, committees, events, task forces, plus Board members and all others who are interested in leadership at the Fellowship, are invited by the Committee on Ministry to join once again for a Leadership Supper. A simple supper is provided and we’ll spend time connecting with each other about our shared ministry, especially emerging needs due to the state of the country and the world. Please plan now to join us!