Collection for Unhoused Children, 9/ 22 and 9/ 29

The Secure Housing and Food for All team will have a table in the foyer at Sunday services on the 22nd and 29th.  We are collecting for Elementary Children/families:

Grocery Gift Card – Winco preferred

Children’s Warm Coats, all sizes

Children’s Shoes, all sizes 

Rain Gear, all sizes

Please bring gently worn or new items to us on Sunday. 

Thank you!

Invitation to join the UUFC Birthday Club

You are invited to join the UUFC Birthday Club!

Club members make a donation to UUFC on their birthday in the amount of the their age. For example, a 74-year old would donate $74.

At the end of the financial year, donations will be split 50% Operations, 20% Endowment, 20% Reserves, and 10% Justice Outreach.

Questions and/or suggestions:

Breeze Account

The Fellowship uses a management software application called Breeze to keep track of UUFC Member and Friend contact information, pledging information, attendance information, online directory, and much more. You can review your giving history on Breeze, update your contact information, and even add a picture to your profile so we can all know each other better.

Please use the button below to activate your account if you haven’t already. You’ll be prompted to create your own password.

Friendly Reminder: Printing Guidelines

The Fellowship has a new printer/copier located in the office!

We have a set monthly allowable quota of Black and White copies and Color copies, so please help us ensure that we stay within our set amounts and don’t incur overage charges by following these directions.

Log all prints!

Please remember to write down each printing job in the Printing Log.

Use black-and-white printing!

Color printing requires prior approval from a staff member. Without permission, please limit printing to black and white.

Thank you for your cooperation!

Turning Points in UU History, 10/13-11/17

Adult Religious Exploration is back! We’re kicking off a new year of Adult RE with a deep dive into some of the juiciest controversies, failures, and missed opportunities in UU history. We’re talking about those turning points that left our faith tradition forever changed. What can you learn about how we got to where we are and use it to help us get to where we want to be? Come find out!

Sundays @3, 10/13-11/17

REGISTRATION is kindly requested.

You can check out the complete list of scheduled Adult RE opportunities HERE.

“Ancestors, Descendants, and Us” 9/15/24

“Where do we come from? What are we? Where are we going?” These words from the 19th century French artist Paul Gaugin provide the basis for our theme for this year – “Ancestors, Descendants and Us.” The theme is an invitation to consider the most basic religious question – How Shall We Live?- from new perspectives, both together and as individuals. Join us as we begin our exploration of this invitation.
RE “Spirit Play” Sessions for Children and Youth begin today; in the service we’ll send our children and their guides off to begin their new sessions with love and gratitude.

Partner Church Hungarian Dinner – All Are Invited! 9/27

On Friday, Sept. 27, at 6 PM, during the visit of our Partner Church minister, Rev. Katalin Szasz-Cserey, all are invited to a Fellowship Dinner featuring “traditional” Transylvanian Hungarian foods. Tickets will be $10 for adults, $6 for children under 12. Come meet new friends and old, learn more about our long partnership, enjoy a great meal and pictures of Transylvania.

Leadership Supper. 9/20

Our first Leadership Supper of the year, this coming Friday, is for all leaders of teams, councils, projects, events and the Board. We’ll focus on Council structure and communication, facilitation, and coordination of work and events. All leaders are needed and welcome. Please plan to attend. Supper provided by the Committee on Ministry and friends.

UUFC Choir – Join us this week!

The Fellowship choir meets once a week (Wednesday nights from 7:00-9:00) to prepare music which enhances our Sunday services throughout the year. We embrace a wide range of music from this wide web of life, — as old as the 1300s and as recently composed as this year and many things in between.

The choir typically sings in Sunday services twice a month. If you or someone you know would like to join a group of singers searching for beauty and wisdom in life through music, join us! ALL are welcome in the UUFC choir.

Happy Practicing and I hope to see you on any Wednesday at 7:00PM.

Steven Evans-Renteria, Choir Leader

Buildings and Grounds Planning – Session 2, 9/14

Many thanks to all who participated in the first session of this planning process, which aims to create a 3-5 year plan for our Fellowship Buildings and Grounds. The second session will take place on Saturday Sept. 14, from 9-11AM. Attend again, attend for the first time, or send an email to Jill McAllister with your ideas and hopes for our campus, to be incorporated into a strategic plan.

If you have ideas or opinions, now is the time to share them!

All are welcome.