Aging Successfully in Community, 5/1

Wednesday, May 1, 3-5 pm in the UUFC Sanctuary

“Moving along in life and aiming to thrive!”

At our May meeting, we are pursuing two interests: the ups and downs of deciding whether to stay put in our current home or to move on to a smaller place… or one that may offer services to help us adapt as we age or, at least, simplifies life. Four UUers who have been through this quandary will share their decision processes in a moderated panel to begin the program.

One major consideration for being able to age in place is making adaptations to our current homes. The panel discussion will be followed by a presentation by Brian Egan on “Aging in Place Safely”. During his years as a general contractor, Brian trained as a Certified Aging in Place Specialist. Thanks to his expertise, we will learn how to make our homes safer and what products can be used for that purpose.

Feeling social? We’ll provide the forms that make it easy to be a host for a group social activity! Coffee? Games? Walking? Puzzles? You name it! And sign up!
Come join us to create positive experiences for this time of life!

Mental Health Worship Service, 5/19

On May 19th at 4pm PDT, the Unitarian Universalist Mental Health Network will be offering an online worship service
centered on how Unitarian Universalism can inspire advocacy and acceptance in the area of mental health.

I’ve been working with the UUMHN for the past several months in an effort to expand our bank of mental health resources at the ready as our local community faces increasing need in this area, particularly among our children and youth, and I’m excited to share this worship opportunity with you!

In the second annual worship service produced by the UU Mental Health Network Speaker’s Bureau, author Sheri Thomas will share how Unitarian Universalism has inspired her to become a leading disability advocate fighting to remove the stigmas surrounding physical disabilities and mental health. Additional speakers include Rev. Barbara Meyer, whose seminary story was told by Rev. Rosemary Bray McNatt during her recent UUFC reception; Phoenix Bell-Shelton Biggs, a queer, BIPOC, non-binary seminarian; Erin White, member and past board president of The Fourth Universalist Society in the City of New York, and I’ll be offering the time for all ages!

If you’re interested in exploring topics at the intersection of faith and mental health, I hope you’ll join us!

Child Dedication Invitation, 5/12

In Unitarian Universalist congregations, the dedication and blessing of a child signifies the congregation’s willingness to nurture & love the child, & to support parents & caregivers in providing for their children’s spiritual development. It also celebrates the family’s desire to raise their children in a nurturing religious community.

Children are beloved members of the UUFC. Their growth and unfolding personalities are a source of joy to us all, and we are committed, as a congregation, to their spiritual welfare.  Our child dedication service is an opportunity to recognize that commitment & to welcome the new children in our midst.

It is our custom to dedicate children on Christmas Eve and Mother’s Day, as well as any time a family makes the request. Participating families will be invited to come forward & introduce their children. Each child will be blessed with a touch of water, the gift of a flower, & words of commitment by the gathered community.

If you would like your child to be dedicated on Mother’s Day, please contact Skyla by Sunday, May 5th.

“Successful Aging in Community” Kick-Off, 4/3

Wednesday, April 3, 3-5 pm in the Social Hall

Interested in joining with others who are moving along in age to adapt and thrive? This group is designed to keep us involved: addressing ways to adapt to inevitable changes at this stage of life while creating connections in this community. At this first gathering we will have fun and meaningful table conversations
and get to know one another better. Participants will be guided through a process of listing and prioritizing future topics in two areas: 

  1. Informative programs with guest speakers, and 
  2. Smaller group social activities like informal book groups, coffee klatches, puzzle or game sessions, and attending local cultural events.
    Come join us to create positive experiences for this time of life!

Register for Camp Blue Boat!

Camp Blue Boat registration is open!

NEW WEEK: June 30-July 5

NEW LOCATION: Get ready for an unforgettable summer experience at Camp Blue Boat at Camp N-Side-Sen in Harrison, Idaho!

This year, registration includes a bus from Seattle, so no need for a second registration. Don’t forget to look for the discount if you’re not taking the bus. And the Sibling and Early Bird (by 3/15) Discounts return.

This summer camp is perfect for youth from rising 6th-grade to 12th-grade graduates. It offers age-specific housing and programming, where campers, counselors, and staff will explore being in relationship with oneself, others, and the wider world. The camp is based on four basic pillars, including community, spirituality, justice, and equality. After attending, youth will be able to articulate beliefs grounded in UU theology and values, develop spiritual discipline, engage in social change, and build personal and religious resilience. There are plenty of fun activities such as field games, crafts, hikes, swimming, bonfires, and more. Come join us

Why are we moving?  Because our old site wants to use their camp for their campers, so we get to go back to N-Sid-Sen, where Camp Blue Boat started.

Turning Points in UU History 4/3-5/8 on Zoom!

Wednesdays, April 3-May 8

7:00pm-8:15pm CT on Zoom

Fee: Free for current Faith Forward congregation subscribers (UUFC is a subscribing congregation, so you get in for FREE! Yay, you!); $100 for non-subscriber congregations (no participant limit) or $25 per person. 

The Faith Forward program out of the First Unitarian Church of Dallas is excited to offer an online session of our “Turning Points in UU History” series for all congregations! This series explores turning points and controversies in our history, delving into the complexities of these historical moments through primary texts, to understand how they shaped Unitarian Universalism and how we relate to our faith today.

For more information or to register, email Skyla King-Christison ( by March 25th. I will share our group registration information with their program coordinator on April 1st, and then you will receive a welcome letter from Rev. Lora Brandis.

Spiritual Practices Part 2! 4/1 – 5/6 @6

It’s almost time for the second block of the Spiritual Practices Workshop! You DO NOT NEED TO HAVE TAKEN PART 1 of the Spiritual Practices series to participate in and benefit from part 2 of this series!

This 6-session series will help participants develop regular disciplines of the spirit – practices that help us connect with the sacred. This series affirms religious diversity while seeking unity in our communal quest for meaning and wholeness. Each session offers a forum for learning, sharing, and growth that can enrich our personal faith journeys.

In part 1 of this series, we explored potential daily practices to which one might choose to commit. For part 2, join Skyla King-Christison on Monday evenings, April 1st through May 6th, from 6 to 7 pm in Room 7 as we explore the topics of creating a sabbath, the art of hospitality and belonging, work and service, spiritual retreat, life as a spiritual practice, and pilgrimage.

Please register for this workshop using this form.

Happy birthday, Grandfolks Squad!

Can you believe the Grandfolks Squad turned one year old this month?! AMAZING!

If you find yourself in need of a team of Grandfolks to care for your children so that you can attend a Fellowship-sponsored event, use THIS NEW FORM to make your request! It’s easy!

We are so grateful to all the volunteers who have provided free childcare for our families this year! If you see anyone wearing a Grandfolks Squad button, make sure to thank them for all they do to make UUFC a welcoming place for families!

Currently serving grandfolks include Susan Smythe, Bobbi Bailey, John Bailey, Anne Tanner, Holley Lantz, Diana Titus, Jesse Ford, Carolyn Giles, and John Bailey.

Thanks for all you do, Squad! You’re awesome!

Coming of Age is Back!

We’re delighted to announce that the beloved Coming of Age program is back in 2024!

This is a program that asks our youth to explore what it means to become an adult in a Unitarian Universalist context. A lot of cultures have this kind of event in the life of their congregation or community. Close to home, our Jewish neighbors have bat and bar mitzvahs where young people are asked to learn a language and be able to reflect on a text. In other cultures there are walkabouts, solo experiences in the wilderness, or even rounds of combat. In each of these examples, the community is expressing what is important to it. In Judaism, the importance is put on being religiously literate in the language of the Torah. Walkabouts emphasize the importance of survival in nature, while hand to hand combat points toward the importance of defending the group or surviving a conflict.

In our faith, we ask our teenagers to reflect deeply on who they are as spiritual people, to be able to think metaphorically, and to express themselves as soulful, connected beings, capable of experiencing a spiritual passion and transforming that passion into service and dedication to a common good. These are the attributes we seek in our adults, and therefore the ones that we assist our youth in developing.

Because of the programming losses we experienced during the pandemic years, this year’s Coming of Age will be open to all youth in grades 7-12. Space is limited, so don’t delay in registering.

For the safety of our youth, additional information about dates and times is available by request only. Please contact Skyla King-Christison at if you’d like more details.

Soulful Home Pancake Breakfast, 5/11

Monthly, Second Saturdays

9:00 am in the children’s classroom 6C

Gather with other UU families for a time of songs, fun and food. Pancakes, milk, and juice will be provided. Bring a favorite topping to share!

Please note that families of all configurations are welcome here! If your child isn’t with you on pancake weekend and you have the desire to connect with other parents in our community, you are most welcome to come join the fun in the absence of your kiddos. 

Please RSVP


Chalice lighting & Music time (bring your instruments!)

Pancakes (bring your favorite topping!)

Playground time