UUFC Building Project Phase One Coming Soon!

The process of undertaking a building renovation and expansion project has taken us quite a few years, and a long and winding road. But we are getting close to starting the work! Phase One is the renovation of the classroom wing for safety and stability – to meet fire and earthquake codes – and to update/upgrade some of the windows, floors and walls. The estimated / hoped for start date is now September (still some questions to answer and city permit to be acquired). Our prep work is starting now. In order for renovations to be done on that wing, we have to EMPTY the building. (Move everything out. Everything.) That will be a big job.

Our first need is to find out who among us has and would be willing to lend storage space for 3-4 months – a rooms worth, perhaps, or some boxes. We’re looking for as much donated storage space as possible; then we’ll rent space only if needed. Do you have basement /garage / shed, or other space to share? Please contact Wolfgang Dengler, wolfdengler1@gmail.com.

And, get ready to sign up to help with moving, room by room, probably starting in July.