Join us on Labor Day – Monday, September 4th for the return of the Tuna Roast. This is a family friendly picnic gathering at the Lions Shelter in the SE corner of Avery Park. Come for games and visiting at 4:00 pm, food at 5:00 pm.
Grilled Fresh Tuna, potatoes and corn on the cob will be provided. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share. You are also encouraged to bring your own picnic plates, silverware and cups to reduce waste, along with lawn chairs. There will be games and activities for all ages!
There will be no Sunday service on August 3 – the Tuna Roast therefore serves as a kind of in-gathering. Reverend Jill will lead us in song and words of intention around 5:00 pm.
Volunteers are needed in a variety of roles: help marinate and grill tuna, clean and cook corn on the cob, help with set up, pick-up truck(s) needed to haul tables and extra grill, assist with activities, help with tear down and clean up. 20-30 people will be needed to help make this event the best one ever! Set up begins at 3:00 pm.
Email greet@uucorvallis.org with any questions.
This event is for UUFC members, friends and their loved ones. We welcome a small donation of $5 per person, although no one will be turned away.