Fellowship Job Posting: Communication Coordinator

We’re looking for a point-person for Fellowship communication, at 10/hours per week. The job includes editing Weekly Announcements and Monthly Journals, coordinating website content updates and event publicity, and interfacing with members’ and friends’ communication questions and needs. Skills needed include proficiency with Canva, Excel, and Breeze, Google docs and forms, strong writing and editing skills, strong interpersonal skills.

For more information and how to apply contact Rev. Jill McAllister, minister@uucorvallis.org.

Winter Solstice Service, 12/20

7 PM in the Sanctuary, 12/20

Join us for an evening service of readings, music, candles and silence, in observation of the Winter Solstice.

Join on Zoom with the usual service link.

Help Plant Trees, 1/18

On Sat 18 Jan, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 noon, in the fourth year of our collaboration with the Corvallis Urban Forestry Program, we will plant eight trees along Avery Park Drive, and we need your help.

Thank you. Questions: treasurer@uucorvallis.org

LEGATO, 2nd Wednesday of Each Month

LEGATO: a monthly potluck where foods harmonize in a smooth and flowing manner to create a satisfying dinner.

Come join members of the choir and band at 5:00 on the 2nd Wednesday of each month and let’s enjoy a meal of laughter, goodwill, and perhaps song! Bring a dish to share (please identify all ingredients) and note the event ends at 6:30 as rehearsal begins at 7:00.

This is a Connect Up Event with the purpose of building community within the UUFC congregation.

Justice Theatre Auditions, 1/27-1/28

It’s time to audition for the yearly Justice Theatre @ the UUFC production! This year, we’re doing George Bernard Shaw’s Major Barbara in support of the Vina Moses center. The production this time around will be a staged reading…which means no one has to memorize a thing! The performances will take place on March 28-29, and auditions will be in the Social Hall on January 27-28 at 7pm.

More Details

If you have any questions, please email Rachel Kohler at reassociate@uucorvallis.org.

Justice Theatre at the UUFC Presents a staged reading of George Bernard Shaw’s Major Barbara.

Open Auditions

January 27th and 28th at 7pm

at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Corvallis

Directed by Rachel Kohler and Chad Howard

In support of Vina Moses Center

Front Door Services in Corvallis, 12/18

4 PM on Zoom
The Secure Housing and Food for All Team invites you to join us to hear from the Directors of Unity Shelter, Vina Moses and the Corvallis Daytime Dropin Center on homelessness and poverty in Corvallis, what services are being provided, and how you can help. Also learn about StoneSoup program.. Shawn Collins, Ilene McClelland, Allison Hobgood – Moderator Mike McInally.

Secure Housing and Food for All Justice Meeting, 12/15

The Secure Housing and Food for All Justice team will meet in the UUFC library at 11:45am on Sunday 12/15. Support for Unity Shelter this month. Check out the Bulletin Board in Social Hall! information about Front door Services program on 12/18 (zoom). Concerns of the Sweeps continuing along with every park posted as no camping… ie. Sleep 10pm- 8am and then vacate the park, for the streets.

New Leadership For Membership and Greeter Teams

Announcing new leadership for the Fellowship Membership and Greeting Teams: Joyce Standing is the new Membership coordinator, and Heather Emberson is the new Greeter Coordinator. These two teams have long been strong and vital parts of Fellowship life, and they will continue to be so with Heather and Joyce at the helm. As is common, with new leadership comes a chance to review and revise procedures and processes – this time including increasing the greeters team, revising the Membership “book”, and updating the New Members Welcome. The main tasks of these two teams are to provide Sunday morning greeting to all and accompany newcomers who decide to continue attending the Fellowship through the processes of orientation and membership if desired.

Thank-you Heather and Joyce, and thank-you to all who are part of our membership and greeter teams!

Between Us

Just in case you’ve wondered whether or not the Fellowship, or UUism, has done or is doing enough to make things better (or perhaps to change all the things that need to be changed in the world – as if we could) here’s a heartening report from the wider world. Perry Bacon Jr, an opinion writer for the Washington Post, recently wrote an article (Nov. 27, 2024) encouraging folks to stop doomscrolling and choose from a list of five more constructive actions. #2 on his list is this: “Join a Unitarian Universalist Congregation.” He writes:

“If you’re part of a Christian, Muslim, Jewish or other religious group that meets regularly and engages politically, skip this. But there is a growing number of Americans, particularly on the left, who are religiously unaffiliated and not regularly congregating with people who share their values.

They should consider the Unitarian Universalists. I recently started regularly attending a UU service in Louisville. It’s much more political than the Christian churches I have previously been a member of. That turned me off at first. Since politics is essentially my job, I try (usually unsuccessfully) to avoid discussions of elections and government in my off-hours. And I was leery of a church whose openly liberal values would clearly turn off Trump supporters and therefore ensure a congregation that didn’t include many Republicans.

But before the election, church members engaged in politics in a practical way, encouraging congregants to go canvassing in opposition to a proposed constitutional amendment here to create a school vouchers program. (It failed.) So at least on Sundays, I was in a community of people working on a concrete, discrete local issue, as opposed to nervously speculating about Vice President Kamala Harris’s poll numbers.

Post-election, I was relieved to be in a space where we openly discussed shared values and ideals we felt had been rejected by America in electing Trump, such as support of immigrants and LGBTQ+ people.”

It’s encouraging to hear that our message and our approach are helpful! If you’ve been here awhile, doing exactly the work that Bacon describes, then take a moment to appreciate the fact that it does make a difference. (Share your appreciation with others). And if you are new to the Fellowship, perhaps looking for what Bacon describes, we welcome you! The world needs all of us, to keep these values and commitments alive and growing.

9th Annual Christmas Sing-Along! 12/22

Please join us for the 9th Annual Christmas Sing Along! All are invited to join in the singing and fun. There will be Christmas carols, stories, comfy pillows, and cookies!

Meet in the Fellowship Sanctuary on Sunday, December 22 at 4 PM!