Thank you to Laura Craig and Lynn Evans for their work clearing leaves off the Fellowship lawn. Thank you to Kathy Kopczynski for taking on a leadership role in Fellowship communications.
weekly announcements
Daily Practice: A Weekly Reminder 11/19/2023
In March 2020, when the COVID pandemic required us to radically alter our family and community connections, at the Fellowship we undertook a daily practice of cultivating inner nobility and steadiness. The needs and aims were many: including to help decrease worry and anxiety, to increase our ability to acknowledge and accept new ways of doing things, to encourage ourselves and each other to recognize different ways of staying connected, to help ourselves and each other find courage and strength when we felt too fragile or unbalanced. Of course things have changed since March 2020 – at the very least we are no longer in the midst of the global pandemic. Yet in some ways things have not changed – we are certainly still in the midst of global change – physically, socially, emotionally, and more. To practice cultivating inner nobility and steadiness remains a high calling, and a daily opportunity. Is the world we are living in any less challenging than it was in 2020? It doesn’t feel that way. Inner nobility and steadiness have never been more important than now.
What is inner nobility? Here are some ideas: It is the ability to consider the well-being of others in the same way we consider our own well-being. Or, love your neighbor as yourself. It is a capacity to not take everything personally, and to understand ourselves as irrevocably part of a wide and deep network of relations. It is the ability to approach others with loving kindness first. And how do we practice steadiness? Remember what it feels like to be in a boat which rocks. The first instinct is not to tell someone to “stop rocking the boat!”; the first instinct is to add more hand-holds, or rearrange one’s body to move with the rocking. That is, to quickly see the way things are, and adjust in all possible ways.
May we continue to learn, may we continue to practice – may we continue to cultivate inner nobility and steadiness.
Inquirers Series 11/19
Sunday, 11/19 at 11:45 AM
A series of 9 hour-long sessions designed especially for newcomers seeking more information about UUism and the Fellowship AND open to all others who are interested. Sessions take place every Sunday at 11:45 AM Room 6C. This week: Campus Tour with John Bailey.
Democracy Action Team 11/19 at 11:45 AM
Sunday, 11/9 at 11:45am
All are invited. Help protect democracy! Meet or catch up with others who are doing this work. We’ll share information about: what we all have accomplished in the last few election cycles, how letter writing makes a difference, and key issue campaigns of the year: Ranked Choice Voting (on Oregon’s ballot) and the Freedom to Vote Act. Join us in the Sanctuary following the Sunday Service.
“Transgender Day of Remembrance”
Gender and Sexual Diversity Justice Team: Michelle Shouse, Patricia Parcells, Becca Bedell, Rachel Kohler, Rev. Jill McAllister
In Unitarian Universalism, freedom means the freedom of each individual to claim their own identity – to not be defined by others or social norms. Transgender people find this freedom hard to come by in most places – indeed many parts of our wider community are dangerous for trans folks. How can we as a congregation help provide more safety and support for all?
Prayer with the Family
November’s tool in the Family Faith Formation Toolkit is prayer! Pop over to the RE news page and read about the importance of prayer (even when you’re not cozy with the idea of God), a short and easy formula for prayer (in case you’re feeling rusty), and links to inspiring resources, all to help you grow in strength as the spiritual leader of your family!
Why pray? Many studies by secular scientists find that prayer can result in reduced anxiety and increased calm and well-being. It’s a great tool to have in your family’s spiritual toolbox!
Homework for Caregivers
And, as always, if you want to pop in and discuss prayer or anything else, my door is always open!
YRUU Values Scavenger Hunt
Last Sunday, the YRUU participants went on a scavenger hunt around the building to see if they could find evidence that UUFC members act on their values. Thanks to your awesomeness, they found plenty of clues that the adults in our congregation are actively living into our faith! Thanks for being such excellent UU role models!
Living outdoors during Oregon winter is tough!
Another way you can help support the work of the Daytime Drop-In Center is by donating clothing:
-Men’s pants in sizes 32, 34, 36 preferably
-Men’s/Women’s – warm fleece tops, hoodies, pants, and vests
-Men’s/Women’s -outerwear jackets, especially rain gear and rain-proof hats
-Women’s underwear
-6 – 9 Blankets
-Gloves (we have enough socks, beanies, scarves, men’s underwear)
Drop off items in the UUFC foyer in the large white container with pictures of warm clothing on front or contact Roberta Smith
No Thanksgiving Event
It seems folks have other plans and priorities this year, so the Fellowship is not hosting a Thanksgiving Day meal or gathering. If you are interested inviting others to share some of the day with you at your home, or to go for a walk together, or other activity, please let Rev. Jill McA know –
Inquirer’s Series 11/12
A series of 9 hour-long sessions designed especially for newcomers seeking more information about UUism and the Fellowship AND open to all others who are interested. Sessions take place every Sunday at 11:45 AM Room 6C. This week: Questions and Answers with Rev. Jill McAllister