Democracy Action Team: Let’s Buy Some Stamps!

During the last election cycle, members of UUFC’s Democracy Action Team wrote 20,000 letters to voters around the country, encouraging all to vote.  Our team is gearing up for another critical election season this year, and to prepare, they need to buy stamps for all those letters.  (Given the price of stamps, the cost of being a letter-writer can be prohibitive for some).  Several members of the team are offering a one-to-one match for all donations to the Stamp Fund:  All donations up to $5000 will be matched!   Stamp prices increase on January 21 – can you help raise another $5000 to support this important work? 


IMPORTANT UPDATE for Brilliant Minds

An incorrect registration link went out in the weeklies and the newsfeed for the Brilliant Minds Workshop. If you believe you have already registered via one of those , please take a look at THIS registration link and verify that it is the one you used. If you signed up on the clipboard and or via the bulletin board QR code, you are already good to go! Thank you so much for your interest in this offering!

Justice Summit 2/2

Februrary 2, 2024 7:00 pm in the UUFC Sanctuary

An evening of appreciation and discussion as our UUFC Justice Teams present their work and goals, including a discussion of justice areas the Fellowship might consider adding to our work. Coffee house-style music and refreshments as well! 

Learn more about our UUFC Justice Teams on this webpage:

Contact Reverend Jill McCallister with any questions.

image of health care rally

WANTED: Shared Living Situation

Shared living situation in Corvallis for single elder man with leadership experience in men’s work and interests in cooking, swimming at Timberhill, inner-listening piano, Jewish Renewal, and applied Aikido practices for centered presence under pressure. Call Izzy at (707) 494-6993, email or visit

This is a time-sensitive request. Willing to accept temporary housing offer while looking for a more permanent residence.

UUFC Disaster Response Plan for Evacuation

Saturday, February 10, 9:30 – 10:30 AM

(optional Evacuation Drill and hands-on fire-extinguisher training starting ~ 10:30 AM )

The UUFC has improved and expanded its Disaster Response Plan for Evacuation and other emergencies. Our goal is to train all leaders in the basics of the Emergency Response system so they can become one of the three volunteers needed to safely manage an evacuation from the building anytime. All leaders will receive a copy of the most current 2024 Evacuation Plan. Leaders – please plan to attend the Disaster Response Training Session.

This training is strongly recommended for all House Managers, Sunday Worship Production Team members, Lobby and Kitchen managers, UUFC staff, and Board of Directors.

All other interested persons are invited and encouraged to attend! Questions? . 541 740-7664

A Big Change for Rachel Kohler, RE Associate

After serving in the UUFC’s Religious Exploration department for seven years, RE Associate Rachel Kohler is simultaneously thrilled and devastated to have been offered a full-time job at the Majestic Theatre as their new Recreation Coordinator of Cultural Arts and Community Engagement. Although she will gradually begin to transition away from her staff duties at the Fellowship in January,  she’s not actually leaving; the UUFC community is much too dear to her to not continue to be involved in some capacity. She is, however, deeply grateful to have had the privilege of serving such a wonderful community of people for so many years in her role as a staff member.

Inquirer’s Series – Every Sunday

Question Mark

This week: Roots with Skyla King-Christison. Inquirer’s Series is a series of 9 hour-long sessions designed especially for newcomers seeking more information about UUism and the Fellowship AND open to all others who are interested. Sessions take place every Sunday at 11:45 AM Room 8.

Upcoming session dates:


Jan 7 Principles & Sources* with Skyla King-Christison

Jan 14  Building & Grounds with John Bailey 

Jan 21   Minister’s Q&A* with Jill McAllister

Jan 28 Lifespan Faith Development with Dawn Dirks

Feb 4 Worship & Liturgical Year with Jill McAllister

Feb 11 Social Justice, Community Action & Connect Up with Karen Josephson

Feb 18 Care and Support & Chalice Circles with Sandy Piper

Feb 25 Membership 101* with Bobbi Bailey

Mar 3 Roots with Skyla King-Christison

Plant Based Potluck

recurring; 4th Sundays

Join a potluck exploring and learning how to eat more Whole Foods Plant Based meals. It’s new! It’s confusing! It’s good for our health and our planet. No experience needed – whether you are a long time plant based eater, or have never heard of this before, you are welcome here. Let’s eat, laugh, and learn together. Children welcome.

Bring a dish to share, in which all ingredients are plants.

Plants: Grains, beans, fruits, vegetables, nuts & seeds, herbs & spices.

Not Plants: Animal flesh, fluids, and unborn young.

Need ideas for recipes?

Hosted by Ann Marchant.

This is a Connect Up Event, with the purpose of building community within the UUFC congregation. Would you like to host a Connect Up event? Learn more about it here: