Proposed new Adult RE Team needs MEMBERS

How many years now and counting??

Many at the UU Fellowship are very aware that they are getting older and would welcome the chance to consider issues related to aging. In addition, it would be helpful to have opportunities to compare ideas and experiences with one another.

The purpose of the group would be to develop community and assuage concerns related to aging. This may call for monthly gatherings on a variety of topics. Guest speakers could be called in to inform and to help the group sort through the many

If you’re facing this stage of your life and would be interested in contributing to the efforts of a new Adult RE Team, please contact: Janet Farrell at We now have three committed members and need a couple more to qualify in order for this new program to get started. Please consider this invitation to join us!

Lynn Snider, Janet Farrell and Carolyn Madsen

Free Mental Health Film Screening 2/8 @6:30


The Religious Exploration Staff is aware that our children, youth, and young adults are facing an unprecedented mental health crisis and we acknowledge the lack of mental health resources available to families in our community. As such, we are elevating our commitment to educating ourselves and expanding our program’s capacity to hold space for children, parents, and caregivers to connect with one another in mutual support.

One of the first offerings we present in this a screening of What I Wish My Parents Knew, a film by Tell My Story, designed as a mental wellness tool to help parents better understand how to support the mental health of their children.

The event will be a two-part, 90-minute experience with a group viewing followed by a discussion facilitated by a licensed mental health professional. Pre-registration is requested.

This film is not available for general public streaming, but this event is open to the public. We ask that viewers be over 18. On-site childcare will be provided free of charge by a team of experienced and background-checked adults.

If you plan to attend, we recommend watching this talk by the creator of the film to prepare. PLEASE NOTE: themes of self-harm and suicide are present in both the talk and the film.

Direct questions to DRE@dreuucorvallis-org

Write Your Own Celebration of Life 2/3 & 3/2, 9:30-noon

In this 2-part workshop, Kathy Kopczynski and Skyla King-Christison will help you begin to write suggestions for your own Celebration of Life program as a means of support for those you will leave behind and a meditation on your own life well lived. 

This workshop is open to adults of all ages. Pre-registration is requested.

EDI Book Discussion 1-29

Monday, January 29th, 7:00 pm on Zoom.

With the current controversy around the need for reparations, the UUA common read, On Repentance and Repair, Making Amends in an Unapologetic World, by Danya Ruttenberg offers us an opportunity to explore what true reparation or restitution can be in our public institutions and our own lives. Join us for a timely conversation as we explore Ruttenberg’s book 7-8:30 PM, Monday, January 29th.

Let us know if you need assistance locating this important book.

Contact Elona Meyer to recieve the zoom link.

Organized by the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Team, a member of the UUFC Justice Council.

Register for Virtual General Assembly (GA)

Don’t miss out on the best deal for General Assembly 2024. The early bird catches the savings! Register now, and lock in the lowest rates available through March 15. For just a $50 down payment with the Early Bird Payment Plan, secure your spot for an enriching experience packed with featured speakers, dynamic worship, and exclusive access to our event app’s on-demand content. Whether you’re a past attendee or a first-timer, this is your chance to be part of an incredible gathering. Reserve your virtual spot today, and join us at General Assembly 2024. A reminder, the UUA is committed to the goal of making General Assembly accessible to the maximum number of attendees possible. Financial support is available as well as volunteer opportunities to offset the cost of registration for GA 2024. Learn about the option available here.

Pacific Western Region UUA Regional Assembly 2024

It’s time to get together!

Registration is open for our Pacific Western Regional Assembly this April 19th and 20th!  

Please share this widely within your congregation, in your newsletter and Sunday announcements.  

People can attend either in person, at First Universalist in Denver, or remotely.  We are planning a family friendly event and children are welcome.  This is a great chance to connect with our larger faith and connect with new and old friends. Stay up to date on all the PWR RA Plans here. Register here. 

It’s time to get together!

Registration is open for our Pacific Western Regional Assembly this April 19th and 20th!  

Please share this widely within your congregation, in your newsletter and Sunday announcements.  

People can attend either in person, at First Universalist in Denver, or remotely.  We are planning a family friendly event and children are welcome.  This is a great chance to connect with our larger faith and connect with new and old friends. Stay up to date on all the PWR RA Plans here. Register here.

Celebrating Rachel’s New Job

To honor this exciting news of Rachel’s new job, we invite you to join us on January 28 after the service. We encourage you to bring notes and cards to share your congratulations and well-wishes to Rachel on her journey.
We hope to see you there! ?

We Care is hiring!

Do you or someone you know have an interest in helping We Care further our mission, by applying to be our half-time Intake Coordinator?

The Intake Coordinator oversees all steps of the Intake process, supports volunteers, talks with applicants and partner agencies, and coordinates with the We Care Board. A complete job description and job application can be found here. Applications submitted by January 30 will be given priority.

Thank You!! 1/21/2024

Thanks to everyone who designated the Fellowship as their nonprofit recipient on their Fred Meyers Rewards! December was the first month that we received a donation from Fred Meyer. Let’s keep the momentum going and have everyone link their cards!

Difficult Conversations: The University’s Role in Restoring Civic Dialogue with Drs. Robert George and Cornel West

Jan 22nd, 7-8:30 PM, at LaSells

EDI would like to invite you to an opportunity to attend a special event at LaSells, focusing on civil discourse and “difficult conversations” —an area of deep concern for many of us! Dr. Cornel West and Dr. Robert George will be featured speakers at LaSells and online via

The topic: Difficult Conversations: The University’s Role in Restoring Civic Dialogue.” We are asked to register for this event.

“Difficult Conversations” – More Info and Registration