We are aware that the new confines and acoustics of our Sunday morning building use are less than ideal, and for some, quite overstimulating. While we lack the space to create a quiet zone on Sunday mornings, we have constructed 2 Sensory Break kits, which will be stored in yellow bags — one will hang on the back of the rocking chair in the gallery of the sanctuary and the other will be in the Spirit Play cart in the social hall.
Any time you or your child need a quiet moment or support in recovering from overstimulation, you are invited to grab one of these bags for as long as you need. While some of these items have toy-like appeal, they have been carefully selected for the support of those with exceptional sensory needs. We ask that they not be used as sanctuary entertainment so that they are available when the need arises.
Each kit contains sound cancelling headphones that can be adjusted for adult and child fit, and a variety of items for visual and tactile distraction.
This is part of our ongoing effort to be more welcoming and inclusive, recognizing that a wide range of needs come with us into the Fellowship each week. If you would like to know more about these efforts, please contact Skyla King-Christison.