Queerly Beloved 5/19/24

Sunday, May 19th in the UUFC Social Hall

4:00 pm to 6:00 pm

This month, we’ll have a casual potluck and some icebreaker games, hosted by Ginny and Linda! Come and get to know your queer community and make new friends! Bringing food is optional, but welcome! Join us! Allies are always welcome/you don’t have to identify as LGBTQ to attend.

Join LGBTQ+ folx and allies for social gatherings centered on queer issues and themes. We understand the importance of queer community, and our goal is to provide a safe space where people can find that sense of belonging right here in Corvallis. We meet monthly on the 3rd Sunday in the afternoon. All are welcome! Questions: connect@dreuucorvallis-org

QUEERLY BELOVED is an affinity group of UUFC. uucorvallis.org/queerly-beloved

Queerly Beloved 12/17

Sunday, December 17th, 4:00pm to 6:00 pm in the Social Hall

Join Anya and Jema and friends for hot drinks and cozy crafts and conversation. Bring cookies to share, if you like! An optional walk through the neighborhood to look at Christmas Lights will follow. All are welcome.

We meet monthly on the 3rd Sunday in the afternoon. Join LGBTQ+ folx and allies for social gatherings centered on queer issues and themes. We understand the importance of queer community, and our goal is to provide a safe space where people can find that sense of belonging right here in Corvallis. Questions: connect@uucorvallis.org

Monthly Hikes

a group of hikers stands atop a hill

Last Saturdays of the month, meet with Jim Wagner and other Unitarian friends for a casual hike in the Corvallis area. These are suitable for all ages. The intensity and difficulty of the hike will vary depending on interest. Meeting time will vary. Contact us to sign up and join the group! Connect@uucorvallis.org

March 2024 Hike Info:

March Connect Up will be the northern leg of Section 36 Loop in McDonald Forest. This is mature forest along the upper part of Calloway Creek. Early spring wild flowers can often be seen along this trail. Walk is about 4 miles and gains about 600′. About 1/4 of the distance is on trail and the rest on forest road. So, keep Saturday, March 30 (day before Easter) open! More info will be sent to the email list.

Tending Our Grief Circle, 4/11

Thursday, April 11th at 12:00 – 1:30 pm in the UUFC library

We will gather together to share from our hearts about the griefs we are carrying and to witness one another. These may be very personal sorrows or extend to the losses that we witness in the world.

Our time together will include sharing, poetry and simple ritual.
“Every one of us must do this. We must learn how to work with the grief in our lives…simply gather the courage to speak from your heart, and let the others know that you are feeling sad and carrying grief in your body. What I have discovered in grief rituals over many years is that we feel relief when we finally are able to acknowledge our pain with one another.” ~ Francis Weller, The Wild Edge of Sorrow.

Facilitated by Anna Coffman and Susan Sanford.

Star Trek and UU

1st and 3rd Fridays from 6:30 – 8 PM, Room 7

October 2023 – mid April 2024

View and discuss how the TV Series Star Trek has portrayed social justice issues. Each evening we will watch an episode together and then discuss the relevant social justice themes from a Unitarian Universalist perspective.

Hosted by Amy Ayers

Star Trek and uu 1st and 3rd Fridays

Queerly Beloved

recurring; 3rd Sundays 4:00 to 6:00 pm at UUFC

Join LGBTQ+ folx and allies for social gatherings centered on queer issues and themes. We understand the importance of queer community, and our goal is to provide a safe space where people can find that sense of belonging right here in Corvallis. We meet monthly on the 3rd Sunday in the afternoon. All are welcome! Questions: connect@uucorvallis.org

Check the weekly announcements for posts.

Nerd Girls Science

Women and non-binary persons are invited to come and share science news articles or books. No science background is required. You do not have to bring anything except a desire to learn and a healthy curiosity. Topics depend on what people bring to share and requests from the group – they range from astronomy to zoology and everything in between.

2nd Saturdays, 10:30 am, year round. Contact person: Priscilla Spears

Questions: connect@uucorvallis.org

Star Trek and UU

Star Trek and UU
The UU Seven Principals align well with the values of the imagined future of the Star Trek Universe. Star
Trek has a long tradition of producing shows that address challenging topics of our contemporary life
using the guise of science fiction and alien civilizations to tell allegorical stories. The shows are not just
entertaining (though they totally are); some of them dig into some really difficult issues that are worth
sharing with others and starting some conversations around.
We shared a curated list of relevant episodes from multiple Star Trek series’ dealing with racism, war, the
nature of individuality and ones inherent rights, gender identity, the environment, homelessness and
genocide. Each episode was briefly introduced, then watched, followed by some great discussion. We also
had snacks.
We met for 10 sessions on the 2nd and 4th Friday of the month from February through June. At our first
session two people came. At our last 16 people came. Over 20 people participated at least once. The ages
of the participants ranged from mid 20’s to mid 70’s.
We hope to resume this Connect Up activity in October 2023. Anyone can attend, you do not need to have prior
knowledge of Star Trek or be a Trekkie to participate in this activity.
Star Trek and UU was organized by Amy Ayers with the help of Tyson Bryant.