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UU marchers at the 2014 People’s Climate March in New York City. Credit Peter Bowden.

Guided by our 7th and 2nd Principles and our minister Jill’s  often-stated observation that climate change is the context for all we do as a religious community, the Faith-based Climate Action Team works to support  UUFC members and friends in ambitious, effective, collaborative action to (a) mitigate climate change, (b) build resilience and adaptations in the face of climate change, and (c) secure justice for those most impacted by, but least responsible for and with the fewest resources to thrive under climate change.

We work to (a) reduce and to take responsibility for carbon emissions, both as a facility and as members/friends, (b) support legislation and policy endorsed by Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) and frontline communities that furthers mitigation, adaptation/resilience, and climate justice, and (c) seek opportunities to follow the leadership of BIPOC and frontline communities in their work on climate change, adaptation/resilience, and justice.

All are invited and encouraged to participate. Contact:

From the Climate Action Team
