CAT Looking Back


Using five strategies (advocacy, reduction of carbon emissions directly, education, developing policy decisions, and maintaining infrastructure) members and friends worked together to accomplish much  in 2021-22:

Strategy #1: Advocate 

Strategy #2: Reduce Carbon Emissions Directly 

  • The Toward Net Zero Project, in collaboration with the UUFC Buildings Team, was awarded a $10,000 City loan to improve the energy efficiency of our existing building.
  • The TreesProject, in collaboration with the City of Corvallis Urban Forestry program, planted 12 oak trees  in a low-and-moderate income Corvallis neighborhood.
  • The Campus Habitat Project, in collaboration with UUFC Grounds and UUFC Youth Religious Exploration, installed six bird nesting-boxes to encourage and support native birds.

Strategy #3: Educate and share hope

  • The Toward Net Zero Project hosted  a Wednesdays-in-April (Earth month) series of Zoom presentations on ways we can take action to reduce emissions.  
  • The Toward Net Zero Project is providing opportunities, encouragement, and support for members/friends to reduce and take responsibility for personal emissions.
  • Climate Solution Happenings is posted monthly in UUFC newsletter, along with other frequent communications on Mighty Network and the 7th Principle Google group. 
  • The Climate Action Team hosted a three-session Religious Exploration courseClimate action as spiritual practice”.
  • The Climate Action Team was key in the work to have Justice councils and teams consider racial and climate justice issues in their 2022-23 and future budgets.
  • In collaboration with the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Team, the Climate Action Team is beginning to operationalize anti-racism and climate lenses to inform the work of councils and teams.

Strategy #4: Develop Policy Decisions

The UUFC Board:

       a) declared a climate emergency,

       b) established the Carbon Reduction and Responsibility Fund, and 

       c) joined the Renew Oregon and Divest Oregon collaboratives.  

Strategy #5: Maintain infrastructure to support other strategies

  • A space for the Climate Action Team was developed and maintained on Mighty Network. 
