Between Us

I’m so grateful for the group of Fellowship folks who are presenting the Sunday service this week, “Imagine Peace.” Bill Glassmire gave us the starting point with his questions: “What does PEACE mean to you? no war? good relations with your neighbors? a life with enough for everyone?” It’s easy to think that peace, or perhaps world peace, is too much to aim for, too hard to even imagine. Yet we know, we do know, that we either create more peace or create obstacles to peace with every action, every step we take.

Let’s not let our imaginations wither, for if we cannot imagine peace we cannot help create it. How DO you imagine peace? practicing humility? practicing forgiveness? being other-centered?outgrowing a need to be right? being less afraid? sharing space, sharing homes, sharing money? remembering that people are more important than things, that animals are as important as people? learning to center yourself in the breath which is given each moment? Was there ever a better time than now to give our attention to creating peace? Thank-you to all of you who are joining in this conversation.