Between Us

Although the beginning of “Summer Services” is a little bit arbitrary, nevertheless we do make a change in our worship formats during most of the summer months. This year we’ll begin Summer Sunday Services on July 7 and end on September 1. Some of those services will be held outside, depending on temperature and weather — that part makes planning ahead a challenge. Just check the weekly announcements each week.

People have different approaches to Fellowship life in the summer. Some travel a lot, and take breaks from Sunday attendance. Others attend every week and don’t really distinguish between summer and other seasons when it comes to Sunday services. Whatever works for you, we look forward to seeing you at the Fellowship or online as often as you are able to come.

There are other ways to gather as well. For example, a concert this Sunday evening in support of our democracy action team stamp fund; a night at the ball park on July 28; a music sharing evening on August 7; seasonal Connect Up activities and more. And there will be furniture moving to share as we begin to empty out the classroom wing in preparation for renovations there.

Summer is a great time to invite others to get together – for walks, coffee/tea, gardening, movies, meals, etc. Find someone to share in a conversation about our Congregational Covenant of Right Relations, or about the newly updated UUA values (Article 2.) Or make an appointment to get together with your minister. If not now, when?

Whatever your approach to summer, may it be a time for building new connections and strengthening the bonds of community.

We hope to see you often.