The expected shift has happened this week in our country, and it feels like a tidal wave is moving. Already the lives and safety of so many people are at stake and in danger. It is a time to let go of many of our wants and needs, and build more courage and more skills for showing up for the values freedom, justice, peace, compassion, inclusion, sustainability and so much more. It is a time to remove obstacles to our flexibility and equanimity. It is time to let go of many expectations and entitlements, and consider anew what is important and what is not.
There will be many opportunities to raise our voices and be present with and for others, to sign on and join in and show up. We are need of a Rapid Response team, folks who are able and willing to help prioritize the many opportunities, according to our mission and goals. If you are interested in serving as part of such a team, please let me know as soon as you can.
Meanwhile, we are navigating the many changes in Fellowship life due to the renovation work. Details and questions arise every day! Who to ask? For room use reservations, please contact Priscilla Galasso, For renovation project questions, contact Brian Egan at For questions on sharing space (especially use of the Social Hall and/or Kitchen on evenings or weekends) please contact Ginny Gibson.
As always, for any and all other questions, I am happy to respond as best I can. (