The 20th Annual UUFC Men’s Retreat will be held this year from Friday, October 25 (5 PM) through Sunday, October 27 (1 PM). Details and registration will be available soon. The Men’s Retreat is an opportunity for those who identify as men to get to know other men at UUFC, give yourself a respite from the daily routines, and enjoy time for personal reflection. We’ll be at the Menucha Retreat Center overlooking the Columbia Gorge in Corbett ( Through large and small groups, singing, time in nature, and play time in the evening, we’ll connect with one another in deep and meaningful ways.
Our theme this year is: Building Authentic Connections
Releasing shame and self-criticism.
Being more emotionally present with others.
Exercises in integrity and relationship.
Enjoying one another and being courageously playful.
Mark your calendar now. Registration will be open soon!
Questions? Contact Alan Kirk, Nick Houtman, Jeff Martin, or JF Benoist