When food is involved, we have a full house. Attending the October Board meeting/pot luck were Sheryl Stuart (facilitating), Carl English-Young, Jema Patterson, Gavin Araki, Rev. Jill McAllister, Jamie Petts, Mary Craven, Jack Elder, Michael Hughes, John Bailey and Scott Bruslind; joined by two members of the Committee on Ministry: Nancy Kyle and Gary Barnes.
The focus of our October meeting was to begin a conversation on the Charter of Shared Ministry, and the charge to the Committee on Ministry, which has not been updated since 2014.

What does Shared Ministry look like?
It looks like this:
UU congregations call a Minister to help fulfill the Mission of their beloved community.
OUR MISSION… Explore. Love. Act. We gather as an inclusive religious community to search for meaning, build deep connections, and inspire action toward a better world for all.
In Shared Ministry, some responsibilities fall to the Minister while others belong to the board and to all the members the congregation. The Committee on Ministry parses out the thin line between: a line that’s fluid and contingent on the strengths of the two parties.
What are the roles of the Minister and staff and where do Fellowship members (mostly volunteers) fill in? Shared Ministry means partnership, based on covenant – which is much more than a simple employer / employee relationship. Helping and guiding all of us to understand the balance of this important work is the mandate of the Committee on Ministry. Congregations rise and fall on how well a Committee on Ministry navigates the currents of current affairs. The Board is working with the Committee on Ministry to clarify and document their important work.Minutes of Board meetings are posted here. We’ll meet again on November 21, 2023. Visitors are welcome to observe and share in whatever snacks we rustle up. Let us know if you’d like to attend. You are most welcome.