This Week
Connect Up Hike, 12/28
9th Annual Christmas Sing-Along! 12/22
Just Added:
UUA President Holiday Greetings and Good Wishes
Fellowship Job Posting: Communication Coordinator
LEGATO, 2nd Wednesday of Each Month
New Leadership For Membership and Greeter Teams
Green to White
You Can Help Our Families Engage!
December Holiday Services and Events
UUFC Merch Store
Just Added:
Plan Ahead
Death with Dignity & Advanced Directives, 1/15
Help Plant Trees, 1/18
Justice Theatre Auditions, 1/27-1/28
Self-Regulation and Co-Regulation Workshop for Parents, 1/2
Post-Holiday Break for Parents, 12/27
Adult OWL, Comprehensive Sexuality Education for 18+, 1/5-3/9
Stoic Art Journaling for the New Year, 12/27
Just Added:
*What’s New In Inquirers Series?