The role of the Justice Council is to provide support, guidance, coordination, and review of ongoing and proposed justice /outreach work in areas of social service, community organizing and activism, partnership with related organizations, charitable and other justice programs sponsored by the UUFC, as well as to coordinate emergent justice-related responses. This work is essential to the UUFC mission of “inspiring action toward a better world for all.”
Justice Council Tasks
The primary tasks for the UUFC Justice Council include:
- Creating a context through which groups doing justice-related work are supported and can sustain themselves;
- Maintaining a communications structure through which we describe the work of UUFC justice-related groups and bring visibility to the engagement of UUFC members in community-based justice work;
- Identifying the appropriate structures, processes, and procedures to support UU and Fellowship justice-related goals, values, and commitments and to exercise the necessary leadership;
- Talking frequently with those doing justice-related work to ensure we are aware of their activities and needs;
- Ensuring that knowledge of all justice-related groups is easily available to members and friends who want to get involved.
Justice teams
The Social Justice community at the UUFC is comprised of a broad range of groups that are engaged in concrete efforts to address the profound issues facing our local community, state, nation and world. The groups listed below are always open to new members and welcome your involvement.
Click any of the links below for a description and contact information.
Climate Action
The Climate Action Team (CAT) engages the Fellowship in greenhouse gas emission mitigation, adaptation, and resiliency building activities associated with climate change. The climate is a central factor affecting the daily bread necessities of human life, such as food, water, shelter, and clothing. It is intersectional with many of the concerns faced today such as homelessness, immigration, weather extremes, land use, energy, and environment. CAT collaborates and consults with other teams within and external to the Fellowship in seeking equitability, especially for those in vulnerable populations.
Contact us at CAT@uucorvallis.org
(back to justice teams and task forces)
Democracy Action

Would you like to support voter access, fair elections, and the democratic process? Join us in taking direct and meaningful action!
While most of the excitement happens as election season nears, there is always plenty to learn and work to be done all year long.
Contact Claire Montgomery or Karen Josephson
(back to justice teams and task forces)
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
We explore issues and responses to racism, oppression, and exclusion. Together, we can continue to expand our knowledge and grow in our ability to fight racism and oppression in all its forms.
Contact Elona Meyer or Bonnie Morihara
(back to justice teams and task forces)
Sexuality and Gender Diversity Team

Our Mission is to facilitate awareness, acceptance, and allyship for, and between, LGBTQIA+ people and the full UUFC community. We do this by hosting the Queerly Beloved meet ups, an intentionally queer space for LGBTQIA+ people and allies to come together and build community. We also host workshops, trainings, and other advocacy efforts in the UU fellowship.
Contact Anya Ballinger
(back to justice teams and task forces)
Mid-Valley Health Care Advocates

We work for universal health care legislatively in Oregon. We educate and energize UUFC members on these topics and work with Mid-Valley Health Care Advocates, Health Care for All Oregon, and Oregon UU Voices for Justice.
Monthly meetings on Zoom the 4th Monday of each month at 7pm
Contact Bobbi Hall or Louise Ferrell
(back to justice teams and task forces)
Immigrant and Refugee Support Team

Living out our principles to affirm the inherent worth and dignity of every person and strive for justice, equity and compassion in human relations, the Immigrant and Refugee Support Team seeks to educate UUFC members about immigrant concerns, and build connections with and support immigrants and groups working with immigrants in our community.
Contact Nancy Kyle
(back to justice teams and task forces)
Justice Theatre
Justice Theatre @ the UUFC is a community theatre venture aimed at staging small-scale productions with pay-what-you-will performances supporting social justice causes. Past beneficiaries have included the ACLU, the Corvallis Cold Weather Mens Shelter, CARDV, and the Mid-Willamette Trans Support Network. Our mission is to create theatre that fosters discussion about the world around us, to make theatre that is completely open and accessible to audience members of any income level, and to use performance to generate donations for good causes.
Contact Rachel Kohler
(back to justice teams and task forces)
Partner Church

We advocate for support of our Partner Church, the Unitarian Church in Körispatak, Transylvania, Romania, and promote international understanding, social justice, and our commitments to our relationships.
Contact Janet Throop
(back to justice teams and task forces)
Secure Housing and Food for All

In support of the inherent worth and dignity of every person, we promote services for people who are unhoused/food insecure with involvement of faith groups, nonprofit organizations, and government agencies.
We inform the UUFC of opportunities to provide supplies/clothing/food and volunteer time with local organizations providing these services.
Monthly meetings in the UUFC Library 3rd Sundays at 11:45am
Contact Roberta Smith
(back to justice teams and task forces)
Social Concerns
We raise funds and awareness for a different organization each month through weekly refreshments during coffee hour, monthly action lunches and collections during Sunday services.
Look for us in the kitchen after services if you would like to help with any of these projects.
Contact Sylvia Yamada
(back to justice teams and task forces)
The Justice Outreach Fund provides grants to justice-related teams and task forces at UUFC. Visit the Justice Outreach Fund page for information about applying for grants or donating to the fund.

The Bob Ozretich Memorial Fund is a scholarship fund for students ages 25 and younger, with preference give to students affiliated with UUFC. Visit the Bob Ozretich Memorial Fund page for information on how to apply or donate to the fund.
Our Mission
Explore. Love. Act.
We gather as an inclusive religious community to search for meaning, build deep connections, and inspire action toward a better world for all.

Quick Links
This Week
Plan Ahead
Book Discussion, 4/14
UUFC Family Camping at Cascadia State Park, 6/19 – 6/22
Sign-Making Party, 3/30
Hands Off Rally, 4/5
Local Resources for Seniors, 4/2
Connect Up: Laughter Yoga – Breathe Deeply and Have Fun, 4/26
Yoga for UUFCers, 4/13
World Religions for UU’s 4/27 – 6/9
UUFC Justice Renewal, 4/5
Elevator Speeches, 4/8