It’s finally happening! The classroom wing is really, truly, actually closing this time. The doors are off most of the rooms, and Brian Egan has transformed the RE office into command central for the construction project. We are a go, people. This is not a drill. I repeat, this is not a drill.
Parents, we ask that you keep a close eye on your children while areas that feel familiar and welcoming to them are no longer safe for entry.
If you’re the parent of preschool or elementary aged kiddos, I encourage you to arrive early on Sunday to help your littles get familiar with the new setup.
~Infants, toddlers, and preschool children will remain in the sanctuary. Additional toys have been added to the gallery, and I and several volunteers are more than happy to walk/distract willing wee ones during the service if you indicate an openness to that variety of support. We’re all in this together! Please communicate your needs!
~Grades K-5 will meet in the back of the social hall, behind the accordion doors.
~Middle and high school students will meet in the library.
Construction can’t keep us down! We have lots of great reasons to gather in the coming months, so pull out your phones and mark your calendars.
1/12 Family Breakfast, 8:45-9:45
1/16 Parent Peer Support Group, 6:30-8PM
1/18 -19 OWL kickoff overnight
2/15-16 Eugene Aromantic Ball and overnight
3/14-16 Coast Retreat
More information for all family events can be found at by clicking “News” in the menu bar and then selecting “RE Council” from the drop down menu. Registration and event details for youth gatherings will arrive in parent inboxes 2-4 weeks prior to the event.
With the Our Whole Lives program (OWL) for middle schoolers returning for the first time since 2019, many Fellowship parents are seriously reflecting on how best to discuss matters of sex, sexuality, body changes, and identity with their kids.
Even if your child is not old enough for the OWL program, we have plenty of resources to offer you!
- Free copies of It’s Perfectly Normal are available to any Fellowship family that requests one by emailing
- A limited supply of smaller resources like the Askable Parent pamphlet will be available in the library.
- Beyond reading materials, now you are able to check out a set of anatomically correct dolls that are complete with pubic hair, working wombs, and more.
We want our parents to feel well supported, not just with peer groups and pastoral care, but with concrete resources that you can access as the need arises. If you have questions about the check out process, or ideas about other supportive resources we should add to our library, email me or find me on a Sunday morning so we can chat.
I cannot remember the last time I ventured into the classroom wing and did not find Wolfgang hard at work hauling, boxing, or building custom storage shelves to fit our exact needs. Talk about love in action! If you see him around, give that man a big thank you!
Once the construction company is done, there will be some finishing touches to make as a community before we can move back in. This means opportunities to bring the whole family to help revitalize our newly secured building. How exciting is it that you’ll have a chance to leave your fingerprints on this piece of Fellowship history? From painting and trim work to unboxing, I’m sure the needs will be great. Please let me or Wolfgang know if you have hidden talents to share, a desire to build new skills, or just a strong back and energy to give. Moving this project across the finish line will surely take the whole village!
As always, if you have any needs or big ideas to share, I’m here for you. Just send an email, text, or carrier pigeon. And if you’re not interested in receiving updates for children and families conveniently in your inbox, say the word and I’ll remove you from our mailing list.
Thanks for being one of the many reasons this community is so fabulous!