Interim Minister Search News

The interim minister search team– Rachel Houtman, Michael Molk, Laurie Reed and Sheryl Stuart– kicked off efforts on February 24, 2025. The team is excited to assemble the materials needed to inform potential candidates for interim ministry of our history, mission, current justice and outreach efforts, challenges, and what we can offer. Our goal is to submit this information through the UUA’s interim search portal on April 10, to give those in search plenty of opportunity to consider joining our shared ministry.

Here are the key dates for the interim minister search:

April 10: UUFC information complete and submitted to the transitional search portal
April 10-May 4: Applicants review our information and decide if they would like to join us
May 4: The UUFC search team receives 2-6 candidate names and begins reviewing applications, interviewing candidates, and ranking them–while the candidates do the same for us.
May 20: Candidate selection announced to the Fellowship
May 20: Contract finalized
August 1: Interim Minister begins work

If for some reason the first try goes awry, a 2nd round is available–but we are being optimistic!