Between Us – 4/14/2024

Last week I mentioned a musician who often reminds their audiences that “This is not entertainment – this is a spiritual practice.” It’s a beautiful ideal for a UU congregation such as the Fellowship. At our best we are a community of practice, aiming at high ideals! So much more than interesting conversation and fun ways to spend time together (although those things are included – they are simply not our highest aims.)

Here are several ways to enter into the practice:

~Plan to be part of the worship review which begins on May 3 (6:30 pm) and May 4 (9 am) to help discover our common needs and goals for worship (in various forms) at the Fellowship

~Make your pledge of financial support to the Fellowship for 2024-25 as soon as possible

~ Join in one of the Town Halls (April 21, May 5, 11:45 AM) to prepare for the Annual Meeting (May 19) to help the discussions we have and the decisions we need to make be caring, thoughtful and well-informed.

In other words – be serious about your part of the life of this congregation. Bring your best intentions and your best self, for the good of the whole!

Also, for those who have asked about the readings in the Easter Sunday service on March 31, here are the references:

~Two articles by Rev. Myke Johnson: “Radical Love” (April 2023) and “Sacred Trees and Resurrection” (July 2019) at

~”Saving Paradise: How Christianity Traded Love of This World for Crucifixion and Empire” by Rebecca Ann Parker and Rita Nakashima Brock, Beacon Press, 2009.
