From The Minister – Annual Meeting Highlights

From your Board of Directors and from me, thank-you to everyone who helped make this year’s May 19 annual meeting a success! Of our 340 Fellowship members this year, 115 attended the Annual Meeting either in person or online, fulfilling the requirement for a quorum of voting members – 85.

Those present and voting affirmed the Board’s management of Fellowship finances, and approved three changes in the UUFC Bylaws: formalizing the Committee on Ministry as part of the bylaws (111 yes, 2 no), removing the language of “Business Manager” and replacing it with “designated staff” (110 yes, 1 no) and adding language to Article 7 on Indemnity, “except in cases of gross negligence or willful misconduct (113 yes).

In a straw poll to discover perspectives of Fellowship members on the proposed changes to the UUA Bylaws, Article 2, which includes changes to the current Principles and Sources, 78 of those present and voting indicated support, and 28 indicated non-support. This information will inform our delegates to the UUA General Assembly in June, where voting on this proposal will take place. The Fellowship does not instruct its delegates on how to vote, but we do provide as much information as possible for each delegate to vote in the best interests of our congregation and of the UUA.

In addition, we thanked outgoing Board members Carl English-Young, Scott Bruslind, and Jema Patterson, and outgoing nominating committee members Ann Marchant, Jed Irvine, Priscilla Galasso and Bonnie Morihara.

By voice vote the following leaders were elected for the 2024-25 year:

Board: Sheryl Stuart – President

Michael Hughes – Treasurer

Priscilla Galasso- Secretary

Bonnie Morihara – Director.

They join continuing directors Mary Craven, Gavin Araki, John Bailey and Jack Elder.

Nominating Committee: Heather Thomas, Kris Egan, Kimi Mayo, Jim Good

Committee on Ministry Chair: Mark Aron

Personnel Committee Chair: Elona Meyer

Financial Oversight Council Chair: Russ Karow

For all the next year will bring us, we are ready and moving forward – thanks to all of you.