From the Minister

On any given day, in the middle of a usual week, especially when we’re frustrated or afraid, or sad or bored, or just tired, it’s easy to think “why bother?” Why take the time and make the space for practice – to pause, to pray, to be present, to give thanks? From ancient times this has been a human dilemma, this tendency to ignore, give up, by-pass or simply lose the needed motivation and discipline. The mind can justify almost anything.

And, every now and then, if we are lucky or paying attention (sometimes both are needed), an opening arises in our lives which offers new ways of seeing and understanding ourselves and the world. Every now and then, we are called by truth to come a little further on our way. Practice is not a guarantee, but there’s no question that it makes opening and insight possible. ‘Who Am I in relation to myself, others and the world?’ is mostly empty rhetoric and speculation without practice.

Wherever you are, pause to breathe in – gently and deep. Exhale as much tension as you can. Exhale sadness. Breathe into your frustration, and tiredness– let them know that you recognize them – exhale gently without judgement. Breathe in to your worries and help them ease as you exhale. For all that is present in you and with you, with your hands together over your heart, offer the prayer of compassion: “May you be free from fear, may you be safe, may you be happy. May you be healthy and whole, may you be at ease and know peace.” Then offer the prayer for others as well.

Amidst everything – the beautiful and the heart-wrenching – breathe the breath of life and give thanks for the journey. Give thanks for your practice and another day given, and begin again, in love.

Sending love to you all – Jill