Daily Practice – A Weekly Reminder

One of the most beautiful things about morning, about waking up, is that the conversation begins anew. What I mean is we can begin a new conversation with life every day. It’s quite easy to wake up and simply continue yesterday’s conversation, tired and worn out though it was when we went to sleep. Why be dragged down by yesterday’s attempts to get everything right (did we?) when we can begin again today in a new way, with a chance to move around what got in our way yesterday?

The point of the conversation remains the same, I think. We are here to learn. We are here to learn to love – which means to live with compassion, respect and justice. Which means to live in harmony with all other life. Which means to outgrow self-centeredness, and fear, which means to recognize our own woundedness and brokenness, which means to feel the life of our bodies and all other bodies, and so much more. Every day is a new beginning, bringing challenges and possibilities. We can begrudge and judge the day, the years, the life we’ve been given – that’s not hard. Or we can accept the gift of being welcomed into each and every day. Once again, a new day is waiting to welcome you. May you feel the breath which is given and, with gratitude, enter in.