The renovation project has had many surprises but Gerding Construction has kept us on schedule. Two important schedule items are coming up soon:
On Tuesday, March 11th there will be a big concrete truck blocking the parking lot entrance from about 11 AM to 2 PM. The parking lot will be accessible only through the exit ramp at that time.
From March 17th through the 30th the new water main line for the sprinkler system will be installed, and it runs right through the parking lot. There will be limited access to the lot during the time but the excavator will fill the ditch with gravel at the end of each workday so there will not be any open trenches during evening and weekends hours. Final paving of the ditch will be announced once the water line is tested and approved by city inspectors. The contractors promise to keep the area as safe as possible during the course of the parking lot work.
The big dumpster should be gone soon and replaced with a smaller unit, opening up parking spaces. Interior framing and demolition work should be completed by the end of March.
Thank you for your patience.
Brian Egan