Services This Month

September 1 – No Sunday Service
September 8 – Joining of the Waters, with Susan Sanford
September 15 – “Ancestors, Descendants and Us” Rev. Jill McAllister
September 22 – “Our Transylvanian Roots” Rev. Jill McAllister
September 29 – “My Unitarianism” Rev. Katalin Szasz-Cserey, Rev. Jill McAllister

Services This Month

August 4 – Wheel of the Year – Lughnasadh / First Harvest

August 11 – “Making the Invisible Visible” EDI team with ARC of Benton County

August 18 – “A Larger View” Rev. Jill McAllister

August 25 – “Can We Be Prepared?” Rev. Jill McAllister

September 2 – No Sunday Service

July Sunday Services

July 7 – Service Canceled due to high temperatures

July 14 – “Imagine Peace” UUFC members / friends and Rev. Monica Jacobson-Tennessen

July 21 – “Housing, Shelter, and Deservedness” Guest Speaker Andrea Myhre

July 28 – Rev. Jennifer Ryu, UU minister in Eugene, OR (Pulpit Exchange with Rev. Jill McAllister)

June Sunday Services

June 2 “River of Life Ceremonies” – DRE Skyla King-Christisen and UUFC Youth

June 9 “The Shared World” – Rev. Jill McAllister

June 16 “Summer Solstice : Considering the Sun” – Rev. Jill McAllister

June 23 “She, They, and Me” – Rev. Jill McAllister

June 30 “Be Careful What You Worship” – Rev. Jill McAllister

Sunday Services This Month

May 5, “Which Way To Turn?” with Rev. Jill McAllister
May 12, “Tending Our Selves” with Guest Speaker UU DRE Jen Shattuck
May 19, “Air, Breath, Music!” UUFC Choir with Rev. Jill McAllister
May 26, “In Memoriam” with Revs. Jill McAllister and Leslie Chartier

Sunday Services in April

April 7 “What Difference Does It Make?” Stewardship Kick-Off Rev. Jill McAllister

April 14 “Our Values: Equity” Rev. Jill McAllister

April 21 “Earth Day” Climate Action Team, and Rev. Jill McA

April 28 “Wheel of the Year Intergenerational Service: Beltane”

Sunday Services in March

March 3 Love and Chaos: Invitations of the Spiritual Life, Rev. Jill McAllister

March 10 “Who Killed Caesar?” We welcome Jacob King back to the Fellowship

March 17 Wheel of the Year: Ostara All Ages Worship Service

March 24 Guest Rev. Rosemary Bray McNatt, President of Starr King School for the Ministry

March 31 Easter Sunday, Rev. Jill McAllister

Sunday Services in February

February 4 – Wheel of the Year: Imbolc (Candlemas) Intergenerational Service

February 11 – Rev. Jill McAllister “The Meeting of Two Giants: A Black History Month Reflection”

February 18 – Rev. Jill McAllister with guest Rev. Darrick Jackson “Shared Ministry as Improv”

February 25 – Rev. Jill McAllister “Still Aiming for Justice?”

Sunday Services in January

January 7 – Rev. Jill McAllister – “To Build This Network of Trust”

January 14– Cancelled Due to Weather and Ice

January 21– Skyla King-Christisen and all – “Intergenerational Friendships”

January 28 – Rev. Jill McAllister – “The Endless Conversation”

December Services

Dec. 3 “In Need of Awe” Rev. Jill McAllister

Dec. 10 “A Season of Generosity” Rev. Jill McAllister

Dec. 17 Wheel of the Year All Ages Service — Yule

Dec. 21 Thursday 7 PM Winter Solstice Vesper Service

Dec. 24 All-ages 10 am Service, with participatory Nativity Play

~Christmas Eve 5:30 PM Candlelight Service

Dec. 31 10 AM Sunday Service, Dec. 31. Any ideas for a New Year’s Eve gathering?