“The Meeting of Two Giants: A Black History Month Reflection” 2/11/2024

They were two men of small physical stature, but Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, and Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh were both giants: religious giants, spiritual giants, moral giants. They met twice – both brief meetings – but the effects of their meetings were and are profound. Between them they gave a depth and breadth to the idea of “Beloved Community” which few since have been able to fully grasp or commit to. What might we learn from the stories of their meeting?

with Jill McAllister

“The Meeting of Two Giants: A Black History Month Reflection”

They were two men of small physical stature, but Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, and Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh were both giants: religious giants, spiritual giants, moral giants. They met twice – both brief meetings – but the effects of their meetings were and are profound. Between them they gave a depth and breadth to the idea of “Beloved Community” which few since have been able to fully grasp or commit to. What might we learn from the stories of their meeting?

with Jill McAllister

“Imbolc” – February 4, 2024, 10 AM

This Sunday we observe and celebrate Imbolc (also known as Candlemas), the point on the Wheel of the Year halfway between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. The first hints of Spring are beginning to show themselves, the light is very slowly returning, and it’s a time to plant the seeds of everything we hope will grow this year and let go of things that no longer serve us! This is a time of year for contemplating mysteries, and speaking about the unspeakable, mysterious, hard-to-describe parts of being alive. All ages join in worship together.

“The Endless Conversation,” 1/28/2024

“The endless conversation” is another way to say “Life”, or “living life”, or “the religious life.” It is a recognition that living is not a problem to be solved or a solution to discover, but an ongoing interchange – biological, physical, emotional, spiritual, and more.  Recognizing the conversational structure of being human can help us nurture an inner core of strength and courage, and create and sustain true community.

with Rev. Jill McAllister

To Build This Network of Trust, 1/7/2024

Our ideals and commitments as religious people call us to live in right relations with ourselves, others and Life.  We know this at some level, yet we still have much to learn about what right relations requires of us, including skills and practices which foster right relations.  If you come for “community” these are the skills and practices that create and sustain it. Let’s begin the new year with renewed intentions. 

with Rev. Jill McAllister

Winter Earth and A New Year Coming, 12/31/2023

Seasons  make a difference in how we live, even if only a little. Winter has its gifts and challenges, and its particular Pacific Northwest offerings. It’s good to appreciate each season in its turn. And since our calendar changes at this time of year, we’ll consider what may be in store for us in the coming year. All ages are welcome at this service which will conclude with multi-generational activities.

with Rev. Jill McAllister

“The Old Story in a New Way” 12/24/2023

Join with Fellowship folks of all ages as we tell the story of Christmas again,  with with many of us acting it out as it’s told. We’ll sing familiar carols, light the Christmas candles, and encourage each other to be peacemakers in all the ways we can. 

5:30 PM Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

A quieter service of anthems and hymns, readings and silence, and lighting our candles into the beautiful darkness, as we deepen and renew our commitments to peacemaking. 

The special offering for Christmas Eve will support One Story At A Time, and their work with displaced persons and refugees at the American border in Mexico. 

Mid-Winter Dreams: A Yule Celebration

All ages join together for this winter celebration of the longest night in story and song, followed by a sing-a-long of beloved songs from “Frozen”, because what better way to celebrate Winter? 

with Rev. Jill McAllister

“A Season of Generosity” 12/10/2023

There are plenty of ads, jingles, mailings, and conversations encouraging us to give at this time of year. But how is the giving of gifts related to generosity of spirit, a generous open heart and open mind, a generous respect for the basic needs of all? Perhaps instead of focusing on giving we should be contemplating deep and broad generosity, beginning with this season.

with Rev. Jill McAllister