Our monthly outreach offerings in March will support the work of the Interfaith Movement for Immigrant Justice, a state-wide collaboration of faith groups, which the Fellowship has partnered with for several years. IMIrJ’s mission is to accompany and equip communities and people of faith in Oregon to advance immigrant justice through the direct accompaniment of immigrants facing detention and deportation, policy advocacy at local, state, and national levels, and purposeful organizing. Through networks of relationships, we create a more just world for immigrants, migrants, and asylum seekers by taking immediate humanitarian action and long-term collective, intentional action.
justice outreach offering
Outreach Offering for February – NAACP
The Corvallis Albany Branch of the NAACP works to ensure the political, educational, social and economic equality rights of all persons and to eliminate race-based discrimination, with a focus on our local Benton and Linn county communities.
Find out more about the work of our Equity, Diversity and Inclusion team, EDI and their collaboration with the NAACP in a display in the foyer this month. Find out more about all of our UUFC Justice Teams on the bulletin board on the north end of the social hall.
Outreach Offering for January
We Care is a local coalition of faith communities, businesses, foundations and other non-profit organizations which provides emergency assistance for Benton County residents. Each week, We Care helps people pay for rent, utilities, and other expenses to prevent evictions and homelessness or the shut-off of water or electricity. The Fellowship has long been a supporting partner.

December Justice Outreach
At least once a year our outreach offerings support Unity Shelter, a local non-profit organization which provides emergency shelter and supported transitional housing, plus wrap-around services, for people who are without safe shelter or housing. Unity Shelter programs include the Corvallis Men’s Shelter, the Hygiene Center, Room at the Inn and SafePlace. The Fellowship helped launch the collaborative project of providing shelters which later became Unity Shelter. Unity Shelter’s mission is to provide safe shelter through community care. The level of need around housing and shelter has not decreased in our community, and support continues to be crucial. Our outreach offering in December will support Unity Shelter.
Justice Outreach Offerings in November – Corvallis Daytime Drop-In Center
Our November Justice Outreach offering will support the Corvallis Daytime Drop-in Center (CDDC). CDDC is a community-based resource hub providing information, referral, and direct services for people experiencing homelessness and poverty in Benton County and beyond.
To learn more about their work, visit the CDDC website.
Donations can be made in person on Sundays, or on the UUFC website, uucorvallis.org/donate
Justice Outreach Offerings for October – Partner Church
Our Justice Outreach Offerings in October will primarily support our Partner Congregation in Bozod Korispatak, Transylvania. For several decades we have given financial support to these partners for scholarships for students, a grant for the minister, and support of care of elderly members of the congregation. We are continuing these forms of support.
On the first Sunday, Oct. 6, our offerings will be sent to the UUA Disaster Fund, for direct aid to congregations in North Carolina and other areas hard-hit by recent flooding.
Sunday Outreach Offerings in August
Our Sunday Outreach Offerings for the month of August will support Jackson Street Youth Services: “Helping Youth 24/7/365.” This local organization offers youth a safe place to live and resources to work through crises and towards a brighter, more stable future. Founded to fill a gap in housing for homeless youth, Jackson Street now serves youth throughout Linn, Benton, and Lincoln Counties. They rely on donations and partnerships in their continued commitment to help end youth homelessness.
AND, until August 9, a special effort is underway to collect school supplies for youth. You can help by donating: Backpacks, Calculators, Flash Drives, Planners (dated and undated), Notebooks, Sketchbooks, Headphones
Outreach Offerings In July
Our Sunday Outreach offerings in July support DRUUMM – Diverse & Revolutionary UU Multicultural Ministries – which is a Unitarian Universalist People of Color Ministry and anti-racist collective bringing lay and religious professionals together to overcome racism through resistance and transform Unitarian Universalism through our multicultural experiences. As an all-volunteer ministry, DRUUMM continues to lead efforts to fulfill the Journey Towards Wholeness Resolution towards becoming an anti-racist, anti-oppressive, multicultural UUA, creating space for youth, young adult and our families of color to heal and work collectively, and steward an effective organization that develops new leadership and manages consistent communication with members. DRUUMM is a collective of people who identify as People of Color. Allies are welcome and organized as Allies for Racial Equity. Together we are open to all people.
At the Fellowship, our Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Justice Team works in partnership with DRUUMM.
Outreach Offerings in June
Our outreach offerings for the month of June will once again support Flaming Chalice International, the non-profit organization founded by Rev. Fulgence Ndagijimana to support both Burundian Unitarian refugees and Unitarians within Burundi. Our contributions help support job training, scholarships, housing and food for refugees, social justice projects focused on women’s health and dignity, and maintaining clean water supplies in remote villages. The Fellowship has been part of this international partnership for more than ten years. Our support makes a difference in lives of many Burundians and in the health and growth of global UUism.

Justice Outreach for April
Our Sunday Outreach Offerings for the month of April will support several organizations our Climate Action Team partners with: the Corvallis Sustainability Coalition, Seeds for the Sol, UU Ministries for Earth, and UU Side with Love. We hope to contribute $250 to each with remaining funds going to UUFC’s own Carbon Reduction and Responsibility Fund. Your support is needed and welcome!