Between Us, 4/7/2024

April is Stewardship Month at the Fellowship, among other good things (like Earth Month and Poetry Month…) This means it’s the time we each consider our role as part of the congregation, as part of the covenant, as part of this living tradition. It’s the time when we make pledges of support – of our time, our talents and our financial resources.

The UUFC is sustained by pledges, which are not the same as contributions. Contributions are always welcome, but the Fellowship depends upon pledges, which are commitments of financial support for our shared work. If you are accustomed to simply contributing, I strongly encourage you to make a meaningful pledge this year. If you have never pledged before, let this be your good beginning!

The beautiful thing about being part of this community is that we support our work together, each according to their means and situations, yet all joining in. All of us. The most important part of the stewardship pledge drive is that all of us participate, together.

Pledging can be a spiritual practice – an activity we choose to engage in which over time helps us grow in wisdom, compassion and love. To pledge and regularly pay that pledge calls one toward greater generosity.

Each Sunday we say together these words: “From the countless gifts we each have been given, gifts of life, and love, and sustenance, we bring these small portions to share in the works of love, which none of us can accomplish alone.” Our pledges are much the same: we each bring our portions, and together we share in the great works of love which the UUFC can accomplish. As a congregation and a community we can do more together than we can individually.

Making a pledge of support for the Fellowship has never been more important, so take some time during the next week to thoughtfully consider your pledge, and then make a pledge that signifies how and why the UUFC is important, to you and to the world. Make a pledge that you can feel good about, because you know you are making a commitment to your highest values. Make a pledge which makes a difference.

We know that the world needs us, and we know that we need each other in this work. Together we can accomplish so much more than any of us can accomplish alone. Thank-you for joining this year’s stewardship pledge drive.