Between Us

May is the month for our Fellowship Annual Meeting (May 19). Planning for the meeting, and the participation of many of us which even this small democracy requires, has been underway for several months. Not everyone quite gets this juxtaposition between the religious life of the congregation (and our own religious lives) and the necessity of participation in sustaining it. I suppose it is an acquired taste, and at the very least it takes practice. All of the team, council and board meetings about the budget, the bylaws, the goals and plans, evaluation of current work, all of the challenges and struggles and learning about new ways to communicate and interact – ALL of this is how we sustain this local and unique democracy. It may seem quite boring to some, even passe, yet in these days there is nothing more important.

The extent to which our national democracy is in danger and to which all of our highest values are at stake (even more than in 2016) cannot be overstated.
It is nearly unbelievable how precarious the system is right now. It could very well be that the collective mindset of those who believe that something different is needed – authoritarianism at the very least – is so deep and wide that it is like a tsunami wave building. Certainly there is a wave. Anything and everything we do, here and in the wider circles of community, to practice and sustain democratic structures, makes a difference.

Many of you know more than I do, and have much more articulate political opinions. I am no political pundit. Nevertheless I am convinced that given the possibilities we need to begin now to plan for how we will organize our congregational life to take care of each other, and others who will be at even more risk, should the worst-case scenario come to pass. If this is something you can help with, please let me know. And for all you are already doing to help sustain democratic ideals – thank-you!
