Influence Project

The UUFC Climate Action Team’s (CAT) goals for 2023-24 include: Encourage, support, and provide opportunities for members and friends to engage in solutions-focused climate action.  CAT classifies solutions-focussed climate action in two broad domains: 

  1. Reducing and taking responsibility for personal emissions
  2. Influencing: 
  • National, state, and local legislation and policy
  • Corporate action

Action in both domains is essential to (a) mitigate climate change, (b) adapt and build resilience, and (c) and secure justice for those most impacted but  least responsible for climate change.  CAT suggests there is positive feedback between the two.  Working to reduce emissions increases the likelihood of working to influence legislation, policy, and corporations.  And vice versa.  

Each week, we respond to three, occasionally four, curated weekly actions to influence legislation, policy, and/or corporations.  This includes signing petitions, sending letters, and, occasionally, making phone calls.  The actions support the work of climate-action groups with the highest reputations.  These  weekly actions take about 5 minutes to complete.

The action opportunities are included in the Faith-based Climate Action posting in the Weekly Announcements and on the UUFC website.   Also, participants  can sign up to receive the weekly action opportunities via the once-per-week, Saturday email CATweek.

You are invited and encouraged to sign up here 

to participate in the Influence Project.
